Forwarding it to a list of her godsisters which included me, I read only 1 or 2 paragraphs, immediately recognized it as GHQ propaganda. To double check I scrolled, changed topic, read more. Than was convinced it had to be ghq! Next looked for the authors name. Without a doubt, he is a member.
Although this was a link titled how to get "trained as a brahmacarini (priest)" that title was a LIE. It was a link how to get trained up to serve man - or you will go to hell, become a whore, if you don’t. Thus more GHQ polygamist deceit and trickery. An honest discussion they can not have, because they will be conquered.
Founder of GHQ fought with his own guru. Regularly. Fiercely. They'd actually break up. After time passed, he again would try to return to his guru, eventually to have another fight and disassociate. Then make up again, continuous went this cycle. If he can't even get along with his guru who he himself picked, does anyone believe he's going to get along with the many wives he desires, who he himself shall also pick? Other members can hardly be much different.
GHQ have gone out of their way to try to close all brahmacarini ashrams in every temple, even though this is fully against instructions of Srila Prabhupada!
Certain other topics discussed on this blog may have some appealingly contradictions or confusion (because Prabhupada expected initiates to actually become the pure devotees they vowed to become, but later he had to change instructions since they were not following to achieve that goal). However with Brahmacarini Ashramas, there is not one letter of such instructions to be found anywhere that Prabhupada wanted them closed. None. This is merely another GHQ twisting of Prabhupada's philosophy so they can exploit those in his Movement for their pleasures, which includes power.
SP letter to Satsvarupa Montreal, 8 August, 1968:
"That the Brahmacarini ashram is a good success is very good news. But the best thing will be if the grown-up Brahmacarinis get married. According to Vedic culture, woman is never to remain independent. I shall be glad if the Brahmacarinis can have nice husbands, and live as Grhasthas. But if they cannot find out GOOD husbands, it is BETTER to remain a Brahmacarini all the life, even though it is little difficult."
Hidden reasons GHQ want to shut down Brahmacarini Ashramas:
* GHQ desire sex with all those women living in the ashrama. Like candy just out of reach, they simply can't get at that candy, speculating if they closed down the asrhamas, then they could. No, even in the dearth of ashrams, spiritual women don't want these fallen men.
SPL, Melbourne, 10 February, 1973:
"First let us understand that polygamy cannot be permitted in our society. Legally it is impossible and neither are there many of our devotees who are prepared to assume the responsibility for many wives. Therefore as I have suggested previously as they do in Christian religion they have so many convent where the women stay and they receive protection."
GHQ might look at that in reverse. They tend to twist everything into reverse, if it serves them. Might say its evidence of Brahmacarini Ashrams are blocking polygamy & their desire to change the entire iskcon society, therefore want to close Brahamcarini Ashramas. However, that is going against Srila Prabhupada's instructions above, and elsewhere. They should stop reading in reverse, and surrender to the way things are all ready established by Srila Prabhupada.
Higher Instruction: "Matrvat para-daresu. To see every woman except his wife as mother.This is education. This is education, perfection of education, whenyou can see all women except your wife as mother." SP Lecture onBhagavad-gita. London, 21 July 1973
* Should woman not desire GHQ man, he does not take rejection well. Therefore is fine with him that she is not otherwise facilitated to become a devotee. (Opposite of Prabhupada's preaching mood, & his mood to make temples available for everyone.) Only if she marries ghq man as one of his co-wives, will he educate her about Krishna. By closing Brahmacarini Ashrams he hopes women will approach him as GURU.
Srila Prabhupada, June 18, 76, Toronto Interview w/ Prof's O'Connell, Motilal & Shivaram:
"In our material world, is it any prohibition that woman cannot become professor? If she is qualified, she can become professor. What is the wrong there? She must be qualified. That is the position. So similarly, if the woman understands Krsna consciousness perfectly, she can become guru."
Srila Prabhupada letter, 1969:
"yes woman can certainly reach the perfectional stage of devotion to Krishna."
* The few genuine renounced in GHQ are nonetheless woman haters. They want to see no women around when they attend temple. Some may live there (while not disclosing to be GHQ member.) They become angry or agitated to see women interacting there, socializing, laughing, even getting extremely serious about spiritual life. (Incidentally, women can laugh and still be very serious spiritually.) Such men often want those women gone! Closing Brahmacarini Ashrama would solve that problem for them. However, what did Prabhupada say? That if they do not even want to see the presence of women or else they become agitated, "then they should go to China or the forest."
