Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wife likes Rape?

Have read some devotees strongly can not understand why other devotees accept every word of Prabhuapda unconditionally. Especially when there be a few, though only a few, like this topic. What they're unaware of, those other devotees know scripture to explain that a spiritual master need not be perfect in "material knowledge" in order to be perfect in spiritual knowledge.

Neophytes tend to be too inflexiable regarding material subjects. With calm maturity, the devotees faith grows, becoming less intereted in the material ideas, and aspires for the spiritual knowledge. Material knowledge can be obtained elsewhere. Srila Prabhupada did not venture as our dentist or doctor, except with a little practical advice of the times which we could take or leave. However, it be his high spiritual position that was perfect and unquestionable for the initiated disciple. Don't feel that way? Then don't take initiation.

When first learning of that rape quote, I became as startled over it as anyone. Its still not my favorite, but necessitates answers.

Actually many answers have been given: Culture has its effect, where one grew up, type of village katha, University attended, how language was taught than, all of these may have carried diverse meanings.

Additional concepts now cibsudered.

Rape may not have meant rape in the same exact context most who do not live in India understand it. This rape of "wife" may now go by a modern vernacular: "Rough Sex." Devotee women are different. Prabhupada explained on many occasions, he was not referring to devotee women, rather materialistic women. Additionally, his humble speech in the Butler church showing respect to all there including women, appears such quotes do not apply to women who are overall spiritual. The rape statement was subject matter not of male sexuality, but women. Had the subject switched to men - while can't put words in Prabhupada's mouth, reality of what we see is men like it. Our philosophy is that everyone's lusty in the material world. Karmi men often try to persuade the wife to dress up in a nurse or maid costume. Role playing. Devotee men should never do like that, simply the desire is there. Rough sex is the next best thing. Men are no exception to liking it.

"But the present age of kali is full of ignorant men. Even those who are born by a brahmana father are, in the present age, no better than the sudra or the women. " SB 1.3. 21

It is not by birth, or by material body, someone is good devotee. It is through actions. Misogynists make clever attempts to confuse, claim he's performing his duty to wife by indulging her in rough sex, because she must like it. REALITY: A) Most devotee women abhor rough sex, are more often offended by it. B) Usually it's fallen men in kali-yuga attracted to rape wife. From reasons of sex, to reasons of violence, and power. C) Prabhupada was not giving an instruction to go home and rape the wife! Never. He was speaking on materialism.

Have recently read about old dictionaries (such as Websters of 1893) holding different meanings to the word 'rape' as opposed to how its used today. To even include in the definition: "friutive," and too: “taking anything — including a woman — away by force” However it also included sexual rape, a definition that seems to have become rougher over the centuries. We've seen some recent changes in dictionaries which many do not like, yet they were made. Most likely when Prabhupada attended University, these older dictionaries, as well as encyclopedias, were what he was given to study from. This of course is not where this topic ends, just worty of attention.

ADDITIONAL-Another point be, the subject matter from the conversation was regarding law and a rape victim, alleging the lawyer of the rapist was clever (sneakily) as in asking the victim if there was even a drop of pleasure. Perchance consequences of her honesty, she replied yes, then the lawyer won the case, back than. It was not justification as rightness, no, only explaining due to biology, the law worked the way it did at that time.

In more recent times regarding child molestation, the child feeling guilty due to feeling some pleasure duing their rape, it has been explained it was not their fault they felt any pleasure. Merely because someone stimualtes such nerve endings of one who does not want it, has some nerve critcizing them for enjoying it when they did not want to enjoy with them!

Even if a grown woman of rape ejoyed a drop of pleasure due to her biology, its not choice, does not make it acceptable. I believe this is what Prabhupada was also getting at, how ridiculous the lawyer was. We do not see Prabhupada, like Rajnesh, encouraging rape. Once read a letter, can't find now, from Malati devi dasi. Her godsister was raped by man who climbed into the ashram window. The woman was horrified. Malati wrote to Srila Prabhuapda after it happened, and what type of letter does anyone think he sent back? That she enjoyed the rape, therefore its her fault too? Nonsense! His letter was one of deep compasstion, understanding, and encouragment. Now that is the truth how Prabhupada believes about rape, not these other slantings.

Its necessary to develop a little understanding of the manner in which Srila Prabhupada spoke, as this is often a problem we see in many conversations. Prabhupada will say something, then devotees will assume he meant something bad, then if they question him, they find out it not to be what he meant at all. Principally, why misogynists love this rape comment so extremely, making sure to publish it all about the internet, when Prabhupada has endless other quotes on celibacy and giving up sex as much more important?

"So actually, married couples should be paramahamsas. Paramahamsa means the topmost stage of sannyasi. Paramahamsa. A sannyasi has got four stages: kuticaka, bahudaka, parivrajakacarya and paramahamsa. .... It doesn't matter whether a grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasi. It doesn't matter. So when he preaches all over the world, that is called parivrajakacarya. And when he's experienced, he executes the work by his assistants. That is called paramahamsa. So grhasthas are supposed to be paramahamsa." - Sri Vyasa-puja lecture, London, Augt 22, 73

Recently a devotee questioned, what is bad preaching exactly? Who are we preaching to? That karmis don't show much interest in what we say about this, so we are preaching about this to DEVOTEES.

Many misunderstandings he makes here, start with mistake of thinking he understands the rape quote, suggesting devotees should surrender to the idea of rape of wife, when that is not clear understanding at all. Tthough probably what anyone who speaks like this desires to be able to get away with yet still go back to Godhead.

Another mistake he makes is not understanding karmis indeed care, not to look down his nose at them. Preaching to them is how they become devotees. Their opinion matters, especially since Prabhuapda's movement is to be in accordance with Lord Caitanya instructions to give Krishna to every town and village, and not a movement for rape or other excessive sense gratification, for some anyway.

Though many such misognynists do not want that brand of karmis to become devotees, considering them trouble, inferior, a problem they (misogynists) will have to confront in the future. They often consider them someone to keep away from devotional service. However,that is not Prabhupada's philosophy. Therefore it is WRONG.

Misogynists insist on indisputable position of authoritative power, simultaneously behind closed doors craving to rape wife? Oxymoron. Having taken vows of celibacy, they're breaking those vows in this way. Undergoing no sense of guilt as they're just giving her what she likes, he tells himself. Women are not owned by husband, and they are not husbands slave. Women belong to God and guru, Srila Prabhuapda referred to women as "his daughters."

"Yes, you should be proud of having a nice wife like that. And I have handed over my daughter unto you, because I knew it that you will be the perfect boy to take care of her. Recently she was deteriorating in her health, so I was very much anxious about her, therefore, I decided to give her in your charge." Prabhupada letter, Sept 20, 1968

Any misogynists thinking 'handing over his daughter' means they can do with her whatever they want, from maltreatment to rape, they conviently misunderstanding. Women belong to pure Srila Prabhupada and Krishna who is God. Clearly females are devotees who should be treated as such, wanting to maintain initiation vows she took before fire and Krishna, which grants her eternal connection to God and guru. Husband should not make her break vows or think he owns her. Fallen men are wanting so much sex under guises of polygamy and misogynistic rape. Hypocrisy. Prabhupada did NOT give any instruction to rape wife, but clearly gave the instruction of celibacy.

