Erroneous. At least if we are not interested in practicing Hindu tradition and more serious about following Prabhupada's highest instructions of daily lifestyle for initiated disciples.
A-Husbands of today are not on the same level of Guru-pati’s from the past, not a close second. That's too much pressure for a wife to put on him and unfair. If he puts it on himself, often he secretly discovers he's ill-equipped to handle this illustrious position, evidenced by misogynists application of egotism and verbal or physical abuse. (Possibly sexual abuse too but keep that hidden behind closed doors. Others claim celibacy, but if abusing wife that's often sexual frustration with arrogance. Hopefully some don't abuse, thought we can not accept that on blind belief.)
An example is there of a young man who said he sought to be teacher. Prabhupada replied, first become good student.
Men want to be gurupati? We can accept, on the condition they first become pure devotee. Men should meet qualifications of scripture, just as they command women to meet. Afterwards talk concerns of guru over wife. Guru holds unquestionable authority. Therefore such a level of (valid) perfectionism must, in all actuality, be achieved. Initially to become entirely unpolluted, untainted. That is scriptural. Hence first to be accomplished pure Vaisnava of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then see if any longer desire remains to be guru-pati of wife.
"Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous acarya. He must have full confidence in the previous acarya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so nicely that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable manner. The original purpose of the text must be maintained. No obscure meaning should be screwed out of it, yet it should be presented in an interesting manner for the understanding of the audience. This is called realization. No learned man should be willing to hear a person who does not represent the original acarya." -Srimad Bhagavatam 1:4:1 P
Next argument they may come up with, is that 'are' following previous acaryas, better than everyone else. However, no one is to skip THIS acaraya, OUR acarya, or imitate pure devotees in scripture. That could result in sahajiya activities.
Would not true humility be one quality of a guru type husband? Not a show, we have seen GHQ and other misogynists put on a show. Rather honesty, genuine humility.
1970 January 27 : "Just like a tree when overladen with fruits becomes humble and lower down; similarly, a great soul in Krishna Consciousness becomes humbler than the grass and bowed down like the fruitful trees."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
"Krsna is unlimited, and His devotees' service should also be unlimited. I am glad you wish to increase your service still further."
Having seen Polygamists propensity to 'read things into' quotes, it needs than to be pointed out, in the above TWO quotes, Prabhupada is not referring to unlimited in accumulation of many wives, but in active devotional SERVICE to KRISHNA.That is the fruit.
"The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna. Then he or SHE can become guru. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. (break) In our material world, is it any prohibition that woman cannot become professor? If she is qualified, she can become professor. What is the wrong there? She must be qualified. That is the position. So similarly, if the woman understands Krsna consciousness perfectly, she can become guru." -- June 18, 76, Toronto Interview w/ Prof's O'Connell, Motilal & Shivaram
B-Show even one letter from His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, containing instruction of guru-pati to devotees of this age. Do we read of him saying: “My dear boy, you are now guru-pati of your wife.” Do we see: “My dear girl, your good husband is your guru-pati, do whatever activity he tells you to do without question.” No, we see none of that. They're trying to mimic the great souls in scripture.
However, there is a letter with specific information about family guru:
Srila Prabhupada Letter to a female disciple-
Prabhupda's legitimate Hare Krsna Movement has always been about qualification, not material bodies. Countless times he has not followed what is traditional (he gave women brahmana initiation, his crossing the ocean as a sanyasi), this is no exception. Though note, women do not want to be guru, just spiritual and direct everyone to the pure guru, Srila Prabhupada.
"But the present age of kali is full of ignorant men. Even those who are born by a brahmana father are, in the present age, no better than the sudra or the women. " SB 1.3. 21
Do you want an ignorant man as your guru? Who would. How to distinguish who is ignorant and who is accurate, be through their acitivites and desires.
"How he is realized soul? If he is speaking something wrong, how he is realized soul? Against the sastra. That is not realized soul. Yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya vartate kama-karatah, na siddhim avapnoti. Sastra reference must be there.- Morning Walk -- April 5, 1974, Bombay
Read way a pure guru speaks, instructs, enlightens-
Read how misogynists usually talk, slant Prabhupada's philosophy to please ego-