Srimad Bhagavatam 6. 18. 41 Purport:
"Sometimes our Krishna Consciousness movement is criticized for mingling of men and women, but Krishna Consciousness is meant for everyone. ..... We therefore request all the members of the Krishna Consciousness -- both men and women -- not be attracted by bodily features but ONLY BE ATTRACTED TO KRISHNA. Then everything will be all right. Otherwise there will be danger."
* Reality! GHQ's envious that women can strictly follow rules & regs of celibacy when they can't (won't). Their promotion of woman as 9 times lustier (therefore should be with them), backfires when she has less trouble with celibacy compared to him. Makes it look achievable for any who try. That makes him look like he's not putting in the effort - because he's not! When Brahmacarini Ashrams are left open, his lack of celibacy reek in an obvious fashion. Difficult to hide 'unless' ashrams get closed. (Personally in this age I find women in the movement less lusty then men, but since GHQ are fanatics about everything they quote, we shall do the same back to them. Therefore if women can be celibate, why can't they?)
Srimad Bhagavatam 4. 26. 4 Purport:
"Those whose senses are very much uncontrolled especially try to hunt for many women."
Caitanya- caritamrta, Antya-lila 3.140-142
"The prostitute shaved her head clean in accordance with Vaisnava principles and stayed in that room wearing only one cloth. Following in the footsteps of her spiritual master, she began chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra 300,000 times a day. She chanted throughout the entire day and night. She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her spiritual master. Instead of eating regularly, she chewed whatever food she received as alms, and if nothing was supplied she would fast. Thus by eating frugally, and fasting she conquered her senses, and as soon as her senses were controlled, symptoms of love of Godhead appeared in her person. Thus the prostitute became a celebrated devotee. She became very advanced in spiritual life, and many stalwart Vaisnavas would come to see her."
* GHQ opposition to Brahmacarini Ashramas & posting instead to train women as servants of men, they do for many reasons. However, Prabhupada did not opened these ashramas to teach women serve to man, he opened them to teach women service to Krishna. GHQ are envious of that. Then they try to make excuse since early day women were new with no Vedic training therefore brahmacarini ashrama was made for this temporary emergency. However, no where does Prabhupada say all this. The West is the West and GHQ are trying to get us do as India. Some in India practice correctly, but many practice caste system Hinduism. Extremely similar to GHQ desires.
Then they speak of "protection" but who is stopping them? A true protector doesn't need to complain around the net, they just do it. No, this is usually a 'code word' with a contradictory hidden meaning, misused to belittle, control, and terrorize women. Honest protection simply means if someone is at risk, you block the risk or run to the rescue, not blame the victim, & not glorify yourself as superior. Brahmacarini Ashrams will always be a necessity for that reason, & with most GHQ or nonGHQ misogynists themselves of western birth with backgrounds to bully women as normal, they have extreme difficulty giving Vaisnava form of protection.
Next they turn to extreme quotes from the books, often taken out of context or not applicable in this age, about women, marriage, living only with husband for protection. Their hypocrisy is, they do not meet up to what they read about men in scripture themselves.
They also can not find instructions to close Brahmacarini Ashrams & live in those ways in any letters Prabhupada wrote to married disciples, as he often gave instructions by letter. Then no official letters on letterhead of such a change to temple presidents either. Many GHQ have a real history of various forms of abuse. investigate their names if you doubt. Recognize they often do not consider it abuse, claim to be hitting or verbally abusing their wife out of maya. That's delusional or plain old bull. Look up abuse in qualified therapists book. Not only is it what they are doing, but they are not special & give same types of reasons karmis give to excuse away abuse. They just blame it on Prabhupada or Krsna.
We agree Prabhupada said it was artificial for women to be brahmacarini but ghq selective quoters leave it there. In this age many artificial provisions must be made because we live in an artificial modern yuga scripturally predicted to continue on the descend. Consequently Prabhupada said a great deal more than GHQ like, or want to surrender to, including if women can't find GOOD husband it's better she remain brahmacarini.
Prabhupada (speaking about Gurudasa's wife, Yamuna devi dasi)
"His wife has also sanyasi, renounced. Have you seen her? She has cut her hair, white dress, living alone in temple." Srila Prabhupada, London, Room conversation, 1976
Protection is automatically resolved for those in a Brahmacarini Ashramas, no need for ghq men when temples can do it. Until GHQ become like scripture saints they insist women become, or at least follow as 'strictly' as a pure devotee follows (there is no violence in strictness - something the less intelligent class of men have been unable to discern), then they don't deserve service like the superior souls of past yuga's. They will misuse too much power, as has all ready seen.