"Don't be childish, that "Yes, I have promised before spiritual master, before Krishna, before fire. All right, that's all right. Let me break." No, don't do that. Don't do that. Don't lose this opportunity. You are now on the point of deathlessness" Srila Prabhupada Lecture on S. Bhagavatam 1.16.8 -- L.A., Jan 5, 1974

It is comprehensible that someone new, or has not delved into it for purpose of uncovering intent, regarding the quotes or commonets on rape, they may not be so easily understood. Many who've been devotees awhile still struggle with tit. However, those who don't want to abuse it, but get to the truth, stop now to consider the following. Pure deovtees like Jesus who walked on water, or Buddha incarnate with his mysticism, and too Prabhupada's spiriutally with his mystical powers, none of these elevated personalities would advocate rape, it doesn't even make sense. Thus we should next know to dig deeper. To look into it from the humble perspective that we are not fully realized, do not always immediately grasp knowledge expressed by such holy personalities. This is not escuse or denail, as this blogger wants truth. Recognizing I'm not pure devotee, not horrid devotee, in between, merely not level of sage. Thereupon, I must further investigate and find out what was truthfully intended.

Something to be considered is an interesting comparrison where the females mentioned there psychologically having attraction to her raper spouse, they were approximately of teenage years, intelligence not fully developed, sense control including the mind, not yet fully developed. Anyone with a teenager in the house knows they can be strongly driven by hormones and not always use their brains when it comes to making choices. Again not justification, just explanation. (Its also why polygamists want to get their hands on virgin underaged girls, because once matured the spiritual female will figure out his level of degradation.)

In modern times how many young girls have thought, when texted by their boyfriend every couple of hours, or receiving a phone call from him every hour, was love? This is a fact, as there are therapists now working with so many such young girls. Even if their boyfriend raped them, and many admited they were raped by such a boyfriend, often they still reamin in love with him, still thinking his activities are proof of his affection for her. However, chronic checking in on her is not love, it is his selifhness, controlling, manipulation, dishonety, and worry she might be cheating on him because he is cheating on her.

In the past there were not counselors to help the girl out of such confusion, it was common to find her a "qualified" husband, though she did not move into his house even after marriage, until she was older. Even than, part of being qualified as Vaisnava meant he did not engage in sex unless they both wanted to have a baby, with all that entails. Thus not a roll in the hay, especially not rape, even for the married priest. Scripture explains the baby often takes on, or is experiencing some of the consciousness of the parents during conception. Therefore to attract a Godly soul to the womb, there is to be a spiritual atmosphere with specific spiritual preparation. Thus pseudo first class followers of Prabhupada thinking this rape quote as instruction, is absurd!

Another perspective to be considered regarding the verse is it appears to be more related to ancient Vedic societal system known as Varnashraa Dharma, one that finds a place in the world for sudras, kstriyas, vyasyas, and brahmana's. There can be all types of people, all forms, and as time went on, various faiths like Hinduism. (Though Hinduism isn't really an ancient Vedic religion.) In such a system the woman get protection that fallen men do not harm her, which is seldom the way most misogynists intend protection. There's is more often bullying, which is not Vedic.

Therefore some points mentioned in that verse may be explained as related to Varnashramadharma, because Varnashramadharam was about keeping civility, it was for the common people of the world, and not for serious initiated persons. It was revealing lifestyles of the distant past, the generalized system that went along with times of long ago, how some young women felt, and how they were protected during their teenage years. Though teenagers of satya yuga for example, were physically more developed than our teenagers. Mysogynosists are not honoring the differences between young teenage woman of ancient scripture, and young teenage girls of kali yuga.

While Srila Prabhupada explained the process of Varnashramadharma, he also explained that in this kali yuga it can not be properly followed (with but a minor exception probably to give a chance to those who kept asking for it). Instead he was promoting Vaisnavism, which is higher than Varnashramadharma. At that time of the past, should a woman not find a husband, her life became difficult. Some may feel rape of that time, one aspect, and not the only aspect, meant she may have never experienced sex otherwise. Not justifying it, just a thought. Immediately to remind any misogynist readers, Vaisnava women who have taken initiation vows should not be viewed in the same manner as ladies of the past, who fit into many categories. Some were not automatically devotees, we do not at least see them mentioned to be always a devotee. Some were. But it appears this quote is more about keeping a moral society, and not an instruction to the initiated disciple, which would be higher.

"When He (Lord Chaitanya) met Sri Ramananda Raya on the banks of the Godavari, the varnashrama-dharma followed by Hindus was mentioned by the Lord. Sri Ramananda Raya said that by following the principles of varnashrama-dharma and four orders of human life, everyone could realize transcendence. In the opinion of the Lord, the system of varnashrama-dharma is superficial only and it has very little to do with the highest realization of spiritual values." -Srimad Bhagavatam Introduction.

Regarding roles of women described in ancient scripture, lets first look back, not that long ago in western countries, maybe a hundred years past, there still existed a stigma for many women who remained unmarried, considered 'old maid.' No longer is that the case. Now some woman do not want to marry or not until much older and have gotten together her life. While misognyists want to live in the past, Prabhupada lived in the present, as a realist. When a female disciple asked him if she should stay home and servie her husband as the Vedic women of the past did, he replied that no, she should not, but instead to use her skills to preach about Krishna.

Misognyists need to be willing to seek purificaiton and see the whole picture. Too often they want to imitate the lifestyle of the past, which Prabhupada warned against copying artifically. Of tha usually want only woman to follow the strictness of the other yuga's, while they remain rascals and bullies. Men thinking they can now rape or abuse and be considered a first class Vaishnava, are cheaters. There are the cheated, and of those who desire to be cheated. Than there are the truth seekers.

Srila Prabhupada's reply to a disciple:

"Regarding your enemy, Mr. Lust: I have noted the difficulties, but we should always remember that Krishna is stronger than any demon, and Mr. Lust, or his father or his grandfather, nobody can do anything provided we take shelter of Krishna very tightly. Now so far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time, and in New York, all the nice girls, they are actually very suitable for our students, and I encourage that all the Brahmacaris may be very responsible, and marry one of the girls. Because generally the girls desire good husband and a good home, children, that is their natural propensity, so we want to show some ideal householders also. But the proposal that marriage will solve the question of lust, is not practical.

Neither wife should be accepted as a machine for satisfying our lust. The marriage tie should be taken as very sacred. One who marries for subduing lust is mistaken. Because lust cannot be satisfied simply by indulging in sense gratification. It is compared with that extinguishing the fire with large amount of petrol. For the time being, the fire may appear to be extinguished by pouring a large quantity of petrol, but the petrol itself is so dangerous that at any time, it can be in flame. So to subdue lust is a different process. Then you have to take to Deity worship." Letter, Seattle, Washington , 03 October - 1968

Only low class men refuse to elevate themselves, are attracted to ideas it can be religious to rape wife, not wanting to stretch their brain to uncover real meaning. Rather to set off toward opportunity to rape wife whenever he wants, then to blame Srila Prabhupada through misquotes or partial unclear quotes, for their sex and power attachments. Show one comment where Prabhuapda says to his disciple: "You are good Vaisanva husband if you rape your wife." NOWHERE!

They need to admit, they do not understand Prabhupada, with their mundane brain, and his superior spiritual brain. They are drawn to the muck, and never question themeselves. What happened to guilty conscience when they do something wrong? Appears they have none, always must be right. We wonder if their nerve endings have gone dead to not send the message to their brain rape is not spiritual, and to search out the true meaning. Is the only way some of them can feel be through violent actions, to shake their nerve endings awake?

