Monday, January 17, 2011

GHQ Serious Problems

Srila Prabhupada explained difference between Bhakti Yoga (Krishna consciousness) and other yoga's. Other yoga's are likened to a tinkers hammer, used upon gold it hits with a "tink tink." Bhakti Yoga is likened to a huge hammer in one big "pow" metal is reformed, our karma released, God worshipped.

To some extent this post to be as that, because it gets nauseating to continously speak on GHQ, but for sake of truthful protection for women and chldren, it must be done.

Principally, to clear Prabhuada's name which GHQ misuses, causing many to loose interest in joining with the Iskcon. Hopefully enough will be said now to make clear it as time to give the a "smack down" to woman abusers who blame their woman abouse on Srila Prabhupada and Veda.

Start with GHQ's endless concept all women as *hores that ruin society unless those women agree to lay beneath them in a polygamous relationship. Apparently society will fall apart unless we give our daughters to them, or ourselves.

Somehow ended up reading many editorals on them, it appears regardless how many times women tell ghq that females are not living lifestyle of *hores, GHQ ignores, basing it on quotes from Prabhupada. Therefore they insist it has to be true. Thus we now follow in their footsteps. GHQ needs reminding Srila Prabhupada also warned of male sexual propensities such as v -licking. Too disturbing? Then why it's all right they call women *hores and prostitutes? This be a two-way street. Furthermore, we found this in a quote purport of Bhagavatam, where Srila Prabhupada warns of this male desire.

Untrue? GHQ not doing this? We don't believe you, because it says so in scripture, just as you dont believe women are not *hores based on your selective scriptural quoting. Since that must be true always and we must be *whores unless we surrender to being under your thumb, so too GHQ must be engaging in this disgusting activity, because it says so, and its a male natural propensity. So proud of their claims of superior body, then don't leave that out.

Actually women do not believe all men engage in this act, or that all ghq engage in it either. (Although some might considering their belief of rape, child marriage, can do "whatever" they want, makes it a risk).

"One should never think that his mind is trained and that he can do whatever he likes." Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya 11.10

Unlike ghq, women do not beleive to be going against Srila Prabhupada when we recognize it is not a common activity of all men. That's because Iskcon woman are more intelligent than polygamist GHQ men whose sex desire has drained away ability to discern. Misogynists refuse to hear higher philosophy on women, they quote (misquote) Prabhupada to jusitify their transgressions, call female devotee of God *hores who disagree with their sexual escapades, or their spiritual domination. Therefore ghq has lost brain substance and can not understand His Divine Grace properly.

Reading determined that many women took time to patiently explain to ghq differences between a real *hore and spirtual women, to no avail. Consequently devotee women tire to be called *hores & now have the right to call such men ... that above name.... whenver we wish. Since they assume we can't get off the bodily platform to behave in spiritual manner, we shall follow their example and proclaim the same fate unto them.

Next, GHQ disrespects motherhood, sneakily. While appearing supporitve, they hide a conglamoration of problems. Finding women as not good for much except raising children (and sex), cleaning house (and sex), feeding him (and sex), basically limited to sudra. This is strongly suggestive to children their mother is not to be respected, thus children gradually realize they too are not worthy of respect.

GHQ's truthful puporse to appear supporitve of motherhood has less ado with mothering and more of 'keeping her down.' If she does anything else & they dislike it, they can take the wind out of her sails by calling her a bad mother.

Their preachings "What will happen to children if woman gets job, does book distribution?!" Reality, it's seldom been the problem, whereas children suffered more when fathers have been selifhishly absorbed in his life and not protecting them, not making sure of qualified babysitter for mommy to go out on sankirtana, to the office, brining money into the family or preaching. Money he will gladly take while criticizing it.

GHQ on motherhoood is not refering how woman trains children (ghq likely control that as all else they demand to control). More speaking to physical care like changing diapers or wiping noses. Woman by nature are good at motherhood, fathers more often have to put effort into fatherhood. (The sincere ones do the work, the rascals try to opt-out.)We think ghq wants woman to take up his slack so he can keep all family members home under his extra controlling thumb, then when he feels relief that all are under his superior control, he can relax and have free time to flirt with more women.