Possibly they're envious about benefits they read of saints in scripture, trying to gain same without renouncing material desires, or adequately undergoing the purification process. Yet they have no reason to balk since they know the process to attain pure devotee status. Why they don't use it but instead try to change entire world to circumambulate around 'their' way of thinking? Bizarre.
Last, some women express worries how to be good wife. Solution: Don't waste time reading prejudicial out-of-context quotes from GHQ sites. Instead read letters written by Srila Prabhupada to his disciples here or anywhere.
Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya-lila 15.264, P:
"'One cannot be a husband if he cannot liberate his dependentsfrom inevitable death.' If a person is not in Krsna consciousnessand is bereft of spiritual power, he cannot protect his wife from the path of repeated birth and death. Consequently such a person cannot be accepted as a husband. A wife should dedicate her life and everything to Krsna for further advancement in Krsna consciousness.If her husband abandons Krsna consciousness and she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship."
* Once found some posts where GHQ carried on glories of "bodily fluids" (discharge). Furthermore because they carry the soul, insisting this makes him superior. (And we thought superiority was evaluated by qualification, what were we thinking? LOL) A mataji replied, they may carry the soul, but without house for the soul (woman's egg) there's still no baby. GHQ sex addict guy became angry to hear there'd be no glorification of male discharge. Fact: both need each other equally to produce a child. Their splendor over fluids lead them down a strange path, one of preaching many women must marry & service them whenever he feel lust, so he does not "waste" his fluids. Another reason they claim, for polygamy. However they took celibacy vows & know the science to avoid the rise of lust. If they are "allowing" themselves to get all worked up, it is not the responsibility of countless woman to marry & service them. It's his responsibility to maintain vows, follow the OUTLINES PROCESS, & stop getting excited. If there's medical problems, see a doctor. Preaching to close Brahmacarini Ashrams can include hopes those brahmacarini's will resolve this "release with no waste" problem they have. ....Good luck on that. Most woman who joined are serious. Returning themselves to Krishna is enough & do not want to take on GHQ men problems, karmic luggage. As women are capable of doing, it's suggested such men step up & accept responsibility for their problems as an adult.
Bhagavad gita as it is 2:62-63:
"While contemplating the object of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool."
Krishna Book (Bhagvatam 10th canto), Ch 59, Talks Between Krishna and Rukmini:
"A man within the material world is just like a dead body. In fact, superficially, the living entity is covered by this body, which is nothing but a bag of skin decorated with a beard and mustache, hairs on the body, nails on the fingers, and hairs on the head. Within this decorated bag are bunches of muscles, bundles of bones, and pools of blood. always mixed with stool, urine, mucous, bile and polluted air and enjoyed by different kinds of insects and germs. A foolish woman accepts such a dead body as her husband and, in sheer misunderstanding, loves him as her dear companion. This is possible only because such a woman has never tasted the ever-blissful flavor of Your lotus feet."
* POWER. The GHQ wants power over all those woman in Brahmacarini Ashrama they currently do not have power to control. They may see these woman at temple, become attracted (which angers them since they can't have her), disapprove of something she said, did, the way she looked or did not look, the color she wears, and other nit picky fault findings. However, since she is not under his roof but under the protection of the temple, he has no power over her. Such misogynists hate the feeling of having no power. They're power addicts. To see woman doing things 'they' disapprove of drives them crazy. Similarly, even brahmacarini's they are not attracted to, ghq believe they've the right to think about & judge.
SP letter to Caitanya Dasi, Los Angeles, 25 April, 1973
"I have studied your situation carefully and I encourage you to liveIN THE TEMPLE in the association of fixed up devotees who are following my teachings strictly. If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should STAY WITH US and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If heis not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases. I have given all of my disciple instructions to follow for making spiritual advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what can I do? Anyone who is unwilling to follow our REGULATIVE PRINCIPLES, you should not live or associate closely with such a person."
* Ghq wants to CHANGE Prabhupada Movement from his method, to THEIR (caste system) method - under false pretenses of following him. Double talking, twisting truth as GHQ does NOT want to execute Srila Prabhupada’s strict rules & regulations, they do not want to follow many other instructions he gave either. What they want to execute is change to the entire movement so they can "look" pure, 'appear' superior, without doing what's essential to be worthy of it. Even male devotees must surrender to GHQ way of life. But there’s is not Prabhupada's way of life, not Prabhupada's instructions, so talk all they want about closing brahmacarini asrhramas, there is not one official letter of proof Prabhupada wanted to make this change. They want it, that's all.