Msogynists, stop lying. Renounce material sex and power; return to celibacy and surrender to Krishna. If unable, then confess the truth, live life as best as possible, but stop corrupting Prabhupada's movement with your falldown conceptualizations.

"Therefore, our duty is to dovetail our acts with Krsna's desire, not to manufacture an action and then declare: "I am doing this action in Krsna consciousness." We have to be very careful to ascertain whether Krsna actually wants it. Such authorized knowledge is instructed by the representative of Krsna. In our prayers of praise to the spiritual master we are singing daily, "If the spiritual master is satisfied, then God will be satisfied. And if one dissatisfies his spiritual master, then there is no way for him to please God." Science of Self Realization, CHAPTER 8

How many in the Brahma Sampradaya line of purest guru's, like Srila Prabhupada, or Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami, or Bhaktivinode Thakura, all the way back, how many have a reputation for raping? None. Where are quotes to prove they wanted their disciples to rape? Nowhere! Therefore a need to humble the self that we, most everyone who is not pure devotee, accept we not to fully understand the ways of expression of Srila Prabhupada, and he is therefore not approving rape. Its usually men who are all ready rapists, that do not want to see facts of what Prabhupada said here to be more about what was law at the time, or what karmi men or women did at that time, or what was current. Nowhere in accepting devotees that took vows did he ever include rape as acceptable! Celibacy yes, rape no.

Usually men who promote rape quotes and never try to see if they possibly could have misunderstand, are some level of rapist, a crime.

If there still remains confusion over this, for this blooger what is clear, and what is not, this much I am sure of: Prabhupada was not instructing rape, Prabhupada would not talk of these things unless there was a lesson to be learned, some benefit to keep us from the pit falls and assist us some way or other, with relevance to going back to Godhead. Like, watch out for mundane lawyers (there can be spiritual lawyers), and beware that there still are men who like to rape yet take no responsibility for their actions while blaming the woman, and we should watch over a teenager who can't yet make good choices at such a time when hormones rage but they are too young in kali yuga. Conceivably more perspectives can be found. Otherwise I do not see he would have brought it up. We may need to take time to decipher in our more modern language and understanding, but never have read one letter of instruction to a disciple it was ok to rape his wife, or to that wife to surender to rape. Never.

"The institution of varnashrama-dharma is used by selfish men to pose an artificial predominance over the weaker section." -S. Bhagavatam 1:2:13

"Because this human life is meant for God realization. It is not meant for sex enjoyment or sense gratification. It is simply meant for... Here is an opportunity to understand one's constitutional position, that he is spirit soul, and Krishna or the Supreme Lord is also spirit soul. So the spirit soul, individual soul, is part and parcel of Krishna. Therefore it is his duty to remain with the whole." - Srila Prabhupada Lecture, Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.48 - Dallas, July 30, 1975

Devotee means.... http://womeninkrsnaconsciousness.blogspot.com/2010/07/devotee-means.html


Srila Prabhupada Letter 1974

29 December, 1974

Bombay, India


My dear Vijayadvaja,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil and have noted the contents carefully.

My feeling is that Mr. Punja should be encouraged as much as possible. He can help our movement there a great deal in Fiji. I have written him one letter asking him to take charge of management, handling of money and the registration of the society.

I request you to also remain there, work nicely with Mr. Punja and take charge of the preaching, kirtanas, prasadam and book distribution programs. This is actually the work for a brahmacari. If you absorb yourself in this work you will feel very blissful. Keep that center that Subala Maharaja has opened and try to invite as many guests as possible.

Make sure to keep yourself and the boys with you in full Krsna Consciousness by following our regulative principles very strictly without fail; chanting 16 rounds, rising early, attending mangala arati, attending classes, eating only Krsna prasadam, etc.

In this way the whole atmosphere will become Vaikuntha, no anxiety. Please try to do like this with all sincerity and Krsna will give you all facilities. Please keep me informed of the progress there.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Subsequent to yesterdays post titled: "White Supremists, Male Superiority, Slavery," this blogger felt the concluding comment clear. Any misogynist with a heart for nonviolence to others and dedication to Prabhupada, would awaken.

Afterward recalling the chronic stinking-thinking most misogynists preserve, realizing they would never accept responsibility for their actions, only turn it back on the accuser.

Last nights final comment: "Misogynists, you proudly admit to bigotry, enjoy intimidating others - keeping them beneath you, and are not following His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, regardless how many times you deceptively insist you are. However, you're doing a terrific job at ruining his reputation on the net."

Direct, honest, and to the point, isn't it? Then memory of their dealings returned. They do not permit themselves to feel bad about anything at all, for a moment at all. Then they would have to change something in their cushy life where they are the central point. More likely a misogynist would interpret and react to it in this way:

"WE are not spreading anything bad over the net, YOU are, and if you'd just shut-up, then they could become devotees. After that, then we could preach to them these higher truths, that what you call abuse, are not abuses, but in line with Prabhupada. Just stop your preaching on this matter and let us handle it."

An inability to accept they can be in the wrong, a trait which runs high amongst misogynists. Definitely their beliefs are not in line with Srila Prabhupada.

Referring to difficulties this age of Kali we're all currently living, Srila Prabhupada also pointed to what we have operating in our favor. He gives the example of Mother Bhumi in the form of a cow. Each of her legs represents a certain quality. In Kali yuga three of her legs are broken. However she is still able to stand on the one leg she has left. That leg is the quality of truthfulness. The last leg of religiosity is truthfulness. We have this in our favor.

Freewill is present too; no one can force another to be honest. Repeatedly misogynists select dishonesty, based on their belief they're preaching what is right and what is good, therefore it nullifies a need for honestly. That's bogus.

If what they're preaching is so right and so good, they wouldn't have to conceal it from the nondevotee, or the new devotee, or gentle Hindu's. Krishna Consciousness is beautiful, compassionate, kind. What is there to hide? Only those wishing to misuse this love of God are desirous to hide, for example, polygamy, belittlement, abuse. These are not coming from God, they are coming from misogynists.

What is most unfortunate be some ISKCON authorities are too, misogynists. Don't blindly follow, as some might comment: "But Maharaja said this or that." Always check, what did Prabhupada say on that subject matter?

Likewise, don't blindly accept my perspectives either. I have naught interest in that, instead interest is in following Prabhupada's instructions to preach to all. Should anything I've said on my blog hit home for you, double check it with Prabhupada as well.

The fear ISKCON authorities (and some non-Iskcon Authorities) hold toward putting misogynists back into their place has become mind-boggling. Nearly each and every male authority of any sort, are friends with, or friendly toward, misogynists. Be it sentimentality making it so they don't engage in correcting misogynists, or agreement, how can there be hope for reform under these circumstances.

Many authorities are not misogynists, countless devotees are not misogynists, but most everyone, with significant inner strength, is yet scared to take them on. What result do they expect to come of this?

Like Gurukuli abuse that remained ignored after incalculable efforts of parents, or the small devotee, trying to get it corrected but no one would truthfully correct it, or "didn't want to get involved," everything crashed and burned. From lawsuits to children growing up and taking their own style of revenge.