When wife gets old, fat, looses her material beauty, does GHQ man use that as another excuse to look for new wife? This wife no longer as pleasant to look upon, so nice guy he thinks he be, he won't throw her to out and divorce her, but will keep paying her rent, food, etc, only he now has right to get new pretty wife?

This is 100% materialistic viewpoint. Indisputably he should take care of her the rest of life, but that is not gift, it is simply moral, and karmic if they don't. Purpose of mariage in Krishna consciousness is to increase spiritually, assist each other for service to Krishna. Not when wife is old and ugly, husband with money or power or popularity, shops for new women of sense pleasures. Husband is probably old and ugly too.

"Don’t be happy because you have got by karma a comfortable body. No body is comfortable. It is temporary, even it is comfortable. Even if you have got a very nice body, American body or European body, it may appear to be very nice, better than the Indian body—but that is not permanent. You’ll have to change it. That is spiritual consciousness." Srila Prabhupada Arrival Address, Vrndavana India, September 3, 1976

Wrinkly wife means the clock has ticked to the time for renounciaiton increase, time to push self forward and advance spiritual, giving up material pleasures. Starts with sexual renounciation, as Prabhupada explained the strongest pulling force to keep us in the world birth after birth, is sex desire.

GHQ polygamists are more truthfully unfaithful men who want to cheat on their wife and name it religious. Its time to stop calling it Vedic among less than pure devotees, and recognize for most in kali yug this is a disease. There are four orders to life, marriage is not the last varna, but one phase only. Initiated man is not to continously marry over and over, many women into his old age, thus increase entanglements. When wife is overweight, often from bearing ghq mans babies, putting up with his stressful abuse (stress elevates cortizol levels, this increases weight), or eating his bad sugary oily salt diet of sense gratification, or his fanatical health diet where she is chastized for mistakes, after surrendering to him, weight and health problems develop in her. Recognize this is not time to look for thin wife, it's time to use old age as signal to move forward to deeper spiritual advancement.

GHQ proudly proclaim marriage to 11, 12 year old girl to 60 year old man as bona fide. Does any reader honestly think they will not have sex with that pure young girl they've always secretly hankered after? While those who are normal see only a child, misognynists see 'wife.' Hiding behind preachings of protection to her, some might claim they wont have sex until she's of age. That is very high risk for us to also believe in, based on merely trusting such a man to do so, ignoring the power of physical hormones in his body. Blind trust puts such young girls at sexual risk. Any misogynist who marries anyone of any age, sees that partner as potential
sex partner.

How long such men may wait for sexual indulgence with child bride? 1 week? 1 month? 1 year? One year is not long enough because she's child to start, still growing. Risk be high that most GHQ or misogynists WILL rape.They also may not consider rape a big offense, at first possibly use word jugglery and refute it not be rape, than may try to claim "she wanted it." However, child can not make anything consentual for good reason, they're a child! Therefore it's rape. Men who support rape of wife usually do not view it as serious thing, not even to young wife! (What has happened to his priestly celibacy?)

"Therefore, our duty is to dovetail our acts with Krsna's desire, not to manufacture an action and then declare: "I am doing this action in Krsna consciousness." We have to be very careful to ascertain whether Krsna actually wants it. Such authorized knowledge is instructed by the representative of Krsna. In our prayers of praise to the spiritual master we are singing daily, "If the spiritual master is satisfied, then God will be satisfied. And if one dissatisfies his spiritual master, then there is no way for him to please God." Science of Self Realization, ch8

Will GBC put heads in sand like they did with Gukula sexual abuse? Before it was teacher, now it be husband? (Clue: 11 year old can't realitistically have a husband in this yuga!) New devotee iskcon family man with sweet daughter will be less likely to stay if they hear iskcon has not "fully" denouced GHQ.

Next, ghq holds requirement of unconditional submission to man as guru of wife, otherwise she's stupid & can't properly understand scripture or use self control. He insists to take charge of it all. Srila Prabhupada does not give such instructions. GHQ twist what he gives, immitating ancient scriptural saints. Prabhupada did not say like this to kali yug devotees. Women are capable of understanding his books, his instructions.

