Friday, July 16, 2010


A philosophy: if women is hit or abused in any form by husband, it was her karma, she deserved it.

The quandary: karma's not Krishna Consciousness practices. Krishna Consciousness is above modes of material nature, above karma. Krishna-Bhakti is the highest, most sublime, transcendental. Due to common usage of the word "karma," misogynists attempt to make the above philosophy of abuse, appear in line with Krishna consciousness. Another falsehood of theirs.

Karma is truthfully referencing ones nondevotee past, this life or another. Prabhupada explained, Krishna Consciousness will free any devotee from karma.

Living in this world and not yet having reached stage of 100% pure devotional service, Prabhupada said devotees are only 'tinged' materially. If the tinge has reversed to opposite way, than one is not following the genuine method anymore. Regarding karma, stick with Prabhupada's method (as opposed to abusers nonsensical understnadings), and lose even the tinges of all karma. Srila Prabhupada's method is blissful, whereas misognyists are painful - for women.

Guru (Prabhupada) accepts karma of disciple into himself, suffers on their behalf, that they may advance. Let not misogynists generate extra karma for wife, or cause her to work on clearing up confusions husband planted; then Prabhupada has to accept this karma too. Such contaminations by husband are not accepable.

Additional philosophy habitually misused: if woman is hit or abused by husband - it's coming not from him - but from God; all pain is from God, not a blade of grass can be moved without God, nothing at all can occur unless God allows - therefore the husband can do “whatever,” and its actually God who is in charge that it manifested.

God’s undeniably in charge of everything, He additionally provides "freewill." Consequently if husband harms wife, he has no right to shift the fault onto God. A smart man who made such an offense should quickly admit the folly of his ways, and get the help needed. Otherwise karma is grave.

This idea all suffering is from God thus husband can do anything, be reminiscent of a story from our own Srimad Bhagavatam:

There was a gardener. Proud he was, of his lovely garden. He grew the best flowers, and unique plants, of the entire region. One day a nearby neighbors cow wandered off her farm and into the garden of the gardener, stamping on his many plants. At first the gardener tried to shoo her away. However, always, she came back. Hence one day, he killed the cow.

Upon the natural death of the gardener, he was brought for judgment. The consequences for killing a cow are severe, therefore each time he was asked "Did you kill the cow?" He would reply: "No, I did not kill the cow. God killed the cow. Not a blade of grass etc can move without the will of the Lord, everything good or bad comes from God, so God killed the cow."

Those judging or taking his inventory were not green behind their ears. They do this all the time, subsequently made use of another perspective. They asked him about his beautiful garden of which he was so proud.

They inquired: "Did you grow this flower?" He'd reply, "Yes, I grew that particular flower." They'd ask further: "What about this other unique plant, did you grow that one?" He'd reply that he indeed grew it. Next inquring of him: "Tell us about your garden." Then the gardener went on to speak lavishly on all the work he put into it, the matchless tips he learned on gardening, etc. They said: "You did all this yourself?" Again he replied "Yes, 'I' did it." They inquired of him: "Who planted the plants?” He replied "I did." They asked: “Who grew the flowers?” He said: "I did." And lastly they said: "Who killed the cow?"

Not everyone has to let it go that far. Admit now, take proper corrective actions, avoid severe consequences. Though seldom is there admitting. When by chance there is, they next need to accept qualified help, such as anger management. Unfortunately they too often reject, for assorted reasons.

There's exceptions, a man wanting to lift the hellish vibration he has carried with him, and suffered with at home. Can't always blame wife anymore. At least realizing himeslef as the frequent factor, it follows him everywhere, only worse at home where because he can get away with it.

That dark heavy cloud over his head is ever present, even whilst around others. Might this blog touch the heart and mind of such a man ready to renounce false ego, lift that barge, and get truthful help. This saves his family, his soul. Most with this problem never thought that way. Hope this be an alarm clock toward transformation.

My Dear Himavati- see how Prabhupada instructs women and householders-