Srimad Bhagavatam 5.14.35:
"Unless one is firmly fixed in the regulative principles, one may perform mischievous acts, even if one is a member of the Krsna consciousness movement. We THEREFORE advise our disciples to strictly follow the regulative principles; otherwise the most important movement for the upliftment of humanity will be hampered due to dissension among its members. Those who are serious about pushing forward this Krsna consciousness movement should remember this and strictly follow the regulative principles so that their minds will not be disturbed."
* They've no desire to amend their life which incorporates maya & contradictions to the outlined lifestyle Prabhupada instructed for disciples. GHQ don't distribute his books, don't allow their wives to distribute books, they want to shut down the safe place (Brahmacarini Asrhamas) Prabhupada gave women. Most ghq don't follow Morning or Evening Programs, we wonder if they chant 16 rounds daily, yet insist they're gurupati. Prabhupada never used that term in any letter calling any modern day disciple a gurupati. They're wanting to increase sex life through polygamy, mostly with underage virgin pretty girls. Bodily concept, not elevated consciousness. Then have the nerve to say they're simply trying to increase morality or give protection? What’s next for these cheaters? It's their karma, let them live it out. However we wish to make clear, they shall not ruin Prabhupada's name through THIS blogger!
He does "not" validate those enjoyments, unkindness, or powers, GHQ claim he does. Outrageous to blame their spiteful propensities on him. They twist & turn it & take out of context for the purpose of pleasing their senses and ego's. No feelings of guilt or shame for wrong-doings to others, but anger & egotistical if told they're doing something wrong.
SP Evening Conversation, Aug 76, Tehran:
“So this life should be utilized for purifying ourself from this designation. If you keep the designation then there is NO POSSIBIITY OF PURIFICATION. You'll get another designation. Now we are Indian or Iranian, next a sparrow or a crow or a tree or a demigod. Another designation. Just like the same, the child, a baby, on the lap of the mother, a baby, and another designation, boy, another designation young man, another designation, old man. But the spirit soul is the same. He's simply changing designations. So freedom means freedom from all these designations."
SP Letter to: Abhirama - Bombay 16 January, 1975 :
"Upon your recommendation I am initiating the following disciples. You must
see that they strictly follow the regulative principles, the four prohibitions as well as the devotional practices of arising early, taking morning bath, putting on tilaka, attending mangal arati, chanting japa 16 rounds, and attending Srimmad Bhagavatam class. This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, whether they are big or they are small. Actually in our movement there is no such thing as big or small. Everyone is a devotee. So everyone is expected to follow the devotional practices. Here in Vrindaban I am enjoying my disciples how they are speaking. So two times daily everyone must attend the classes. During the morning and evening times, there should be no busies, simply kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified. Do not be paramahamsa that now I haven't got to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bnagavad-grta. Don't be a better paramaharnsa than your Guru Maharaja. I go and sit and I enjoy the lectures and how they are performing kirrtana. So as I am doing, you must also do."
Their key enthusiasm is women, sex, control, egotism, & power-over others. GHQ will continue to grow because some men want to imagine returning to Krishna without undergoing the unchanged and uncontaminated process of purification. They want to blame their inability to get along with women - on the women as lowly - yet he remains impure, insisting he's indisputable authority. They desire to rape wife - then after death wanting association of Radharani. They want acceptable, their hot tempers to fly unchallenged - then move into peaceful Goloka community. They want to own and treat women as slaves, yet 'juggle' their words as if freedom fighters. They want to marry then sex-up 11 or 12 year old female, then return to the Lords pure abode of many gopi girls. There are endless men who want to cheat and be cheated, without admitting. GHQ society will attract many who think alike, it will flourish.
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.7.14, P:
"We, the conditioned souls, have fallen in the ocean of nescience, but the human body fortunately provides us a good opportunity to cross theocean because the human body is like a very good boat. When directed by a spiritual master acting as the captain, the boat can very easily cross the ocean. Furthermore, the boat is helped across by favorable winds, which are the instructions of Vedic knowledge. If one does not take advantage of all these facilities to cross the ocean of nescience, he is certainly committing suicide. One who boards a boat made of stone is doomed. To be elevated to the stage of perfection, humanity must first give up false leaders who present boats of stone."