Such problems don't evaporate, they are irreligiousity. The price will have to be paid. Dodge it they may, but karma will find a route to their doorstep if they continue pretending like this. A conflict to the genuine teachings and instructions of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Wondering if the importance of that has been forgotten.

Get to know the GHQ http://womeninkrsnaconsciousness.blogspot.com/2010/07/aparadhi-ghq.html

Get to know Prabhupada http://womeninkrsnaconsciousness.blogspot.com/2010/06/know-your-stuff.html



by Nandanandana das

One of the things that struck me the most about Srila Prabhupada when he visited the Mexico City temple for the first time, and the first time I saw him personally and got initiated by him, in June 1972, was during the engagement at the University (UNAM) of Mexico City.

You can imagine the setting; at this time there is a lot of convulsion and desire for change in the entire Status Quo from the youth in Mexico. Recently, back in 1968, the government had repressed the students sending the army and killing many students.

So, many were skeptics, communists or leftists, rebellious, and of course, many seekers, so before this audience Srila Prabhupada spoke. At the end of the lecture there were questions and answers; one student asked: "Do you see God?", then, there was an absolute silence, everybody was expectant of the answer. You may know many philosophers and great personalities in history, but you cannot imagine of asking someone can you see God?

Do you imagine asking Plato, Socrates, Lenin, Marx or anyone whether they can see God? I don't know of anyone been asked this question with absolute seriousness. So everybody present, students, professors and devotees alike were concentrated in only one thing, Srila Prabhupada's answer. Then, with paused voice and that security and certainty of his, Srila Prabhupada answered: "If I say yes, would you believe it?". The student answered, "Yes." Then Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes, I can see God." He paused -- who else could say "Yes, I can see God"? -- then he added, "And you can see Him too," he quoted, "Premanjana churita bhakti vilocanena ..." from Brahma-samhita, and explained on basis of this verse that for one who develops love of Godhead by practicing devotional service, his eyes anointed with the salve of love can see the Supreme Lord. Everybody was very happy with the answer. In the presence of Srila Prabhupada you knew that was truth, there was no doubt, and that was the impact to all the audience. There were even applauses.

Just to be in the presence of the pure devotee all sins fly away, that is the statement of Srila Bhaktivinode, and we all practically lived it.

Nandanandana das

Monday, June 28, 2010

White Supremists, Male Superiority, Slavery

This one really curls my tail. Misogynists are usually bigots. With their self-imposed outlook of "who they are" (advanced), lining this up as male superiority, it should not be amazing that in addition, they are prejudiced concerning anyone with black skin. Male or female, irrelevant.

"Lower birth," they complain. Then on to blaming Srila Prabhupada. The reality is, they DON'T UNDERSTAND Srila Prabhupada. They understand that which can be altered and brought 'round to serve their sense of pleasures, including mental pleasure. Acknowledged there are a few (very few) quotes where Prabhupada speaks of slavery, and this was startling. Figured it out- We are speaking of the pure devotees way of thinking, not ours, not the material history of slavery abuse.

After figuring that out, amiably discovered a matching quote! Lost it, but read it. Prabhupada's definition of slavery was indeed different from ours! It was in reference to taking care of those who are extremely poor, less fortunate. How many of us have had a friend or cousin who fell on very hard times, we agreed to let them come stay with us for an extended period. Possibly you offered such persons a job on your farm if you have one, more likely to fix up the house, do some carpentry, or whatever you had to offer. No one is to be left a struggling sudra, and those who can, should reach a hand out to help.

Revised- Above its mentioned having read such a quote. Think I just discovered it. "Yogesvara: Yes, when the sudras were seeing that, "Oh, these men, they are keeping us as slaves, and they are making us work just for our food," then they revolted.

Srila Prabhuapda: “No, no. You should keep them such nicely and friendly way, they will never think like that. They will think that you are giving him food and shelter, and you are taking care, giving them protection to their family. Then they will be happy. Then they are happy. When you give them all protection, then they will be happy. Now… Just like in Japan. The industrialists give all men. They give food. They give education. They give shelter. So they work very happily”

"Bhagavan: They like to work.

"Prabhupada: Yes.

"Bhagavan: It’s not that people like to be idle.

"Prabhupada: I have seen. And the Dai Nippon directors, they live very poorly, but still, they do not like to give up the service because they are assured of their family, protection, medicine, food, education. They did not like. Never mind, it is not very luxurious. Still, they stick. That I have seen." -Srila Prabhuapda, Morning Walk Conversatin, Rome Italy, May 27 1974,

Srila Prabhupada preformed the marriage ceremony of Sudama das (Afro-American man) to Cintamani devi dasi (white woman). He would not have done so if he were prejudiced in the least. "Just like I am talking with you," I am not talking with your shirt. I don’t look to your shirt, whether you have put on a white shirt or black shirt. That is not my concern. I am concerned with you as a living being. This is our philosophy. We don’t take account of the outward shirt and coat." - Srila Prabhupada, July 5, 1972

Evident that the concept of the pure devotee Srila Prabhuapda's of this subject matter be vastly different than our own. Making next, a great deal depending upon how we the conditioned soul view and addresses these topics. An example of the world may be, taking a pet to the Veterinarian, one can honor the Vet for becoming one, or can make a disrespectful remark: "What’s wrong, couldn't cut it in medical school for human beings?" Clearly the wrong perspective!

There are difference in men, women, cultures, more. If we recognize them as mere difference no one will become puffed up, thus respect will remain for all concerned. A woman can not lift tremendous heavy items. (There's exceptions, but not alluding to exceptions). A man can't have a baby. No matter how hard he tries, he can not become pregnant or give birth. Short of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Only if a human being lets it go to their head and view 'difference' as 'inferiority vs superiority,' does trouble arise. More importantly, its materialistic, not spiritual.

Often we start our learning in relationship to what we identify with - our material body. That is step number one. Prabhupada used various practical examples to help us relate (though not about black vs white). A child first learns, what are "ears?," by touching his own ears; soon learns not to hurt others when he discovered bumping into a wall hurts him. Next the child learns to love their local community by first learning love at home from mum and dad. As they grow, what they learn can expand into greatness, if it is correctly taught in the beginning. One leading to the next. Often starting with our own body, our own community, our own experiences.

A professor of college has a higher position in life than his or her students usually have. We recognize that as a basic fact. Later students may become a professor, simply first, one starts from the humble position.

Our reality is that of living in this world. Case in point: we go to a doctor only to find out we require a specialist. Are we to think the specialist is a higher birthed person then the doctor who went through at least 8 years of medical school? Nonsense. Thus it is not pure understanding of Veda that uses caste system to put blacks, women, Latino, or others, in inferior categories. While that's present in other religions like Hinduism, but its not what Srila Prabhupada taught. We really need to take time out to learn, or become aware of, differences between Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness, assuring we follow Prabhupada's instructions only. (Respect to Hindus. This isn’t about you, rather devotees following Prabhupada accurately.)

If the definition of slavery used by GHQ and other misogynists is accurate, then why do we not see Srila Prabhupada owning any slaves? It is because misogynist men would not want to jog their brain & think outside the box, to accept their western ways of understandings are even western, when they are. They do not want to admit their way of thinking is wrong. Can not admit Prabhuapada speaks in unusual ways, ways many may initially not understand but those with pure hearts want to hear the higher, accurate, understanding.

