Monday, June 28, 2010

White Supremists, Male Superiority, Slavery

This one really curls my tail. Misogynists are usually bigots. With their self-imposed outlook of "who they are" (advanced), lining this up as male superiority, it should not be amazing that in addition, they are prejudiced concerning anyone with black skin. Male or female, irrelevant.

"Lower birth," they complain. Then on to blaming Srila Prabhupada. The reality is, they DON'T UNDERSTAND Srila Prabhupada. They understand that which can be altered and brought 'round to serve their sense of pleasures, including mental pleasure. Acknowledged there are a few (very few) quotes where Prabhupada speaks of slavery, and this was startling. Figured it out- We are speaking of the pure devotees way of thinking, not ours, not the material history of slavery abuse.

After figuring that out, amiably discovered a matching quote! Lost it, but read it. Prabhupada's definition of slavery was indeed different from ours! It was in reference to taking care of those who are extremely poor, less fortunate. How many of us have had a friend or cousin who fell on very hard times, we agreed to let them come stay with us for an extended period. Possibly you offered such persons a job on your farm if you have one, more likely to fix up the house, do some carpentry, or whatever you had to offer. No one is to be left a struggling sudra, and those who can, should reach a hand out to help.

Revised- Above its mentioned having read such a quote. Think I just discovered it. "Yogesvara: Yes, when the sudras were seeing that, "Oh, these men, they are keeping us as slaves, and they are making us work just for our food," then they revolted.

Srila Prabhuapda: “No, no. You should keep them such nicely and friendly way, they will never think like that. They will think that you are giving him food and shelter, and you are taking care, giving them protection to their family. Then they will be happy. Then they are happy. When you give them all protection, then they will be happy. Now… Just like in Japan. The industrialists give all men. They give food. They give education. They give shelter. So they work very happily”

"Bhagavan: They like to work.

"Prabhupada: Yes.

"Bhagavan: It’s not that people like to be idle.

"Prabhupada: I have seen. And the Dai Nippon directors, they live very poorly, but still, they do not like to give up the service because they are assured of their family, protection, medicine, food, education. They did not like. Never mind, it is not very luxurious. Still, they stick. That I have seen." -Srila Prabhuapda, Morning Walk Conversatin, Rome Italy, May 27 1974,

Srila Prabhupada preformed the marriage ceremony of Sudama das (Afro-American man) to Cintamani devi dasi (white woman). He would not have done so if he were prejudiced in the least. "Just like I am talking with you," I am not talking with your shirt. I don’t look to your shirt, whether you have put on a white shirt or black shirt. That is not my concern. I am concerned with you as a living being. This is our philosophy. We don’t take account of the outward shirt and coat." - Srila Prabhupada, July 5, 1972

Evident that the concept of the pure devotee Srila Prabhuapda's of this subject matter be vastly different than our own. Making next, a great deal depending upon how we the conditioned soul view and addresses these topics. An example of the world may be, taking a pet to the Veterinarian, one can honor the Vet for becoming one, or can make a disrespectful remark: "What’s wrong, couldn't cut it in medical school for human beings?" Clearly the wrong perspective!

There are difference in men, women, cultures, more. If we recognize them as mere difference no one will become puffed up, thus respect will remain for all concerned. A woman can not lift tremendous heavy items. (There's exceptions, but not alluding to exceptions). A man can't have a baby. No matter how hard he tries, he can not become pregnant or give birth. Short of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Only if a human being lets it go to their head and view 'difference' as 'inferiority vs superiority,' does trouble arise. More importantly, its materialistic, not spiritual.

Often we start our learning in relationship to what we identify with - our material body. That is step number one. Prabhupada used various practical examples to help us relate (though not about black vs white). A child first learns, what are "ears?," by touching his own ears; soon learns not to hurt others when he discovered bumping into a wall hurts him. Next the child learns to love their local community by first learning love at home from mum and dad. As they grow, what they learn can expand into greatness, if it is correctly taught in the beginning. One leading to the next. Often starting with our own body, our own community, our own experiences.

A professor of college has a higher position in life than his or her students usually have. We recognize that as a basic fact. Later students may become a professor, simply first, one starts from the humble position.

Our reality is that of living in this world. Case in point: we go to a doctor only to find out we require a specialist. Are we to think the specialist is a higher birthed person then the doctor who went through at least 8 years of medical school? Nonsense. Thus it is not pure understanding of Veda that uses caste system to put blacks, women, Latino, or others, in inferior categories. While that's present in other religions like Hinduism, but its not what Srila Prabhupada taught. We really need to take time out to learn, or become aware of, differences between Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness, assuring we follow Prabhupada's instructions only. (Respect to Hindus. This isn’t about you, rather devotees following Prabhupada accurately.)

If the definition of slavery used by GHQ and other misogynists is accurate, then why do we not see Srila Prabhupada owning any slaves? It is because misogynist men would not want to jog their brain & think outside the box, to accept their western ways of understandings are even western, when they are. They do not want to admit their way of thinking is wrong. Can not admit Prabhuapada speaks in unusual ways, ways many may initially not understand but those with pure hearts want to hear the higher, accurate, understanding.

Those who love the idea of owning slaves rather pass off their contamined desires as spiritual. Yet it is not part of Vaisnava lineage to own slaves. Who owned them? Not Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami, not BhaktiVinode Thakura, no one. Thus when we see Prabhupada speak of it, he is using different meaning, refering to mood of helping out the desperate as if giving them a job.

Srimad Bhagavatam explains in it's introduction:

"The system of varnashrama-dharma is more or less based on moral principles. There is very little realization of the Transcendence as such, and Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu rejected it as superficial and asked Ramananda Raya to go further into the matter."

Srila Prabhupada was never prejudiced! Bhakti-Tirtha swami, Afro-American, was initiated by Prabhupada. He took him on as his disciple full-fledged. Bhakti Tirtha has since left his body (passed away), he shall not be the main topic, and all respect to those who were close to him. The guru/disciple relationship is very serious thing. If the disciple does not make it back to Godhead, the guru must comes back to save him all over again. Do the misogynists believe Prabhupada was a bigot yet willing to come back, if needed, return to this material world of birth and death to again pick up any of his numerous Afro-American disciples? (Or Latino, or women, or white.)

Prabhupada reveals highest knowledge:

"He may be a man, he may be a woman, he may be a sudra, he may be a brahmana or he may be black or he may be white. Everyone can approach to the highest platform of devotional service. It is open field." - Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavatam Lecture, Montreal, 19 August 1968

"The system of caste, or varnashrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst so-called followers of the system." Srimad Bhagavatam 2:4:18

Misogynists, you proudly admit to bigotry, enjoy intimidating others - keeping them beneath you, and are not following His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, regardless how often you deceptively insist you are. However, you're doing a terrific job at ruining his reputation on the net. Then again, you can only speak according to your level of realization: HINDSIGHT-