SB 7.5.23-24, Vrndavana, March 31, 1976:
"So long we shall think that "I am American," "I am Indian,""I am African," there is NO possibility of advancement in Krsna consciousness. This teaching we have got from the greatest authority, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He said that "I am not a brahmana; I am not a ksatriya; I am not a vaisya; I am not a sudra; neither I am a brahmacari or grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa. I am simply servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna." Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa- dasanudasah. So the more we advance in the matter of becoming designationless, no designation"
We thank the GHQ. Women now know to avoid marrying any man who is member or supportive. ASK them if they're a member. They might lie, but only a fool would try to marry a woman they're a poor match with and thinks differently, as it will only end up in chaos. Any misogynist who is fool enough to try this, should also recognize it may not work, that even if they don't like it and preach heavily, they may still end up divorced - or arrested. Karmic reactions.
Krsna Book, chapter 29:
"My dear Friend, if you desire to enjoy the company of material society, friendship and love, then please do not go to see this smiling boy Govinda, who is standing on the bank of the Yamuna and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full moonlight."
Some men with psychological problems or emotional problems refusing help, are very drawn to GHQ organization.
There is he who thought himself a nerd, could not get a girl in high-school. After becoming devotee and read behaviors of women from ancient times, thinks all he had to do was join and that automatically qualified him. Now he expects women must turn to him, be grateful to him, do whatever he says. He will punish her based on his past experiences with women. This is an emotional problem, not spiritual protection or morality.
Similarly on the other extreme of the spectrum is the Golden Boy. Handsome man who women flocked to in youth. He then joined the Hare Krishna movement and discovered not enough women showed interest in him. Certainly not the more dedicated ones. How shocking it must have been to once be the center, only to find serious devotee women would not be with him merely based on his looks. He would in fact have to qualify himself, and doesn't want to. This is a different type of emotional problem, but just as grave. That type of entitlement can extensively block spiritual evolution.
Then there is the drug addict or alcoholic. Many even renounced it but have maintained an Addictive Personality. (Some have not renounced it.) The abusive and bizarre behaviors of this category of men are too many and to complex to describe. They're very much on the mental platform, can think up excuses for everything, angles around many forms of responsibility, & accountability. Its forever someone else’s fault. With much anger to boot.
Next consider the man who as a child, watched as father was cruel to mother. He thinks this be normal, wonders what all the fuss is about, expecting one and all to get over it. In truth he needs someone to show him the way out of darkness of ignorance, that it is wrong for husband to even verbally abuse wife.
Subsequently, in rare instances sometimes the mother was the cruel parent. (We are honest that it happens, although satirists show its considerably lesser). In that situation the boy grew up to hate and distrust women. He's going to get them before they get him. Now punishing wife for what others did to him in childhood. Men too vain to accept professional help for problems have set themselves up for ultimate misery. If nothing else, the karma for harming a Vaisnava goes deep.
Polygamy, sex, power, is so attractive to rascals and thieves who hold tight the desire to remain rascals and thieves. Stealing away the souls of many, including cheating their own, we hope they enjoy this life because we have not much hope for them in their next. The sincere will look to Prabhupada instead of the GHQ organizations imbalanced understandings of him.
Srimad Bhagavatam 2.10.41:
"If one is in good association he can develop the mode of goodness, and if in bad association he may develop the mode of darkness or ignorance. Nothing is stereotyped. One can change his habit by good or bad association, and one has to become intelligent enough to discriminate between good and bad. "
To add the concept of unconditional marriage or no divorce. Srila Prabhupada has said the following: “There is no question of separation. Because divorce, separation, these are meant for sense gratification. As soon as there is some lack of sense gratification, there is immediately divorce or separation. No. Here there is no such question."
GHQ or supporters, hold on to your hats, we agree. Astonished? When misogynists beat us, deny our medical health care, when they act like karmis or criminals, this reveal THEY'VE some lack of sense gratification in the marriage. Consideri abusers think different from regular men, as they feel pleasure, sense gratification, by mistreating others, then that is their next recourse. Along with increases of control through this mechanism of abuse. They may make woman do the dirty work of getting the divorce, but in his mind he divorced her long ago. Accordingly justifies his desire for polygamy. He should have 'manned up' and learned how to be a good husband, Vaisnava husband, not Hindu husband. Grow up & take some responsibility, stop blaming all that goes wrong, on wife. What cowards that they can't accept they have faults which contributed. The way to fix things, first get honest & own up. To expect wife to live as is in India when husband acts like karmi westerner will simply damage her spiritual life. How shall she keep vows to her real spiritual master? How shall she go back to spiritual world if he can not act like a Vaisnava husband we read in scriptures (it works both ways) or at least no less than the standard of strict following of disciple as instructed by Srila Prabhupada? In that strict following Prabhupada called his disciples pure devotees only based on the fact they were going thru the steps without deviation. The moment they deviate and want sex, polygamy, willing to put womens soul at risk so he never has to admit his maya, everything changes.