Shyness is a quality GHQ insists woman must have, quoting shastra, and criticizing devotee women of this day for being bold (or strong). Without a doubt there are quotes in shastra instructing shyness of woman, yet we see an interseting example from Prabhupada. Read of when he first arrived in the west, did not know much of the culture, & asked if women were allowed to dirve cars. When he was told they were, he was surprised. He did not reply that since it is too much power for a woman to have or too bold or not Vedic, therefore it will not be allowed in Iskcon. Quite the opposite. He instructed that woman go out in cars or vans together on book distribution, somtimes even spending nights away. GHQ wants to make shyness more important than transcendental distribution of Prabhupada's books & pushing forward the Hare Krishna Movement. They're common strategy is to keep woman on the defense in general, to control her thus not have to explain his words or actions. Here we will not cooperate with such maya nonsense, but point that they are holding their wives back from helping push forward Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana Movement.

Next, Prabhupada included avoidance of "subtle" sex for the initiated disciple. Even "thinking of" the opposite gender is maya. To think of future marriage with young girl, to want to control and manipulate women, to desire more than one wife even if it never manifests, is subtle sex life.

The rare brahmacari or renounced who may also be ghq member, want other men to control women, often because he doesn't want to control himself, doesn't know how to properly humbly & not aggitatedly behave in the presense of women, thus wanting someone else to keep her controlled is all about him, not protection of women. All be levels of subtle sex life. Surely they should not intermingle, but if overly agitated than go to the forest, a comment Prabhupada made. Better they should become fixed up, which can only begain if they admit when a problem is theirs.

Maybe readers can see why in other blogs here, connections were shown between the desire to control, and sex. The desire to manipulate and sex. The desire for ownership and sex. The desire for power over, and sex. Sex is one of the most poweful forces, even the subtle level is not so subtle.

Is it normal? In certain cases. Nevertheless, its not normal for the initiated priest, monk, whatever you want to call them, to hold attachment. Disciple must either give up material worldliness, or give up being a priest. Means let go of woman issues or let go of initation as priest. They won't, attempting to have both. Illusion, as they can't attain that either. What they achieve is increasing everyone's pain connected to them, including their guru. Although guru may be merciful and continue to accept them as disciple anyway, this is not excuse for disciple to maintain lusty desires.

Even the rare brahmacari or renounced member, he hates woman too, because he feels lust or some type of inadequacy around her. Time to strengthen himself. They need to become honest about the root of their problems to cleanse their hearts, disconnect from such impure desires, control the mind, or respect and follow with honesty, unchanging the philosophy to suit themselves.

Is this not a lazy devotee who rejects undergoing purification, prefering to twist scripture and claim to be right, when wrong?! Maya is powerful.

Initially surpising some GHQ may follow strictly the 4 reglative principles. Therefore aren't they free of this misuse of sex and power? Considering they believe in abuse by another name, no. In too many cases abusive men are sexually frustrated men. In his mind he is thinking contradictory thought (sometimes violence and sex), therefore inwardly he is not keeping the 4 regulative principles. These principles must be followed, no one should use this as excuse to break, just time to mature and get honest about what is true source of his agitation.

Sucess to overcome these problems usually is blessed on those who face his anarthas, increase personal austerity, and spirutal activity. It does not come lording it over woman, directly or indirectly, because this is evidence he is full of lust or desire to control, and he can't really. No one can really control another, the other will just find different ways to get what they want. There is only self conotrol.

Brahmacari misogynists ghq desiring to keep his vows, also desires sex and power over women, that is why he supports polygamy of other men. That they will do it on any level, since he cant. Such men, both brahmacari and householder misogynists, view self as advanced and all should be like them. No thank you. Honest self evaluation, and not reading only that which pleases their senses and mind in scripture, is more attractive to most. Look at the whole picture or stop pretense of being an advanced superior devotee.

Next be the way minds of GHQ think and function be
unlike most others. Example, in some of their letter exchanges they blame women for husbands who cheat on her. Their basis: She is not agreeing to co-wife idea, therefore husband was forced to cheat since he could not bring his mistress home and make her a wife. Insane. Too often they twist things up. Never taking responsibility for lust, rather to fault of woman that she refuses to live misserable lifestyle to save him. With such stinking thinking, what kind of preist are they.

