Letter to Yamuna, Dinatarini -- Honolulu 15 May, 1976
Murphy, Oregon
Yamuna devi dasi
Dinatarini devi dasi,
My dear daughters,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters with photographs enclosed of Sri Sri Radha-Vanabehari, dated May 10, 1976. I am very glad to see how nicely you are caring for the Deities. I am scheduled to be in Los Angeles from June 1 to June 11. I am even contemplating coming to see you there on your farm if you are unable to come to see me. Please continue to develop things there for women devotees as previously instructed.
I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Claims similar personalities make, women never to be in charge of anything, always in submissive role, always to them.)
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jadurani devi dasi. Los Angeles, 14 January 1970
"So you are an intelligent girl, I need not talk much, and be happy in Krishna Consciousness business. I am very glad to learn that Muralidhara, Devahuti and Bharadraja are working together. You simply supervise them. I know Bharadraja is a very fast working painter and if he sticks to his work, certainly he will do wonderfully."
Letter to Jadurani -- Nellore 5 January, 1976
My dear Jadurani,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your undated letter along with enclosed sketches. The sketches are all alright as they are. Please go ahead and make the paintings.
Yes, if Lord Visnu appeared as a Saivite then He must have Saivite tilaka. The brahmanas in Krishna lila should have shaved heads and sikhas.
Since there is no longer such a rush for printing, you may once again send sketches for my approval. Thank you for organizing the art department.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada, below saying, its good for her to live with huband, not the father. Himself as father. Thus no man should call devotee women *hores. Prabhupada expects too, that husband is not be sex addict, abuser, violent; but good devotee.
Los Angeles, Calif.
My Dear Janaki,
Please accept my blessings. With the greatest satisfaction I have just now read over your nicely composed and hand-written letter of December 12, 1968 and I thank you so much for the kind sentiments you have expressed therein.
I had also been thinking of you because you were thinking of me, but as your letter has arrived first it is for me to answer it. Actually, I always think of you as my naughty daughter and from the start of this movement, you and your very good husband have always shown to be very sincere and important members of our society. So I know that both of your services are most sincere and I will always appreciate this.
So far as you writing you are lonely I think that there is no need for this. Such sentiments of wishing for me to be there is nice but a girl is meant for living with her husband and not her father, such girl is very lucky who can live with her husband. And you have specially nice, beautiful husband and not only that but he is devotee also so you are very fortunate. So continue to faithfully help your husband in executing the mission of his life to spread Krishna Consciousness and surely Krishna will bless you and grant you all happiness. This is my blessing upon the both of you.
I think also that it is good sign that Krishna is delaying to give us a nice London temple because when it finally will come it may be the most ideal temple for our purposes. So none of you be discouraged but go on with your engagements and everything will come automatically very nice.
I have noted that you describe yourself as being just a "lump of ignorance". Actually the devotee should always think like that. That the devotee should feel himself so lowly is the teaching of Lord Caitanya. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also represented Himself as a very foolish disciple even though He proved Himself as the greatest scholar and was actually Krishna Himself. So one who feels humble and meek has the door for the Kingdom of God opened for him or her. So I thank you again for your nice letter and please continue to inform me of your well-being.
Hope you are all well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Srila Prabhupada's notice of her comment, feeling like "lump of ignorance" to be good, its important to discriminate this is not in regards to low self esteem. As he pointed out, its regarding humility. When there's low in self esteem than do something about it, but was not meaning here.
3 February, 1975 Honolulu
My dear Kusa devi dasi,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 30, 1975 and have noted the contents. I have studied your situation carefully and I encourage you to live in the temple in the association of fixed up devotees who are following my teachings strictly. If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If he is not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases. I have given all of my disciple instructions to follow for making spiritual advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what can I do? Anyone who is unwilling to follow our regulated principles, you should not live or associate closely with such a person.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Poly's and mis-guided's, thinking ok to force wife throug rape or falldown as 100% perfectly alright, time to recognize who is real guru, who gave her initiation and vows, that its of equal importance she keeps her vows as for man to keep vows.)