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.26.17 P:
"King Puranjana left home, neglected his own wife and engaged himself in killing animals. This is the position of all materialistic men. They do not care for a married chaste wife. They take the wife only as an instrument for sense enjoyment, not as a means for devotional service. To have unrestricted sex life, the karmis work very hard. They have concluded that the best course is to have sex with any woman and simply pay the price for her, as though she were a mercantile commodity. Thus they engage their energy in working very hard for such material acquisitions. Such materialistic people have lost their good intelligence. They must search out their intelligence within the heart."
- Sri Isopanisad, 1, Purport: "One should become a perfect gentleman and learn to give proper respect to others."
What class of warped individual would read this Sri Isopanisad verse,
then tell himself its even satisfactory Vaishnava demeanor to slur or strike his devotee wife, children, anybody at all? In what strange ways do their minds work? Then surprised divorce follows, with the audacity to blame wife who would not continue living in bad association of his nondevotional abusive nature?!
Indubitably, GHQ will gain high numbers of members, because their type of organization attracts all kinds who reject Prabhupada's purification process but want to pretend they are not rejecting. There's specific rules for "disciple." No one can change them their selves, no one can pretend to be following when they have modified it to meet personal desires. A genuine disciple surrenders to guru and holds true to vows without searching out loopholes. Loopholes are exactly that, and such angling will not return one to Vaikuntha.
Srimad Bhagavatam 1974 Lecture:
"There is NO competition. Every word is for the good of human society.Every word, each and every word. Therefore we stress so much in thebook distribution. Somehow or another, if the book goes in one hand,he will be benefited. At least he will see, 'Oh, they have taken somuch price. Let me see what is there.' If he reads one sloka, his lifewill be successful."
They may have become accustomed to cheating wife and getting away with it, but they can't cheat God.
Therefore, those who are envious over women spiritual advancement, those who waste time in competition with women,those addicted to sex and power, those with psychological - emotional - addictive problems but reject medical or therapeutic intervention, those who are puffed-up and apply false humility, those treating women like a plague (repulsion) or desire polygamy (attraction), those who play mind games and manipulate, those who maintain hate in their heart toward women, those who put themselves up on exalted platforms they don't deserve - but desire, and "especially" those who want to change from Prabhupada's established methods to their own concocted methods, or blame their sins on him, these persons are in spiritual jeopardy of which only they can pull themselves out.
The attempt to dismantle the Brahmacarini Ashrams opened by Prabhupada are yet another piece of the puzzle to add to all of GHQ's less fortunate qualities, qualities they embrace.
Bhagavad gita as it is 2. 62 Purport:
"The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism. In the material world everyone, including Lord Siva and Lord Brahma--to say nothing of other demigods in the heavenly planets--is subjected to the influence of sense objects, and the only method to get out of this puzzle of material existence is to become Krsna conscious. Lord Siva was deep in meditation, but when Parvati agitated him for sense pleasure, he agreed to the proposal, and as a result Kartikeya was born. When Haridasa Thakura was a young devotee of the Lord, he was similarly allured by the incarnation of Maya-devi, but Haridasa easily passed the test because of his unalloyed devotion to Lord Krsna."
Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, 15.264:
"Inform my daughter Sathi to abandon her relationship with her husbandbecause he has fallen down. When the husband falls down, it is thewife's duty to relinquish the relationship."
* Here's a secret. GHQ is not trying to practice high level Krishna Consciousness, they’re practitioners of Varnashrama Dharma: that's DIFFERENT. While these "can be similar, they can also be dissimilar. Most in India practice Varnashrama Dharma whether they worship Krishna as God, Siva, the Universe, Demigods, are Impersonalists or Mayavadi's. It can also be used in Krishna Consciousness as steps up a ladder, but Krishna Consciousness is higher.
(Speaking of Varnashrama Dharma Lord Caitanya said) "This is external. Say something better.' So in this way Ramananda Raya was putting some better proposal than varnashrama-dharma." Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture, 1972.