Surprisingly, even with this lustful angry mind, he still thinks himself guru-pati. Therefore if he hits wife, or verbally insults her seriously, he portrays it all Gods will. Again taking no responsibility for his actions, or his desires.

Females who
reject GHQ man of his flirtous glances, or know he has a wife so she ignores his advances, is next blamed for his lust, that she was flirting with him. Realisticially, she was just normal as she always is, he simply thinks everyone is flirting with him. She is also the cause of immorality in society because she won't surrender to polygamy. He never admits he has a problem with lust, greed, egotism. Its everyone elses fault who disagree with him. He thinks he be Vedic and you (the sensible one) are in maya. Reality be, he is fallen, and most who think different from him are more honest, sensible, and realistic.

GHQ condemen men who refuse to support them in their lust for power. Although men get more padding, or are criticized secondly, the ghq has sneakily stated in emails, they will filthy any man's reputation who goes against them. Iskcon's GBC only disagree? Are they afraid of the GHQ?

Although impossible to summarize, since they're continually swaying & story-telling, often misusing Veda to do so, here is an ATTEMPT AT SUMMARY of GHQ:

* Have now found many places with offensive comments about women by GHQ. Mentioning only some: she's stupid, are *hores, never take woman seriously, women are just to play with, women are like toilets (referencing sexual release). According to Bhagavad gita, sex life is religious when practiced within religious principles. It must be they who are not practicing it in religious principles if this is their sad understanding how to be with spiritual women.

* GHQ openly and proudly admitted to bigotry against Afro-Americans and Latinos Vaisnava's of the Lord (male or female irrelevant). Whereas Prabhupada gave them initiation just like he did anyone, treated them as he did any other devotee, saw them as he did any other devotee, and loved them as part of his divine family.

* the GHQ man does not wake in the morning telling self "how may I become more humble today? How may I serve more?" No, he thinks differently: "My castle, my woman, I'm king, you do what I want of you unconditionally. I'm alays right, wife always wrong."

* GHQ believe more importance to get underaged girl "married off," then to educate females. Their emails exchanges revealed they believe a girls schooling to be of little importance. Whereas boys should have much education.

* A minority of the GHQ members might mechanically follow even in temples. Don't be fooled, they still believe woman must be kept under thumb of GHQ, they also having woman problems. Some chant 16 rounds, follow 4 regulative principles, attend morning & evening program, but hold tightly a bitterness toward women, likely resultant from past bad experiences. In kali yuga many have problems understanding the opposite sex. Difference worth noting is when no one acceptes responsibility for his contribution to the problem, especially when it happens repeadedly. Finally they give up and (instead of getting professional help) just want to lay down the law, bully women so they won't have to deal with women. Such men if also ghq member, though the minority chanting and following in some ways, not be following in admitting personal faults, not be following when rejects lifting false ego, and continues daily thinking they are always right. Them we almost feel sorry, except for the potential narcisism lurking in them, or emotional problems they insist they don't have, while maintaining cruel, bitter thoughts about women.

* GHQ stated endlessly, they are superior birthed. Whereas Krishna consciousoness is not of birth, Hindu caste system is of birth. (Most of them are western non-Indian birth, since birth level so imporant to them, we suggest they instead compare their mlecha birth to those born in Holy Lands.)

*Once asked to show a miracle Srila Prabhupada replied he could walk into a room filled with naked women and not be the least bit agitated. That is a symptom of a pure devotee. Can you reader do it? Temple president can you? GBC, how about you?
Lets be realistic: no. How can ghq practice polygamy and be the superior devotee? The guru-pati? The higher birth? GHQ's brain cells are clogged with high levels of hormones, thus giving them spiritual blindness. Anyone who thinks ghq can have more than one wife, and virgin girl cowives walking about their home, and he still be good following initiated devotee, may be a lusty misogynist themselves.

* Egotistical likely to the point of no return, because of living long time in controlled environment where everyone must agree with them. Therefore becomes clearer why man should take to the next varna and ashrama of life after age 50. Their wives can't cleanse his heart and mind, only their godbrothers have a chance to help.