Srila Prabhupada letter to Nari -- Bombay 12 January, 1975
My dear Nari devi dasi,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11-26-74 and have noted the contents. You must follow the principles that I have given at all times, under all circumstances. Without these four principles, there is no spiritual life. Even it may be very difficult you must follow. You should reject anything or anyone who advises you to break these principles. Association with such persons is worse than poison.
If you like, you may come to Vrndavana and live for some time.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Letter to Yasasvini -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 24 July, 1976
My Dear Yasasvini devi dasi,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your very nice offering and I thank you very much for it. Pleasing the spiritual master is the most important principle in spiritual life so go on acting in such a way that the spiritual master may be pleased.
Always chant at least 16 rounds daily and follow the four principles without fail.
Then you will be strong in your spiritual life. By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Polygamists make proud claim to save women from society, to be the friend of the world. Read Prabhupada letter on society.)
Srila Prabhupada letter to Ballabhi, New York 22 April, 1967
My Dear Ballabhi,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you for your letter of the 18th instant and I have noted the contents with so much pleasure. I know that you poor girl have been frustrated by the so called society and you deeply needed the shelter of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna kindly sent you to me and I have tried to give you whatever I had in my possession. Please go on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna as you are doing now and this very chanting will give you all peace and prosperity both in this life and the next. Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction. The more you advance in Krishna Consciousness chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna the more you become spiritually advanced and happy in all respects.
The separation which you are feeling on account of my physical absence is good sign. The more you feel such separation the more you will be situated in Krishna Consciousness. Lord Caitanya felt this separation and His process of approaching Krishna is the feeling of separation. However I shall return to San Francisco as soon aspossible. How is Nandarani and her husband Dayananda __ not hear from them since I have come back to New York.
Herewith please find some notes for Sriman Subala das and his wife Krishna Devi.
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Govinda Dasi. Los Angeles, 7 July 1969
My Dear Govinda Dasi,
Please accept my blessings, and offer the same to Gaurasundara. I am so much pleased by reading your letter of June 26, 1969, describing your preaching activities in Hawaii, both husband and wife together... I was so much enlivened by hearing of your spirited preaching activities. I am proud that a little young girl like you is so much spirited in preaching Krishna consciousness... The whole world is full of fanatics and atheist classes of men, so sometimes we have to face such difficulties. But this is all tapasya. Without tapasya, nobody can approach Krishna. So preachers who boldly face all kinds of difficulties are considered to be under tapasya, and Krishna takes note of such tapasya of the devotee, and the devotee is recognized by Him. I have asked the BTG men to publish your heroic preaching activities under the heading of 'Heroine Govinda Dasi.'
(Claims Prabhupda did not want women to hold jobs, go to work, make money, but to only stay at home, revealed here as false.)
Srila Prabhupada letter to 'My dear daughter Sally,' New York, New York, November 13, 1965
'My dear daughter Sally,
If you come here there will be no inconvenience for you because there is one lady friend at west 108th street and she will be very glad to accommodate you for a day or two. I think you should come and see the prospect of the business. I am sure you will get very good profit if you start this business and I shall teach you how to prepare nice vegetable dishes. I wish that you may consider this proposal a little seriously and decide to come here for a day or two."
(Also herein.)
"If you produce milk, you should not drink milk very much. Rather, you should save it and convert it into ghee and then sell it to the householders and centers and thus maintain your asrama. The excess quantity of ghee may be exchanged by trade. Kirtana is our first duty. The Deity worship should be simple and the eating should be as meager as possible." Srila Prabhupada letter to Palika November 13, 1975.
(At times Prabhupada wrote some letters for wife to ask questions of husband -his expectation of husband to maintain strict following- he also sometimes said for wife to work as his assistant; he never gave instruction for husband to be guru-pati's. He also mentioned to be following tradition however, if women is can bring husband to practicing Krishna consciousness that's all right for her to be as his guru.)