GHQ quote Prabhupada more from instructions on Varnashrama Dharma than Krishna consciousness, sometimes omitting full quote, which would reveal their truthfully citing about women from Varnashrama Dharma. Learn how to discern that for yourself, because Prabhupada often speaks differently about Varnashrama, since it is different, than he does about superior Krishna consciousness, exempt from bodily glorification's. Misogynists will always fight against those who want to practice only the higher forms of Krishna consciousness because it makes them look inferior, revealing their true desires. They rather try to sneak their social and moral and marriage issues in as if its Krishna consciousness, even when quoting Dharma of Varna's and Ashramas. Social, moral and other issues are automatically taken care of in Krishna consciousness.
"The system of varnashrama-dharma is more or less based on moral principles. There is very little realization of the Transcendence as such, and Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu rejected it as superficial and asked Ramananda Raya to go further into the matter." Srimad Bhagavatam, Introduction.
There are other times GHQ will acknowledge its Varnashrama Dharma, next will also try to claim its what Prabhupada wanted or the same as Krishna consciousness. Don’t be a blind believer, look it up. Honesty is not their best quality. When Prabhupada spoke of Varnashrama Dharma, here is what HE wanted:
"The social institution known as varnasrama-dharma--the institution dividing society into four divisions of social life and four occupational divisions of caste--is not meant to divide human society according to birth. Such divisions are in terms of educational qualifications. " Bhagavad Gita 16:1 - 3, Purport
GHQ and nonGHQ misogynists only want Varnashrama Dharma based on male superiority, women as less intelligent, men are gurupati, blacks latinos & women disallowed education & kept down. Principally the bodily concept, while others must agree and surrender to remain ignorant in blind following to these higher birth men. Precise opposite of what Prabhupada instructed.
"He may be a man, he may be a woman, he may be a sudra, he may be abrahmana or he may be black or he may be white. Everyone can approachto the highest platform of devotional service. It is open field." ~ SPLecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam. Montreal, 19 August 1968
More of what GHQ doesn't want you to know:
They want only to practice Varnashrama Dharma "because" within it (or their idea of it) they can have polygamy, but no polygamy in pure Krishna consciousness. Only in Varnashrama Dharma they are mechanically superior because of male body parts, in Krishna consciousness it is by qualification. In Varnashrama Dharma the wife's not to get job but to stay home & serve husband. Whereas Bibhavati devi dasi asked Prabhupada: "Should I live like in the Vedic times, and simply serve my husband and child?" He replied: "No, you have a talent as a writer, you should write articles for newspapers and propagate Krishna Consciousness." In Varnashrama Dharma husband will prohibit wife going out of house & onto the streets for Sankirtan book distribution. Exact opposite is in Krishna consciousness, with the importance of following spiritual masters instruction to push forward Prabhuapda and Lord Caitanya's movement. That takes center stage.
"Now you have a very nice wife, Kancanbala, so my request to both of you is that you work combinedly to push on this Sankirtana Movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This will bring perfection to your lives, as more and more you become attached to the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Persons under the grip of Maya are simply mad after sense enjoyment, but our goal is to lose all desire for sense gratification and become simply mad after Krishna." SP letter to Madhusudana das, Tittenhurst, September 19, 1969
"Regarding your questions about Sankirtana Party, I think you should try to always have Sankirtana going on. All other things are subsidiary. This chanting is our life and soul, so we must arrange our program now so that there will be as much chanting on the streets and at college engagements as possible." SP letter to Satsvarupa, Columbus, Ohio, May 14, 1969
There may be some misunderstanding because of a few, though just a few, places Prabhupada said to want Varnashrama, but misogynists omit the fact he stressed it for the people. The initiate is to keep strict vows and lifestyle. Fallen (and stubborn) devotee who won't keep vows are also allowed Varnashrama dharma but they try to say they are superior, consequently we are pointing out the difference.
However, there's a different type of Varnashrama Dharma, one GHQ do not promote, because it does not give them massive authority or sense gratification. This is referred to as "Daivi" Varanashrama Dharma - only one wife. They can't stand that one, might actually have to control themselves or limit to one woman. They take great power in the fact they are male, little need to purify or qualify, just need to be male. In truth this does not make them superior, as they are but spirit soul like everyone else.