* Prabhupada explains Mother Bhumi standing on her last leg of religiousity which be honestly. GHQ are dishonest to a fault, and manipulative. Evidence has been revealed by women they tried to trick. Further evidence of GHQ's untruthfulness has been revealed in many of their very own email exchanges. They started an underhanded plot to overthrow ISKCON, collectively made organized group plans to hurt anyone who got in their way including men, they hanker deeply to control women, justify sneakiness with self-rightness, etc.

*GHQ are SAHIJYA'S. Often quoting Sita Rama and forest excrusion, or pastimes of the pure devotee Caiva Muni, GHQ think they and their wives, without a doubt, can copy the lifestyle of the pure souls in Srimad Bhagavatam. This while all know realistically, they're breaking the regulative principles or making excuses around them, with little control over their mind, lashings out, hihgly manipulation, are driven to go after sex and Power.

* The GHQ do not surrender to Srila Prabhupada, they look hard for excuses round where they disagree with him, they search out reasons they prefer as to why Prabhupada did something or let women do something. In the face of no evidnce of Prabhupada wanting anything different, they continue to make excuses, never surrendering they be wrong, or admit they have a problem with women & control. Some women I read, say they suspect in addition to ghq's inability to have a healthy reliationship with female, is that ghq are also envious over women, the service Prabhuapda let them do, which is also why they abuse them.

* GHQ follow something DIFFERENT from Prabhupada. Anyone doubting this, ask when last time ghq sent their daughter on HariNama with temple devotees? Whens last time ghq man went on sankirtana? Last time they preached that which wasn't of women but verses of Krishna?

* GHQ are filled with members who have problems with woman, sex, power, and their minds. Making huge offense against Srila Prabhupada misusing his words in attempts to repair their personal problems. If I were to agree with them women should be more submissive etc, there'd still be no agreement to ruin Prabhupada's good name in order to repair their life, or make it go the way they think it should. ( I don't agree with them.) They are so messed-up they're unable to understand Prabhupada correctly. Its extremely selfish to please their mind, genitals, and psychological problems about woman, using Prabhupada quotes for blame of their bad behavior and crocked beliefs. They need to stop this selifhsness, stop this ghq group. Unlikely.

* GHQ preach extensively about woman PROTECTION but they "can not give" woman protection. The reason is because they are misogynists. A misogynist has psychological or criminal or addictive, or other problems, therefore can not protect women - its impossible. GHQ say things like, we women are against woman protection thus ruining society. Inaccurate. We are not against woman protection, we are against LIARS, against the UNQUALIFIED, & those who make false claims. In case this wasn't fully absorbed the first time, here is that mantra again:

"Misognyists can not give woman protection - it is impossible."

How can a woman hater be a woman protector? They can't.

* GHQ have no problem lying to you, reader, or to put anyone thru the emotinal roller coaster, because they are always right; if you disagree its always
because you are just too low birthed, too stupid & incapble to understand, therefore they must trick you into understanding. Truth be told, you may not understand them, as you dont understand marriage to 11 year old girl, you don't understand beatings as holy, we don't understand because those attracted to such activity are unusually egocentric, crazy, lazy, addicted, or criminal minded. Whereas reader you are sane and sane persons can not understand the crazy, cruel, or selfish. What to speak of, addiction.

Hopefully this be close to the endings of my bloggings about the offenders GHQ. Much has been complied in this post, & others available around here, for the sincere to read and learn how to avoid their poision. Now if any joins them, next when your life becomes filled with suffering (men included), only a matter of time, not to come crying.

Shall temple authorities still continue to 'only disagree,' instead of find disguest with GHQ, this also has been given warnings that good families, and sane educated people, will run the opposite way. Therefore, no one to blame but yourselves, temple authorties Sir.

When underaged girls become co-wives sexually molested by old men,

when boys be taught to sew their wild oats in many future wives
--instead of sense controlled & truthful gentleman,
when sweet women be taken advantage of due to her sweetness,
and slavery to be practiced like in the west,
When blacks & latino's are as automatic low birthed,
When devious plot to overthrow an entire movement despite whose reputation they'll destroy,
you now know they are not the association to keep,
you now know they're not following Prabhupada & not repeating his pure teachings,
--but twistings, which is what they do.

