The other day discovery of a former devotees page (Vrajabhumi) came to my attention, stating the Hare Krishna Movement as mysogonists. Vrajabhumi made some valid points, and some misunderstandings. Appears she tried to be fair. Unfortunate there also were offenses allowed against the pure devotee. Perhaps from mistaken understandings, since the Krishna consciousness is not a quick study. Its tremendously advanced knowledge. For awhile I did not grasp many a thing, principally about women in Krishna consciousness.
Elsewhere a different kind of site, attractive, white background, green vined borders, proceeds to take Prabhupada's quotes out of context and spotlights subject matter of rape, indisputable surrender to man, low-life position of women. They make these isolated quotes public while omitting important elucidations. Hence, this blog now starting, looks forward to to clear up these misrepresentation of what it is Prabhupada actually taught.
Still another link blatantly declared: "Prabhupada is a misognyist." Additional sites presented simialr commentaries. That can come about as a by-product of hearing or reading nonsense from the self-indulgent who give their interpolations as if fact, charge their addiction to sex and power onto Prabhupada as religious. (Bogus.)
Otherwiwse this can arise from insufficient study of Prabhupada's teachings with association of a "rational" devotees. True, rational devotees-not easy to find anymore-& not impossible.
Intentions here are to distinguish Prabhupada from the misogynists.
Certain men, those men whom preserve uncontrolled mind, senses; distort Prabhupada's philosophy to rationalize personal abusive dispositions; desirous to harm women; believe in male superiority; all faulted onto Prabhupada by them - they are the misogynists. Srila Prabhupada's topmost preachings are the exact opposite. Less intelligent class of men will not understand Prabhupada's higher spiritual truths, even after reading of them. Higher classed men will.
Misogynists have gained popularity with authorities and nonauthorities alike, who don't have the guts to put them in their place. Not my job (they should do it). To repeat Prabhupada - every devotees job.
Stay tuned, more to come.
The Light of the Bhagavat by Srila Prabhupada:
"The arrival of clouds, accompanied by thunder and flashes of lightning all over the sky, provides a picture of life-giving hope. Covered by deep bluish clouds, the sky appears artificially dressed. The thunder and lightning within the clouds are signs of hope for a new way of life. The serene sky, limitlessly expansive, is compared to the Absolute Truth. The living entities are truths manifested in relation with the modes of material nature. The deep bluish cloud covers only an insignificant portion of the limitless sky, and this fractional covering is compared to the quality of ignorance, or forgetfulness of the real nature of the living being. A living entity is as pure as the limitless sky. He becomes covered by the cloud of forgetfulness, however, in his tendency for enjoying the material world. Because of this quality, called tamas (ignorance), he considers himself different from the Absolute Whole and forgets his purity, which is
like that of the clear sky. This forgetfulness gives rise to separatism in false ego. Thus the forgetful living entities, individually and collectively, make sounds like thundering clouds: "I am this," "It is ours," or"It is mine." This mood of false separatism is called the quality of rajas, and it gives rise to a creative force for separate lordship over the mode of tamas. The flash of lightning is the only beam of hope that can lead one to the path of knowledge, and therefore it is compared to the mode of sattva, or goodness."
like that of the clear sky. This forgetfulness gives rise to separatism in false ego. Thus the forgetful living entities, individually and collectively, make sounds like thundering clouds: "I am this," "It is ours," or"It is mine." This mood of false separatism is called the quality of rajas, and it gives rise to a creative force for separate lordship over the mode of tamas. The flash of lightning is the only beam of hope that can lead one to the path of knowledge, and therefore it is compared to the mode of sattva, or goodness."