by The GBC Executive Committee
May 29, 2008
(Below this read: "HUMBLE MESSAGE TO THE GBC")
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Please find attached a statement from the GBC Executive Committee on respect for women.
While there are different opinions on the best roles for women in society and how the Vedic culture is to be applied today, I think we all agree that we must be careful to be respectful to all Vaishnavas in both our deeds and words.
Your servant,Ramai SwamiGBC Chairman
International GBC Statement Reaffirming Vaishnava Respect for Women, May 26, 2008
Today we live in a world that is full of war, strife, hatred and exploitation between people. It is a world based on a bodily conception of life that categorizes and then mistreats living beings on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion, etc.
The Krishna consciousness movement teaches a higher guiding principle based upon the soul. We offer to the world a panacea: We can live together peacefully only when we respect each other as individual spiritual beings, part and parcel of God. All living beings are eternal, all are sacred, and all--in their essence--are equally dear to the Supreme Lord.
To effectively teach this principle, members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness need to be vigilant that it be properly understood and practiced within our own society and among our members. We must believe in the principle of loving, respecting, and caring for all beings as parts and parcels of Lord Krishna.
It is our sacred duty to teach, speak, and live the principles of humility and respect for all, as taught by Lord Caitanya and our Founder-Acarya, Srila Prabhupada. We must also speak out against deviations from those principles.
In 1998, the North American GBC/Temple Presidents Executive Committee found it necessary to speak out against an email conference that claimed to be founded on Vaishnava teachings that was belittling and demeaning to women. It minimized the contributions of women, and failed to fully appreciate the role women play in our society, our families, and our temples. (See Appendix 1 below.)
Today, the International GBC Executive Committee is disturbed to learn that a blog site claiming affiliation with ISKCON, and using "Hare Krishna" in its name, has included sexist and misogynist statements. Such writings are not authorized, and they are against the principles of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and our Vaishnava culture.
We condemn any effort to minimize the contributions and importance of women in our society. Instead, we offer the women of our society the highest respect. Women are of great value to our Vaishnava community, and have made immeasurable, indispensable, and saintly contributions as mothers, daughters, wives, pujaris, priests, teachers, and leaders.
We call upon all members of ISKCON to be living examples of the highest respect and appreciation for all living beings and to resist any temptations towards disrespect or prejudice.
Your servants,
The GBC Executive Committee
Appendix 1
1998 Statement by the North American Executive Officers
The North American GBC/Temple President Executive Officers wish to voice our strong disapproval of, and our protest against, the demeaning and ill intended statements made by some members of the GHQ com conference that were recently brought to public attention.
It is our firm position that Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, intended his Hare Krishna Movement to be free from all prejudice, sexism, racism and other forms of bigotry.
We affirm that the first and foremost principle of our society is that all people (indeed all sentient beings) are eternal, sacred parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, and as such should be respected and affirmed in their individual relationship with the Lord, as well as their service to guru and Krishna.
Multiple statements made by members of this Internet conference ridicule, berate and vilify women, other minorities, and individual Vaishnava devotees. They document an organized attempt to prevent women from their God-given rights of self-expression and service to Srila Prabhupada. We denounce such views. They are opposed to the core values and principles of Vaishnava culture which upholds the devotional offerings of all souls as sacred and worthy of our respect and protection.
While we endorse open debate and dialogue within our Krishna Consciousness movement, we must speak out against any discussion that crosses the line of decency, morality, and Vaishnava etiquette and supports an agenda to exploit or minimize a section of our society.
Bir Krishna Goswami, ChairpersonAnuttama DasaSudharma DasiVraja Lila Dasi
Appendix 2
Women in ISKCONInternational GBC Resolution March 2000
WHEREAS, the Women's Ministry presentation on March 1st, 2000 to the GBC Body brought a clearer understanding of the mistakes of the past and the need to provide equal and full opportunity for devotional service for all devotees in ISKCON, regardless of gender, and
WHEREAS, it is clearly following in our line that all people are welcome to join Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement and are capable of developing full love of God, and
WHEREAS, it is our belief that many of the social issues that confront us are exacerbated because the voice of our women, who are the mothers and daughters of our Krsna conscious family, have been hushed and stifled due to misinterpretation of our Vaisnava philosophy, and thus the human and interpersonal needs of our devotees have been minimized,
501 [STATEMENT] 1. The members of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness offer their humble apologies to the women of Srila Prabhupada's society who, because of our own shortcomings and those of the Society, have suffered due to a lack of protection, support, facility and appreciation for their service, devotion and vast contributions to the Society, and
2. [ACTION] All GBC Body members and other leaders shall hold istagosthis [meetings] in each of their respective temples to establish the priority of providing equal facilities, full encouragement and genuine care and protection for the women members of ISKCON. Also, separate meetings should be held with the leaders and women of each temple to address the women's needs and concerns,
Women's Participation 19 [LAW]
A. All ISKCON temples are to allow all qualified devotees, regardless of gender, to speak on Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, etc. during the regular temple class.