Now knowing better then to join GHQ, be consciously aware. I be sick of writing of them, but fear no one is taking it seriously enough. Here is compiled plenty. Those too lazy to read it, or too curious then join, or like temptation pretending it can be spiritual, no one can save you from the suffering sure to follow. However here is this post and others, filled with knowledge. Use it with intelligence, the responsibility now on your shoulders.

To the sincere: don't give up, just take shelter of Srila Prabhupada's superior philosophy. The rest will fall into place, will make sense, in a rational sensible way.

To GHQ: get professional help before you'e arrested, harmed by the father or Uncle of a young girl, or that co-wifes get together and take a type of revenge beyound your control.

To GBC: Do something before you loose whats left of your power. More laugh at you as fools because you are out of touch with the life of the ordinary devotee. Part of that is, GHQ are not good Vedic men, they are lusty men, cheaters, twisters of scriptures, and historically in this age of our Movement it has not been been women *hores doing massive falldowns, its been men. If you won't get strong to protect iskcon society from these pimps - next women, and families, may move away.

Readers, shall you be currently practicing a particular faith, I highly recommend you make every attempt to separate the above problems from the spiritual aspect, from the addiction, and then recognize the recovery needed too. My purpose is not to undermine the benefits of religious practice. Indeed, I believe that religion serves a tremendous purpose in our society
when practiced in a truthful spiritual sense.

Srila Prabhupada never treated woman as misogynists preach, therefore they should take humble position admitting they do not understand him. Give up their abuse which they next blame on His Divine Grace. Bogus.

To overall misogynists who deem their material position is protective of woman, that their sex within polygamy or one wife but not restricted to trying to beget children with 50 rounds, thinking ithis all be protective and spiritual:

"Prabhupada: Madana-mohana, Madana-mohana. Madana means sex attraction. Madana, sex attraction, Cupid, and Krsna is called Madana-mohana. One can, I mean, neglect even sex attraction if one is attracted to Krsna. That is the test. Madana (is) attracting in this material world. Everyone is attracted by sex life. The whole material world is existing on sex life. This is the fact. Yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-suhkham hi tuccham. Here, the happiness, the so-called happiness is maithuna, maithunadi. Maithunadi means here happiness begins from maithuna, sex intercourse. Generally, people..., a man marries. The purpose is to satisfy sex desire. Then he begets children. Then again, when the children are grown up, they, the daughter is married with another boy and the boy is married with another daughter, another girl. That is also the same purpose: sex. Then again, grandchildren. In this way, this material happiness -- sriyaisvarya-prajepsavah. The other day we discussed. Sri means beauty, aisvarya means wealth, and praja means generation. So generally, people, they like it -- good family, good bank balance and good wife, good daughter, daughter-in-law. If one family is consisting of beautiful women and
riches and grea..., many children, he is supposed to be successful. He's supposed to be most successful man. So sastra says, "What is this success? This success is beginning with sex intercourse. That's all. And maintaining them." So yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham [SB 7.9.45]. Here the happiness begins from sex life, maithunadi. We may polish it in a different way, but this maithuna, sex life happiness, is there in the hogs. The hogs also, they are eating whole day, here and there: "Where is stool? Where is stool?" and having sex life without any discrimination. The hogs do not discriminate whether mother, sister or daughter. So therefore sastra says, "Here, this material world, we are entangled, we are encaged in this material world only for this sex life." That is Cupid. Cupid is the god of sex life, Madana. Unless one is, what is called, induced by Madana, the Cupid, he cannot be, I mean to say, engladdened in sex life. And Krsna's name is Madana-mohana. Madana-mohana means that one who is attracted to Krsna, he'll forget the pleasure derived from sex life. This is the test. Therefore His name is Madana-mohana. Here is Madana-mohana. Sanatana Gosvami worshiped Madana-mohana. Madana or
Madana. Madana means to become mad. And Madana, the Cupid." -NOD28
72/11/01 Vrndavana, Vrndavana, November 11, 1972