Now an honest initiated disciple who is strong enough to maintain vows and right thinking, if drawn to Varnashrama dharma, can become part of Daivi Varnashrama Dharma. However, they can not allow themselves to be easily mislead or tempted to fall into the caste system method. To be very fixed up is required for such an initiate. Too often those overly attached to Varnashrama Dharma aren't that interested in Daivi, or still think of themselves as superior merely by birth.
"Regarding your taking a second wife, you cannot do this. At least you cannot stay in our temple in Vrndaban. If you want to take a second wife, then you have to leave our Vrndaban temple. Whether you can maintain them and take some job and earn? Our temples cannot support you and your two wives. You will want three, four and more. Anyway, as an American it is illegal for you to do this. We are trying to minimize sex and you are trying to increase. Please give up this idea." Srila Prabhupada Letter, 1975
"So we have to become designationless, no designation, sarvopadhi... "I am not Hindu. I am not Mussalman. I am not Christian. I am not brahmana." This is designation. Even sannyasi... Caitanya Mahaprabhu, therefore, naham vipro na ca nara-patir yatir va, He described Himself, "No, I am not ksatriya. I am not brahmana. I am not sannyasi. I am not grhastha. I am not vaisya." simply negation. He simply said, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah: "I am the servant of servant of servant of the gopi-bhartuh, the maintainer of the gopis, Krsna." SP lec, Bombay, Dec 25, 74
If GHQ are superior following Varnashrama Dharma [caste system], why are old men still with wife? Why they have not moved on to the next ashrama?
We know the Krishna Book perspective that a Krishna Conscious man does not have to leave his wife. However, these men are not very Krishna Conscious, they are sex conscious, they are control conscious, they are slave and rape conscious, they are superior white male conscious. Addicts even. In the association of woman, they want to get touchy-feely, or else put her to work. They are not preparing for the last phase of their life.
Still have householder responsibilities, with babies and children who need them? Hiding behind the skirts of women and diapers of children, who they might not treat so well, or know how to parent. Responsibly is misused as an word-juggling excuse to "continue searching” for co-wife’s. Never ending. Instead, superior devotees they be should easily be cable of stopping sex activities, then they won't have continuous babies to look after.
There may be claims these children still need a father. Clarification. In Varnashrama, specifically VarnaPrast the man may still see and be involved with his children. He can also arrange with his bank to send money regularly to wife and children. In Sanyas he is not to see wife to avoid temptations and decrease attachment. However, can still send her money impersonally through the bank, children are taken care of, he can still see them. He must financially support. Man claiming high intelligence should have been arranging this all his householder years. Prabhupada told a sanyasi to send his wife money.
GHQ always boast of protection, let them detach from their money. Money will protect woman. He can then renounce. Control-freaks will concoct some word juggled philosophy to get out of doing like that. In his time of renunciation he is getting lost in co-wives and sense gratification. He needs to get more fixed-up himself.
Sense gratification including but not limited to sexadd the importance to them to have power over others. To be facilitated to intimidate men who disagree with them as inferior to GHQ, the ability to scare women, using games of the mind, indulging in pleasures within the mind on the mental platform - impurities of thought - all sense gratification to certain men. Afraid to surrender their power to any authority like a temple president or some guy in the office even, although they could live outside & do temple service but this means they would have to surrender some of that false ego, and that they will not give up.
What is most unfortunate for such men who select Varnashrama ‘caste Hindu system,’ or “imitation” of exalted scriptural sages, is that after decades of being gurupati to wife, the big guy to kids and in his home in general as authoritarian, next its difficult for him to adjust and get truthfully humble in the real world of devotees. Compared to normal godbrothers, they are lagging. Those who were realistic, respected wife, educated daughters, taught sons right, in finding realistic ways to get along with family fairly, automatically learned ways to get along with innumerable others. Using the grhasta (marriage) ashrama for purification instead of sense gratification of power and false pride, this brought more happiness than misogynist’s can imagine possible in such ways.
The regular devotee men advanced beyond GHQ and any misogynists. If they ever compared out in reality, they'd find out the hard way. Though they seldom would look into it honestly. However, their superiority? An attempt to overcompensate for their sinful desires which they insist the right to follow with actions, then name them 'spiritual.'
“The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional function in the present context of social, political and economic revolution. S.B. 2.4.18
" If Yamuna and yourself can develop such an institution of a woman's asrama,
that will be nice. You are all elderly devotees. I think that this will be a 'good idea.'"
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Palika devi dasi, Bombay - Los Angeles, 13 November, 1975
He did not send any different or contradictory letters since. Prabhupada treated women with equality and with respect.