Those who love the idea of owning slaves rather pass off their contamined desires as spiritual. Yet it is not part of Vaisnava lineage to own slaves. Who owned them? Not Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami, not BhaktiVinode Thakura, no one. Thus when we see Prabhupada speak of it, he is using different meaning, refering to mood of helping out the desperate as if giving them a job.

Srimad Bhagavatam explains in it's introduction:

"The system of varnashrama-dharma is more or less based on moral principles. There is very little realization of the Transcendence as such, and Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu rejected it as superficial and asked Ramananda Raya to go further into the matter."

Srila Prabhupada was never prejudiced! Bhakti-Tirtha swami, Afro-American, was initiated by Prabhupada. He took him on as his disciple full-fledged. Bhakti Tirtha has since left his body (passed away), he shall not be the main topic, and all respect to those who were close to him. The guru/disciple relationship is very serious thing. If the disciple does not make it back to Godhead, the guru must comes back to save him all over again. Do the misogynists believe Prabhupada was a bigot yet willing to come back, if needed, return to this material world of birth and death to again pick up any of his numerous Afro-American disciples? (Or Latino, or women, or white.)

Prabhupada reveals highest knowledge:

"He may be a man, he may be a woman, he may be a sudra, he may be a brahmana or he may be black or he may be white. Everyone can approach to the highest platform of devotional service. It is open field." - Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavatam Lecture, Montreal, 19 August 1968

"The system of caste, or varnashrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst so-called followers of the system." Srimad Bhagavatam 2:4:18

Misogynists, you proudly admit to bigotry, enjoy intimidating others - keeping them beneath you, and are not following His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, regardless how often you deceptively insist you are. However, you're doing a terrific job at ruining his reputation on the net. Then again, you can only speak according to your level of realization: HINDSIGHT-


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prabhu, not for women?

Readers may be familiar with Vishaka devi dasi's article: "Everyone is My Prabhu." This will be placed below, along with a follow-up by Dharini devi dasi called "Gender Crisis Among Prabhus." First let us begin with a few comments.

Very long time, there has been gender issues amongst devotees. Srila Prabhupada gave us transcendental knowledge, and we turn it into material perception.

Another time the gossip was, woman could not go back to Godhead, only men. She would first have to be reborn in male body. Prabhupada corrected that.

Men did not want women chanting in temple room. Prabhupada corrected that:
"Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chanting japa in the temple, they cannot perform the arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest, I have never introduced these things. The brahmacaris cannot remain in the presence of women in the temple, then they may go to the forest, not remaining in New York City, because in New York there are so many women, so how they can avoid seeing? Best thing is to go to the forest for not seeing any women, if they become so easily agitated, but then no one will either see them and how our preaching work will go on?" Srila Prabhupada letter to Ekayani devi dasi, Brooklyn NY.

Now is this re-surge over the word "prabhu."

Apparently certain misogynistic sanskrit scholars assert the word "prabhu" as used only toward men, never women. Once more, many thinking so highly of themselves to know better than Srila Prabhupada.

Many reasons for that.

False ego repulsed by calling females a word that also means 'master,' regardless of Prabhupada's instructions. Other reason, just like to keep women down - beneath them. And envy.

Lets read what Vishaka has to say:


"Everyone is My Prabhu"
Originally compiled in September 1998, by Visakha dasi

Posted August 10, 2009

Srila Prabhupada on the use of the address "Prabhu"

1. Even the Spiritual Master sees his disciples as "prabhu"

We are teaching our disciples to address amongst themselves "prabhu." This is not a new thing; this is very old. Now Narada is addressing Vyasadeva as "prabhu," his disciple. His disciple he's addressing as prabhu. So we should give respect. Just like we address, "Kirtanananda Maharaja." Although he's my disciple, the respect should be given. Here, see, Narada is addressing Vyasadeva: "Prabhu." "My dear prabhu." (lecture, SB 1.5.1-4, May 22, 1969)

A spiritual master takes his disciples as his spiritual master. That is the position. He thinks, "Krishna has sent me so many spiritual masters." He does not think himself as spiritual master. He thinks himself their servant, because they have to be trained; Krishna has appointed him to train them. Therefore he thinks himself as servant of the disciples; this is the position. When one is advanced, he can see the importance of devotees.

Advanced devotees never disobey or disrespect another devotee. Disrespect to another devotee is a great offense -- Vaishnava aparadha. Vaishnava aparadha is a very serious offense. Therefore we teach to address, amongst the devotees, "Prabhu", "Prabhu", "Such and such Prabhu." This should not be simply spoken by the lips; it should be realized. Everyone should think other devotee as his prabhu, master, not that he should try to become master.

trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna
amanina manadena . . .

Manadena. We should be always ready to offer respect to all, not only devotees, but everyone, everyone, because every living entity is originally a devotee of Krishna. Circumstantially, being covered by the coat of maya, he's playing like demon, but his original nature is a devotee of Krishna. Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsnera dasa. Everyone is eternally a servant of Krishna but, being influenced by maya, when he gets this body, given by maya -- Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah -- when he's conducted by the three gunas of maya, he thinks himself otherwise. He thinks himself independent of Krishna but, actually, nobody is independent of Krishna. (lecture, NOD October 23, 1972)

2. Devotees address each other as "prabhu"

We advise everyone to address one another as Prabhu. Prabhu means master, so how the master should be disobeyed? Others, they are also pure devotees. All of my disciples are pure devotees. Anyone sincerely serving the spiritual master is a pure devotee. Do not try to make a faction; amongst ourselves one should respect others as Prabhu, master, one another. As soon as we distinguish, "Here is a pure devotee, here is a non-pure devotee", that means I am a nonsense. (letter to Tusta Krishna, December 14, 1972)

Any Vaisnava is addressed as prabhu, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Mahaprabhu, the topmost prabhu, the master prabhu. All others are servant prabhu; all Vaisnavas should be addressed as prabhu; that is the etiquette. (CcAdi 7.2 lecture March 2, 1974)

In Krishna consciousness we address our contemporaries as "prabhu." Prabhu means master. The real idea is, "You are my master, I am your servant." Just the opposite number. Here, in the material world, everyone wants to place himself as the master. "I am your master, you are my servant." That is the mentality of material existence. And the spiritual existence means, "I am the servant, you are the master." Just see. Just the opposite number. (lecture Bg 4.9, June 19, 1968)

A real devotee, he does not show any disrespect even to the ant, what to speak of the demigods, because he is in knowledge that every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. They're playing different parts only. "In relationship with the Supreme Lord, they're all my respectables." Therefore a devotee is taught to address all his contemporaries as "Prabhu, my dear sir, my dear lord." That is the position of Krishna consciousness. (lecture Bg 7.18 October 12, 1966)

3. Women devotees as well as men devotees are addressed as "prabhu"

The Lord Caitanya is called Mahaprabhu. Mahan-prabhu. Prabhu, master. There are different kinds of master, but He's the mahan-prabhu, the Supreme Master, Supreme Master, and Purusa at the same time. Prabhu, you can say. . . . A woman also can become the master. . . (Cc Adi 7.108 lecture February 18, 1967)

Now another thing is that girls should not be taken as inferior. You see? Of course, sometimes in scripture we see that woman is the cause of bondage. That should not be, I mean to say, aggravated. (laughs) That should not be aggravated, to say "Woman is inferior," or something like that. The girls who come, you should treat them nicely. After all, anyone who is coming to Krishna consciousness -- man or woman, boys or girls -- they are welcome; they are very fortunate, you see. And the idea of addressing as "prabhu" means "you are my master." Prabhu means master, and Prabhupada means many masters who bow down at his lotus feet. That is Prabhupada. So each, everyone shall treat others as "My master." This is the Vaisnava. (September 24, 1968 conversation)