B. All ISKCON temples designate half of the temple room area, divided in the center from the altar, for the ladies.
C. If the management in a particular temple feels it is unable to implement these proposals, the Executive Committee will appoint a small team of senior devotees, including women, to sensitively review the particular local situation.
Good start. Returning to devotional methods in accordance with Srila Prabhupada's instructions and example.
It' is fortunate the GBC "disapproves" of the GHQ. Next, they need to come out and "officially" detach & renouce the GHQ, and misogyny in general. These are materialsim, at best weak spiritual life filled with pleasures of much sex, empowerment from hitting or screaming *hore upon women. GHQ are bad practitioners of Varnashrama-dharam, and do not follow Srila Prabhuapda's higher instructions much.
All ties to GHQ need to be dropped, as we've witness some authorities slipped down the cracks into agreement with them. They perhaps all ready be like this, allow the bad association of GHQ and it will contaminate them further. Then they will give trouble, as in this link just posted, to Prabhupada's highest instructions, make offenses to women, change the Movement.
GHQ should not be a secret, or 'subtle,' branch of ISKCON. They want your job, GBC don't kid yourself. Why do you thihnk they try to be your friends? They're not your friends. They want what you do. Believe it or find it startling, as they're specialists. Their friendship is trickery, to gain power and control. They engage like this regularly, always for a purpose. Thought it could never happen to you? It could happen to anyone.
While GBC, you're record isn't clean, or you may enjoy the challange to see who can be the better manipulator; at least you are aligned to Prabhupada's program, how he wanted devotional functioning of temples and devotees. Is it really worth the gamble to associate with GHQ for a challenge while the women (and children they want to marry), suffer? One GHQ website supported marriage of 11 year old girl to old man based on religion. If the public realizes Iskcon tolerates this, it may get that recognition in national and worldwide news.
Certain authorities have email exchanges with GHQ individuals, agree with them about women, not needing to belong to their organization for that, naturally. Therefore relations with them must be officially ended by anyone who wants to be in position of an authority of ISKCON. GHQ are knowingly or unknowingly spiritual abusers. All women understand, if there's serious abuse, she must find a way (safely) to cut off all ties. Similarly the soul of each authority is at risk if they do not 100% cut off all ties to them. As men in positions of power, no need to worry for safety.
Only the highest instructions of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada instructions to be followed in ISKCON, and GHQ group itself officially denouced. Will we ever see the day? Are the GBC strong enough? Women need to hear this, so do their good husbands and sons.
Is it a possibility GBC does not want to get further involved because its difficult to make every single Iskcon authority cut off ties, emails, etc? This is akin to someone informing a Police Officer to "Stop that gang beating of a boy accross the street," and the Officer replies "I don't want to get involved." Then who else will? Its their job. With all due respect, GBC members, you get paid to get involved. At least try, try hard, and don't quit on us.
"This is the function of the GBC, to see that one may not be taken away by maya." -Srila Prabhupad letter to Madhudvisa Aug 4, 1975
Polygamists may have once been fixed up devotees, but maya has come over them with a gusto of power. They are blind to it, women are suffering from it. Their incessant preaching of that is their priority instead of Sankirtana; consequently calling us temptress. These men have low standards: sex and power, wanting to slowly infiltrate the Movement. Misogynists (which incluces, but not limited to, polygamists) are tearing down women spirts, blocking her, making its difficult for women to continue practicing her Krishna consciousness according to Srila Prabhupada's instructions. Women try, and surprisingly do well, under the circumstances. Not the circumstances Prabhupada had us surrounded by, certainly.
We are appealing to you GBC, grant protection from the terrorizing GHQ, fully denouce them both for ISKCON and personally, visably and publicly. Not doing like this may bring loss of half the population, women, who do much of the service in temples, thus going away from loss of faith in GBC due to siding with the enemy. They 'are' in such a mood ("General" "'Headquarters"), and perfectly fine using dishonesty. No more wishy-washy. Anyone attracted to abuse women and children is enemy.
Facts: Aparadhi GHQ