Srila Prabhuapda letter to a female disciple: "Your description of the course you are givingto the interested girls about the role they play in KrishnaConsciousness is very nice, and I am pleased that you have begun this project. Actually the role of all conditioned souls is the same; to chant Hare Krishna, tell others to chant, perfect our lives in Krishna Consciousness, and to go back to Godhead when this body is finished. Now if you can induce all the women of Los Angeles to place an altarin their homes and help their husbands have peaceful, happy home life in Krishna Consciousness, that will be very great service for you. The actual system is that the husband is Spiritual Master to his wife, but if the wife can bring her husband into practicing this process, then it is all right that the husband accepts wife as Spiritual Master. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that anyone who knows the science of Krishna, that person should be accepted as Spiritual Master,regardless of any material so-called qualifications; such as rich or poor, man or woman, or brahmana or sudra. So if you can show the women of the community how to help their husbands and children to perfecttheir home life, and all aspects of life, in Krishna Consciousness bychanting, aratrik ceremonies, and eating Krishna prasadam, then you will improve the conditions of the neighboring communities to anincalculable extent. Your ever well-wisher." Srila Prabhupada letter to Silavati.New Vrndavana, 14 June 1969
Man whose false egos rebel against this instruction, man who has problem with Prabhupada's own words, was never qualified guru-pati ever.
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Yasasvini devi dasi-- Bhaktivedanta Manor 24 July, 1976
My Dear Yasasvini devi dasi:
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your very nice offering and I thank you very much for it. Pleasing the spiritual master is the most important principle in spiritual life so go on acting in such a way that the spiritual master may be pleased. Always chant at least 16 rounds daily and follow the four principles without fail. Then you will be strong in your spiritual life. By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady advancement.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Vedic Varnashrama lifestyle advocated by misogynists and polygamists, really is only to elevate a crude man to higher Krishna consciousness. Initiated wife must follow her true pure devotee spiritual master always.)Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jadurani, San Francisco, January 30, 1967
"Please accept by blessings. I have heard about your good work although you did not write me. I always remember you as the nicest girl because you are so devoutly engaged in the service of Krishna. I am sure Krishna is pleased on you and He will bestow His blessings upon you. Better you accept Krishna as your Husband and He will never be unfaithful. Mundane husbands and wives never agree with one another. Because in the material world the relations are on the basis of body which is false basically. Under the circumstance how we can have the genuine thing on platform of false existence. Devote yourself therefore 24 hours in the service of Krishna and see how you feel happy in all respects. You are very good girl, because I have heard you chanting while working. It is very good and may Krishna give you more and more enlightenment. I always pray that you may be happy by our Lord's Grace. I shall be glad to hear from you."
Letter to Nandarani -- New York 8 July, 1976, Tehran
My dear Nandarani dasi,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of the information you sent in your letter of June 10, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care.
Try to publish Persian books as many as possible. That will be a big success. Iranians have very much respect especially for the Americans and your dealings with them will be very much appreciated. Also, if the collections are very good there you can send some money to Gargamuni Swami in Mayapur for the project.
I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
n.b. I am scheduled to visit Tehran for several days in August.
SP Letter to Govinda, Los Angeles, January 26, 1969
"In London, the six couples who are working very hard there have been very much appreciated by the people of London, and their character, behavior, and devotion are attracting sincere people to our movement. I want similar thousands of couples for my disciples to propagate our movement throughout the world. You can always help me in this matter because you are an intelligent girl and you have many talents. So you can utilize your god-gifted qualities for utilizing in Krishna Consciousness."
Srila Letter to Sons and Daughters -- Bombay 14 August, 1976
My dear Sons and Daughters;
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 9, 1976 and the enclosed daksina and pictures of the murtis in New Dvaraka which I am having framed and put on my wall here in Bombay.
If you feel at all indebted to me then you should preach vigorously like me. That is the proper way to repay me. Of course, no one can repay the debt to the spiritual master, but the spiritual master is very much pleased by such an attitude by the disciple. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru nandana (BG 2.41), "Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one." Our only business is to be fixed up in devotional service by pleasing the spiritual master. Those who are not fixed up they have various lines of action (eka means 'one' and bahu means 'many').