Yes, to call one another prabhu is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But, because somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become a prabhu, and treat others as servants. In other words, everyone should feel himself as servant, and not think himself prabhu because he is being called prabhu. This will make the relationship congenial. (Letter to Himavati Devi Dasi, June 14, 1968)

4. Srila Prabhupada addressed his male and female disciples as "prabhu"

My Dear Ranadhira,
Please accept my blessings. . . Yes, I have all blessings for the happy marriage of Haladhara Prabhu and Joan Prabhu, so you may immediately do the needful in this regard. (16 February, 1971)

My Dear Rsabhadeva,
Please accept my blessings. . . So long as there is Guru-Gauranga worship, Yamuna Prabhu may act as pujari . . . (March 25, 1971)

Anna Prabhu may be initiated also and she has my blessings for being married to Puranda at the earliest convenience. (letter to Mukunda April 13, 1971)

So the stock of japa beads I brought with me has been depleted. Malati Prabhu was supposed to have brought some beads with her from India, and so I would like that those beads be sent immediately to N.Y. center by air. (letter to Tribhuvanatha July 4, 1971)

My Dear Kirtanananda Maharaja, Vrindaban Candra, and Silavati, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters just now received by me here in Calcutta and describing your plans for travelling Sankirtana party, and it is very much encouraging news for me. Silavati Prabhu said that this was her long cherished dream. It has been mine also. . . (November 6, 1971)

In Los Angeles I personally advised them in all the different aspects of deity worship, so you may consult, especially with Silavati Prabhu (now in Dallas) and do the needful. . . (letter to Sri Govinda, January 31, 1973)

My dear Gangamayi,
Please accept my blessings. . . I am glad to hear that you are determined to stay and live in the temple now and that you are becoming very much attached to the Deity worship and very serious about serving the Deity along with Malati Prabhu. . . (May 9, 1974)

My Dear Sacimata Prabhu,
Please accept my blessings. I am in receipt of your letter dated 3rd October 1976 and I have noted the contents carefully. . .


There is a place, which is full of eternal happiness. This life should be engaged for that purpose, not to fight like cats and dogs. That is not very much to one's credit; it means ruining one's life. If one fights like cats and dogs, he becomes cats and dogs. Nature's law is very strict. Therefore we should be very careful not to become like cats and dogs but to become very humble -- humbler than the grass and tolerant than the tree. Amanina. Everyone wants that: "I am very honorable man, prestigious man. And you should respect me." That is our material disease. "I do not want to respect you, but you should offer me respect." This is the position. Therefore our system is to call another Vaishnava as prabhu. "Sir, you are prabhu, you are master."

But we call prabhu, but think, "No, you are not prabhu; I am prabhu. You are servant;" this cheating process will not help us. Actually, we should believe, "He is prabhu. He is servant of Krishna; therefore he is my prabhu." This is Vaisnava mentality. Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasa-dasanudasa. One who wants to become servant of the servant of the servant of the servant, he is actually prabhu. If, falsely, one thinks, "I am prabhu," then his life is spoiled. So this word we use amongst ourselves -- prabhu -- means, "I am your servant, you are my master." But that should be practically exhibited. That is called tapasya: to learn all these things. (lecture SB 5.5.1, October 23, 1976)


Interesting was this follow up:

Gender Crisis Among Prabhus
by Dharini devi dasi, Portland, OR

Posted August 9, 2009

How fascinating that one single word can spark such contention. The lecture Calling Women 'Prabhu' (link) seems to have flared up a new manifestation of the old gender issues within ISKCON. A later article entitled Prabhu Issue Will Not Go Away even promises a long-term quarrel. Italy had its Capulet-Montague, the USA had its Hatfield-McCoy, and ISKCON apparently has its own never-ending feud. I trust that it is not the case here, but could it be that some male devotees cannot bring themselves to address women as "prabhus" due to bodily-based prejudice?

The original lecture focused on the men's perspective, namely what ISKCON men should call women and men, while the question of how women are to address everyone is ignored. Overlooking roughly half of the audience is a disconcerting omission.

I was surprised to read that calling women "prabhu" is a new introduction. When I joined in 1974, at least in the Canadian & US Pacific Northwest, we called everyone by their first names informally, but used the term "prabhu" for both men and women when we felt the need to be more formal. Thus, calling women "prabhu" is not new at all. The terms "mata", "mother", or "mataji" were used as well, but not between women since there is assumingly no need to rise above physical attraction. I agree that there are recent introductions, such as the terms used to refer to groups ("the prabhus and the matajis").

Even more surprising is the fact that the lecture refers to the fact that Srila Prabhupada did call women "prabhu" on occasion, but then goes on to argue that it is incorrect to do so. While the grammatical issues have been put to rest by Hrdayananda Maharaja, a Sanskrit scholar, the vedic culture arguments are still subject to debate. Some of Srila Prabhupada's actions did seemingly defy certain principles of vedic culture, such as the restriction on sannyasis crossing the ocean and the notion of a brahmacarini asram. The very relationship of guru-disciple surely favors taking our cues from his example rather than from Indian culture. Visakha dasi posted several examples of Srila Prabhupada addressing women as "prabhu". Why would Srila Prabhupada address his own female disciples as "prabhu", who were truly not his masters, if not to teach us by his example to be humble to all devotees, regardless of nationality, gender or race?

Finally, I am concerned about Sivarama Swami's statement that he will not allow the practice of men calling women "prabhu" in his zone. With all due respect, is it within a GBC's managerial or ecclesiastical purview to regulate devotees' vocabulary? Is there a compelling reason to ban the usage of a word the way Srila Prabhupada used it?

One point we can all agree on: real respect for the devotees is more important than words. A Persian proverb says that what is in the heart will come out on the tongue. It seems that the first place to cultivate respect for all is in the heart.

Know Other Stuff

Srimad-Bhagavatam 3-29-23: TRANSLATION

"One who offers Me respect but is envious of the bodies of others and is therefore a separatist never attains peace of mind, because of his inimical behavior towards other living entities."

"...One who is envious of or inimical towards others never experiences any happiness. A devotee's vision, therefore, must be perfect. He should ignore bodily distinctions and should only see the presence of the part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord Himself in His plenary expansion as Supersoul. That is the vision of a pure devotee. The bodily expressions of a particular type of living entity is always ignored by the devotee.

"It is expressed herein that the Lord is always eager to deliver the conditioned souls, who have been encaged within material bodies. Devotees are expected to carry the message or desire of the Lord to such conditioned souls and enlighten them with Krsna consciousness. Of course this is not possible for living entities who are lower than human beings, but in human society it is feasible that all living entities can be enlightened with Krsna consciousness. Even living entities who are lower than human can be raised to Krsna consciousness by other methods. For example, Shivananda Sena, a great devotee of Lord Caitanya, delivered a dog by feeding him prasadam.... Factually it happened that the same dog, when met by Lord Caitanya at Puri, was liberated from the material condition.

