A year or two ago I was informed of the dissolution of the GHQ organization. Do I care? No. My interests are not in them and never have been. My interests have only been in uprooting the damage they have done to Prabhupada and Krishna Consciousness, trying to clean up their mess they incessantly make, uncaring who it chases away from becoming a devotee.
Do I believe they have broken up the organization? Only can speculate, common sense suggesting its mixed.
These guys are big power-control freaks, likely had battles between themselves, making a few enemies between themselves. Enough could quit the group 'officially' to also cause others a loss of interest.
Concurrently these guys need each other since few will agree with them. Likely made some permanent friendships still emailing each other privately about their Obsessive Compulsive favorite topic: degradation of womanhood, superiority of manhood, with other subject matter in the middle. I don't believe they have gone away, just underground until the next opportunity to do more harm.
They have problems that will never go away independently. It either needs to be kicked to the curb with conscious intent, or professional help. Doubt they'd do either. It requires inner honesty, then external humility to go get what is needed.
Although sometimes life can get mean and as a result, a realization may be figured out. Considering it might take something big to fall into their own world and tear it apart until they awaken out of their slumber, not waiting around.
Their proclamation to superiority quickly vanishes to any devotee spending time reading what Prabhupada wanted for his society. If GHQ are superior by their expertise of following Varnashrama Dharma [caste system style]y, then why their senior citizens aged 50 and over, do not renounce married life to take VarnaPrastha? Then sanyasa?
Arguments from Krishna Book previously mentioned, tho explained. Man does not have to leave wife if they can be Krishna conscious together. GHQ, Polygamists, sex and power addicts can not be Krishna conscious in the association of any woman at all.
They see female body - they want either her body parts to enjoy, since that's his main interest and not much her soul, or if he's moody he takes it out on her releasing through bossiness. Similarly takes pleasure frightening women into submission.
Makes her cook too much according to his "specific particulars," therefore also serving his upper tongue. The last might be tolerated a short time for young grhastha, though even that should end soon into the marriage and better to live simply.
Then with age, according to scripture devotee men are expected to renounce whatever they be fussy about, good eating, cleaning, color of clothing, sex. To get serious and prepare for the time of death.
More outstandingly is their bragging of following superiority, which they've clarified as Varnashrama Dharma, not cent-per-cent Krishna Consciousness. But they do not do accurately. They can't pick and choose what they want to follow, or when.
Acceptance of their initiation means they’re to be monks. Marriage was a concession for a 25 year period of time. Some GHQ have used up that time span. Why these immense promoters of Varnashrama lifestyle do not follow these other parts of Varnashrama, but only selections they like?
Arguments they still have householder responsibilities, with babies and children who need them, is easily explained. They hide behind it as an excuse to "continue searching” for co-wife’s, like Fantasia is endless. Recommended they stop indulging in sex, and shut down potential baby factory "mentality," then they won't have continuous babies to look after.
Claims these children still need dad made bring thought. However for them, its excuse. Many such men are extremists either spoil son he's a god, or abuse daughter so she will be quick in blind submission. Exceptions may exist. Thereby next point, Varnashrama is fully open for man to have visitation to interact with his children. Set up arrangement with his bank to send money regularly to wife for children. May sometimes see wife, but in Sanyas, not to see wife and tempted back as householder. However, he can send her money. It is not that now he has renounced so who cares what happens to her? The opposite is true, he must financially support. Especially, after many years of householder life he should have planned for it and put money away just for this purpose. Prabhupada told a sanyasi to send his wife money.
GHQ, always braggarts about protection, let them separate themselves from their money. Because money can be protection for women - polygamists wouldd no longer be needed. It pays the bills and more. Its a very powerful form of protection! However, control-freaks will never do. Its time for renunciation but when push comes to shove, they do not renounce even though they expect all those surrounding them to renounce or surrender or be submissive to him. He does not set the perfect example.
Valid reason these superior devotees do not participate in these other two ashrams of Varnashrama Dharma? Because they themselves do not live Varnashrama correctly. Often giving fanatical comprehension what women should do, they can't take next step men are to do? Only women who have to follow rules of Varnashrama and not the men? Hypocrisy. Fact: these men don't follow much of anything correctly. They follow where sense gratification leads.
Sense gratification is not limited to sex (though plays a enormous role), but also power over others, the ability to intimidate men as inferior to GHQ, the ability to frighten women, playing mind games and enjoying on the mental platform the impurities that go on in their thoughts, all are forms of sense gratification for certain men afraid to surrender their power to any authority like temple president or some guy whose boss in a company office. Although opportunity is there to live outside yet perform regulated temple service, this means they have to surrender some false ego, and that they will not give up.