The real ocean of mercy is Krsna and it is the duty of the spiritual master to tell his disciple to come to the ocean and be happy. The spiritual master's duty is to lead the disciple to this ocean. I am trying my best and if you try to follow surely you will benefit.
Bhaktivinode Thakura has sung, "Krsna sei tomara, krsna dite para, tomara sakati ache. Ami ta'kangala, krsna krsna boli, dhai tava pache pache." "Krsna is yours and you have the power to give Him to anyone you wish. I am poor and wretched and running behind you shouting Krsna, Krsna!" Krsna is unlimited, no one can catch Him, but if someone follows the parampara, he agrees to be captured. Everyone is afraid of Krsna, but Krsna is afraid of Mother Yasoda. That is Krsna's special mercy.
I hope this meets all of you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Residents of New Dvaraka
3764 Watseka Ave.
Los Angeles, California
(When Srila Prabhupada takes care of a female devotee, below we see he belives her sufficiently intelligent and competant to handle bank, he grants enough cash for her to live on comfortably, and lets her control that money herself. Also he grants her peace, not the modern idea of kali yuga born misogynists and polygamists with trickery of protrection often to be abuse rights.)
Letter to Govinda -- Honolulu 1 February, 1975
My dear Govinda dasi,
Please accept my blessings. In reply to your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. I beg to advise you to come to India and live in Mayapur comfortably in association of devotees. If you go, then I shall arrange to give you a very nice room completely for your use and you can peacefully engage in your painting work and read Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as join in with the devotees for regular kirtana, arati, and prasadam. What you have to do in this connection is as follows: 1) immediately you go to New York and take an entry visa from the consulate general of India. 2) ask your father to send the 200 dollars monthly to the Bank of America -Bombay branch, account number 16026, (International Society for Krishna Consciousness Mayapur-Vrndavana Fund.) This money will be kept for your expenditure. I think 500 rupees monthly will be sufficient for your food and lodging (60-70 dollars). And the balance you can spend as you like. I think this arrangement will be very nice for you according to my idea. Now you decide what to do.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Letter to All Temple Presidents, G.B.C. and Sannyasis -- 17 October, 1975
From His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
59 Muller Street,
Yeoville, Johannesburg,
South Africa
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupad. It has come to our notice that one Godbrother of Srila Prabhupad’s, Swami Bon Maharaj, has been spreading damaging propaganda against Srila Prabhupad and against our movement. Satsvarupa Maharaj recently informed Srila Prabhupad that one Professor in Canada refused to take a standing order of Srila Prabhupad’s books because he associated with Swami Bon at his Oriental Institute in Vrindaban, and Swami Bon so much made untrue accusations against our beloved Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupad. Swami Bon recently made a tour of Canada and Satsvarup Maharaj reported that his statements were “poisonous, saying many false things about Krsna consciousness.” Recently, one professor, Dr. Hines, of Indian Religious Studies at Yale marked: “I think Swami Bon is just jealous of Srila Prabhupad.”
Under the circumstances, we shall fully non-cooperate with this Swami Bon and neither we shall form any kind of association with any person whose aim it is to blaspheme the Lord or his pure devotee.
I hope that this meets you all in blissful serving mood,
Your unworthy servant,
Pusta Krsna Swami
Acting Secretary for
Srila Prabhupad
Approved: (initialed by hand)
This is also what GHQ, and nonmember misogynists, are doing currently. All about internet, countless posts by people revealing they've lost interest in the Hare Krishna movement. They don't want the books, they don't want to hear from us, they state their reason: Prabhupada is a misogynist. This is UNTRUE. He has been misquoted by those with ulterior desires, or take his comments out of context, or too lazy or selfish to explain them the higher, more accurate way. All so they can enjoy their sense of power, prestige, sex, including subtle sex.
Now, can all reading who are misogynists and polyggamists stop using Prabhuapdas Hare Krishna Movement as a shopping mall, depreciating his good name that you can have sex and power. Start own movement, leave his alone.