"It is especially mentioned here that a devotee must be free from all violence.. Lord Caitanya has recommended that a devotee not commit violence to any living entity...... A devotee has to execute the principles of devotional service exactly as they are, and he must know that however insignificant a living entity may be, the Lord is present within him. A devotee must realize this universal presence of the Lord."
-Srimad-Bhagavatam 3-29-23


"Love is the basic principle of Krsna consciousness, and love is the basic principle of all our activities. So love is there, dormant, but that love is not being properly utilized. So Krsna consciousness is the movement to revive that original love and the original person with whom that loving transaction can be executed." -Srila Prabhupada, Interview, September 24, 1968, Seattle


"Upon your recommendation I am initiating the following disciples. You must see that they strictly follow the regulative principles, the four prohibitions as well as the devotional practices of arising early, taking morning bath, putting on tilaka, attending mangal arati, chanting japa 16 rounds, and attending Srimmad Bhagavatam class. This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, whether they are big or they are small. Actually in our movement there is no such thing as big or small. Everyone is a devotee. So everyone is expected to follow the devotional practices. Here in Vrindaban I am enjoying my disciples how they are speaking. So two times daily everyone must attend the classes. During the morning and evening times there should be no business, simply kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified. Do not be paramahamsa that now I haven't got to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Don't be a better paramahamsa than your Guru Maharaja. I go and sit and I enjoy the lectures and how they are performing kirtana. So as I am doing, you must also do." Srila Prabhupada Letter to Gopijanavallabha -- Vrindaban 19 September, 1974

(How many of the 'more intelligent' men/misognynists and polygamists are going and doing according to this instruction?)


Srila Prabhupada: Intelligence means... One who knows what he is, what is this world, what is God, what are the interrelations—he is intelligent. The animal does not know what he is. He thinks that he is the body. Similarly, anyone who does not know what he is, he is not intelligent." -PQPA, ch 7: Acting in Knowledge of Krsna

(Misogynists and polygamists, claiming to be of higher intellgence, always point out the superiority of their material body.)


"One should not be very proud of his intelligence but should give all respect to others. In this way, one can chant Hare Krsna offenselessly."
- Sri Siksastaka 3


"Those whose senses are very much uncontrolled especially try to hunt for many women." Srimad Bhagavatam 4. 26. 4 Purport


"Regarding printing our books and literatures, I may inform you in this connection that I saw one bulletin of "Indian Railways" in which it was specifically advised that every railway servant should see to it that the wheels of the carriages or vehicles must be moving always, which means the railway is going nicely. Similarly all of us should see that our literatures are profusely distributed. That means our missionary work is going on nicely. Otherwise we are simply sleeping and eating." Srila Prabhupada, letter, October 9, 1971

(Misogynists and polygamists, doing any of this instruction?)


"It has been brought to my attention that some of my students are not studying. I do not know if this applies to you or the devotees under your care, but I must stress again that we must have our classes one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening and the devotees must also chant regularly their sixteen rounds and follow the principles. The rest of the time they may go on distribution of my books. So I hope you will do the needful in this regard." Srila Prabhupada, letter, February 14, 1973

(Prabhupada does not say only men to study, everyone must study; women not to be kept ignornat, not to break 4 vows. Argument may be, the word 'women' is not used here. Anyone who looked at history, facts, knows better.)


"It is a pejudice amongst smarta-brahmanas that a widow must
observe fasting on Ekadasi but a woman who has her husband should not. It appears that before the request of Lord Caitanya Sacimata was not observing Ekadasi because of her being sa-dhava, which means that her husband was living. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, owever, introduced the system that a woman, even if not a widow, must observe the Ekadasi Day.." Caitanya Caritarmita, Adi Lila, 15.10


"I am not a brahmana, I am not a ksatriya, I am not a vaisya or a sudra. Nor am I a brahmacari, a householder, a vanaprastha or a sannyasi. I identify Myself only as the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna, the maintainer of the gopis. " -Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 13.80


"The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna. Then he or she can become guru. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. (break) In our material world, is it any prohibition that woman cannot become professor? If she is qualified, she can become professor. What is the wrong there? She must be qualified. That is the position. So similarly, if the woman understands Krsna consciousness perfectly, she can become guru." - June 18, 76, Toronto Interview with Professor's O'Connell, Motilal & Shivaram


"Without much bother, if one simply keeps a picture of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at home and chants Hare Krsna, then one will realize God. Anyone can adopt this simple method. There is no expenditure, there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the Hare Krsna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is a great opportunity." Science of Self-Realization, p.134


"A pure devotee of the Lord does not live on any planet of the material sky, nor does he feel any contact with material elements. His so-called material body does not exist, being surcharged with the spiritual current of the Lord's identical interest, and thus he is permanently freed from all contaminations of the sum total of the mahat-tattva. He is always in the spiritual sky, which he attains by being transcendental to the sevenfold material covering by the effect of his devotional service. The conditioned souls are within the coverings, whereas the liberated soul is far beyond the cover. Srimad Bhagavatam, 1.13.56


"So actually, married couples should be paramahamsas. Paramahamsa means the topmost stage of sannyasi. Paramahamsa. A sannyasi has got four stages: kuticaka, bahudaka, parivrajakacarya and paramahamsa. .... It doesn't matter whether a grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasi. It doesn't matter. So when he preaches all over the world, that is called parivrajakacarya. And when he's experienced, he executes the work by his assistants. That is called paramahamsa. So grhasthas are supposed to be paramahamsa." ~ Sri Vyasa-puja lecture, London, Augt 22, 73

(Any confusion with the above letter where he instructs devotees should not be paramhamsa's explained herein: That was referencing imitation, falsehoods, avoiding rules and regs as if too good to do them. Whereas here he is saying to actually come to that platform, to do that which will make the householder a true pramahamsa. Not a sense enjoyer of the mind (misogynist) or of the body (polygmists). Though both can enjoy in each others ways. The idea is, if serious devotee, than perform activities that bring you up to genuine paramahamsa platform.)


"In this age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is the incarnation of Lord Krsna. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered." Cc.Adi.17.22


"Brahmananda Swami has read me your letter regarding the students
there reading other books. I request you to stop this practice. Our
students have no time to read our own books, but they have time to
read other's books, and the money to purchase them? Why this mentality
is there? You are a serious student, therefore you have correctly
found out the defect in these books." Srila Prabhupada letter to Cyavana
Swami: Oct. 13, 73


“Chanting the holy name is the chief means of attaining love of Godhead. This chanting or devotional service does not depend on any paraphernalia, nor on one’s having taken birth in a good family. By humility and meekness one attracts the attention of Krsna. That is the verdict of all the Vedas. Therefore if one becomes very humble and meek, he can easily attain the lotus feet of Krsna in this age of Kali. That is the fulfillment of all great sacrifices, penances and austerities because when one achieves ecstatic love of Godhead, he attains the complete perfection of life. Therefore whatever one does in executing devotional service must be accompanied with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord." Bhakti-sandarbha 270- Caitanya Caritamrita, AntyaLila 4.71


"By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God. Such violators of religious principles have no respect for the authoritative acaryas, the holy teachers in the strict disciplic succession (...)Instead, to mislead the people in general, they themselves become so-called acaryas, but do not even follow the principles of the acaryas." Sri Isopanisad, mantra 12, purport


"I am especially pleased to learn that you are introducing my books
astextbooks in the colleges. We especially have to try to attract the
educated young men and women in your country so that in future there
will be many strong leaders to keep our Krishna Consciousness
Movement strong." Srila Prabhupada Letter, Govinda dasa, New York, 4/7/73