Unfortunate for such men who select Varnashrama ‘caste system style,’ or “imitation” of ancient bhakti yogis in scripture, that after decades as kali yuga King of the Roost in his home, its extremely difficult for him to be genuinely humble in the real world of devotees.
They are very behind compared to other devotee men who respected and honored their devotee wife, found realistic ways to get along. Therefore uncovering ways to get along with innumerable others in the process.
Use of grhasta (marriage) ashrama for purification in this way, also did not let their egos escalate, bringing more happiness than that of misogynist’s Lord and Masters of all they survey.
The normal, regular devotee men are more advanced. GHQ and any misogynists, is in for a shock if they ever go outside, into the real world. Which they don't do much of anyway, not for any length of time to interact as someone equal with the guys. Only with others who believe like them, not with the real devotee world who disagree with them.
However, why this head-strong believe they have in their superiority? Maybe trying to overcompensate for sins.
GHQ are not the good devotees, they are the outcasts, the rebels, the deviants, the troublemakers. They are not the cool outcasts, do not be fooled they are rebels for a good cause. They are the the devotion-breakers, the disturbance-makers, that congregated on the web since they could not gain much traction congregating in temples.
These are men who contradict many instructions of Prabhupada EXTREMELY,
while lying that they are following EXTREMELY superior.
Sex, alcohol or drugs/adrenaline junkies, self-appointed authorities, can't get along at temple or in groups where they're not the authority, these are men with problems.
They misrepresent Krishna. Do not be discouraged from Prabhupada by the nonsense they speak, many are not following even the 4 regs or chanting 16 rounds, and those who are, too many do so with resentment of woman, abusing her since he can't have sex with her. HE TOOK THE VOWS, no one held his hand to fire. Now as with everything else, he wants to pass the responsibility somewhere else. It does not end with woman, they will blame anything they do wrong, on anyone else.
We humbly ask the GHQ, the non-ghq polygamists, all misogynists, and those who hurt women then blame God or Guru, or hurt women then claim it was not pain (more lies) - RECONSIDER the severe damage adding up in their karmic bank account, and turn things around by practicing pure Krishna Consciousness, because when they practice Varnashrama Dharma they do not do it correctly, but exploit. Others may practice Varnashrama dharma correctly, but any devotee who has a weakness should be honest about that weakness and avoid what flames it up again.
GHQ, Polygamists, Narcissists, Egotists, those with drug or alcohol problems, those who enjoy the rush they get as 'always right,' those who can't feel how good it feels to take the (sincere) humble position - hear our call: You can make this your last birth if you stop right now the nonsense twistings and excuses you keep telling yourself, replace them with Prabhupada's accurate philosophy, and correctly practice the highest: Krishna Consciousness.
Honestly we don't think they will, though now we can say we've done everything we can to try to help. The rest us up to them.
What is more important is no longer misrepresenting Prabhupada, stop turning others away from him because GHQ etc are too puffed-up, sick, whatever else, to admit they're not following his pure teachings. Sankirtana is massively important and never does it cease to be. They want to mitigate it, claiming Prabhupada was only acting out of emergency but later everything was suppose to change with women in the home only and men as their gurupati. When asked to show proof, they can only quote pure devotees lifestyles from scripture, not one letter Prabhupada wrote in kali yuga. Neither have they elevated themselves to fill the shoes and qualifications he expected of the initiated disciple, what to speak of any type of guru, not even gurupati gets a pass. No passes, but work, purification.
Many polygamists and misogynists do not like to engage in book distribution or anything that takes them out of the house socially, forcing them to get purified by talking to others. This is yet another example how they rather change Prabhupada's philosophy than admit they have problems. Nonetheless, they can now wake up and try AGAIN.
Practice what you preach, renounce your poor wife "with" plenty of money for her and the children to live nicely for life. GHQ, Polygamists, Misogynists are too attached to money, all the more reason to let it go. Then distribute Prabhupada's books. Put your money where your mouth is, old men its time to move on RESPONSIBLY. Follow through.
Young men, don't fall prey to their preachings allowing temptation of polygamy as if going to open the door back to Vaikuntha. Sex and power only keeps devotees entangled, therefore anyone can remain devotee for many births but not end death. Otherwise make this the last birth and take shelter of Prabhupada's true process. Hear from him directly on DVDs, read his letters. No more mixing it up. The outcome will only be, MIXED UP.
Good luck.