"The spiritual entities are meant for enjoyment, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra (1.1.12): ananda-mayo 'bhyasat. By nature and constitution, every living being--including the Supreme Lord and each of His parts and parcels--is meant for eternal enjoyment. The living beings who are encaged in the material tabernacle are constantly seeking enjoyment, but they are seeking it on the wrong platform. Apart from the material platform is the spiritual platform, where the Supreme Being enjoys Himself with His innumerable associates. On that platform there is no trace of material qualities, and therefore that platform is called nirguna. On the nirguna platform there is never a clash over the object of enjoyment. Here in the material world there is always a clash between different individual beings because here the proper center of enjoyment is missed. The real center of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, who is the center of the sublime and spiritual rasa dance. We are all meant to join Him and enjoy life with one transcendental interest and without any clash. That is the highest platform of spiritual interest, and as soon as one realizes this perfect form of oneness, there can be no question of illusion (moha) or lamentation (soka). - Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 7


"A jealous person in the dress of a Vaisnava is not at all happy to see the success of another Vaisnava in receiving the Lord's mercy. Unfortunately, in this Age of Kali there are many mundane persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila BhaktivinodaThakura has described them as disciples of Kali. He says, kali-cela. He indicates that there is another Vaisnava, a pseudo Vaisnava with tilaka on his nose and kanthi beads around his neck. Such a pseudo Vaisnava associates with money and women and is jealous of successful Vaisnavas. Although passing for a Vaisnava, his only business is earning money in the dress of a Vaisnava."
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 1.218 purport)


"The Lord is ever increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. The whole cosmic manifestation is a chance for all to improve themselves in devotional service to the Lord, and everyone is meant for that purpose." Bhagavad Gita 3.9.25


"As far as my blessing is concerned, it does not require my physical presence. If you are chanting Hare Krsna there, and following my instructions, reading the books, taking only Krsna prasadam etc., then there is no question of your not receiving the blessings of Lord Caitanya, whose mission I am humbly trying to push on." Srila Prabhupada letter, 30/6/74


"It should be noted that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never acknowledged the stereotyped caste system by birthright; rather, He strictly followed the verdict of the sastras in the matter of one's svarupa, or real identity." Srimad Bhagavatam, 1.2.13P


"In this connection, the darkness occurring before the full moon, the lunar eclipse, can be explained as being another planet, known as Rahu. According to Vedic astronomy, the Rahu planet, which is not visible, is accepted. Sometimes the Rahu planet is visible in the presence of full moonlight. It then appears that this Rahu planet exists somewhere near the orbit of the moon. The failure of modern moon excursionists may be due to the Rahu planet. In other words, those who are supposed to be going to the moon may actually be going to this invisible planet Rahu. Actually, they are not going to the moon but to the planet Rahu, and afater reaching this planet, they come back." -Shrila Prabhupada's Shrimad Bhagavatam 4.29.69 P

[Recognizing some devotees, particularly current, don't believe this, its placed here in hopes it will help explain. If not, in hopes some become open, understanding a pure devotee is more knowledgeable than modern scientists. Where do we place our faith? In modern day even nondevotees claim science is the new religion. - Referencing "modern" science, as science itself, we want. Modern is actually old, or not so enlightened.]


"For My devotee I carry what they lack and preserve what they have." Bhagavad Gita, 9.22


“First business is to become free from the designation. If you think yourself that "I am American," "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Indian," "I am black," "I am white," these are all designation. So sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam, when you become transcendental to all designation, when you come to the platform to understand that "I am not this body; I am spirit soul," brahma-bhutah prasannatma, then you become happy.” Srila Prabhupada lecture, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.16.16, Los Angeles, January 11, 1974


"Even if he falls down sometimes out of ignorance, still, he'll very soon become purified. The process is so nice. Just like a fan is moving and make the switch off. Still you will see the fan is moving, but rest assured it will stop because the switch is off. Similarly, a person taken to Krsna consciousness, his material life's switch is off immediately. And even though it is seen it is moving, it will stop very soon. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to put off the switch of material existence immediately. It is so nice. Yes." Srila Prabhupada, Seattle, October 11, 1968


"The spiritual planets are also known as Vaikuntha planets. The universes of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, there is no limitation to their dimensions because they are spiritual. Lord Caitanya informed Sanatana Gosvami that the length and breadth of each and every Vaikuntha planet is millions and billions of miles. Each of these planets is unlimited expanded, and in each and every one of them there are residents who are full in all six opulence's--wealth, strength, knowledge, beauty, fame and renunciation. In each and every one of these Vaikuntha planets an expansion of Krsna has His eternal abode, and Krsna Himself has His original, eternal abode called Krsnaloka or Goloka Vrndavana." Teachings of Lord Caitanya, 9


"There is no difference between chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and meeting Krsna eye to eye, face to face. Simply one has to realize." -Srila Prabhupada lecture, 1-12-73, Bombay, India

No Consequences for Misogynists?


No Consequences for Misogynists?
by Name withheld

Posted June 1, 2008

It has now been nearly two weeks (or a month if one counts Dandavats' publication of the minutes of the Mayapura meetings and comments on Resolution 311) since the matter of his disciple's repugnant "Hare Krishna Diary" was brought to Bhakti Vikasa Swami's attention. Plenty of time, one would think, for a contemplative assessment of the incredible damage this blog has done in ways too numerous to even count. But has the worldwide Society of devotees heard one single word of contrition from Maharaja, what to speak of any sort of apology? No. Not a single word. And the "Hare Krishna Diary" goes on and on, taking Srila Prabhupada's statements out of context as an excuse to vilify and oppress women and to insult and alienate numerous other Vaisnavas who strive to serve the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya.

And now added to the sexist propaganda is this statement from Hare Krishna Diary reader Shivananda dasa (Joshua Minshew) which could even be construed as a thinly-veiled threat: "I have to say that I more than 1000% agree with your position and I have a growing vendetta against these feminists at Chakra.org. I am very angry that those feminists forced you to take down your blog and I am very seriously considering creating a new blog with your old material as well as with material that I have been gathering myself." "Vendetta"? One definition of that word is, "a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other."

Therefore, in light of all this, one is left with no other choice than to conclude that Bhakti Vikasa Swami approves of women being referred to as "whores," "prostitutes" and "animals," that he approves of threatening language used against them, and that he approves of how his extremist "teachings" have been assimilated by his faithful disciple and are now being propagated to a worldwide audience via the Internet.

And therefore, one is left with no other choice than to ask, "What is going on with ISKCON?" We as a Society have barely even begun to recover from the same distortions imposed, contrary to the example personally set by Srila Prabhupada himself, by philosophically unsound men in the 1970's.....and again in the 1990's with the infamous and distasteful GHQ debacle. Now, in 2008, we've got ISKCON-authorized "initiating gurus," such as Bhakti Vikasa Swami, who has repeatedly crossed the GBC's radar for similar misconduct, training up a whole new generation of young men with the same distorted and poisonous misogynistic attitudes? And the GBC is allowing it? We have a serious problem here.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Know Your Stuff

Many are calling Prabhupada a misogynist because knowledge to the contrary has been cloaked. Lets clear his name, and coach ourselves concurrently.

Prabhupada instructions below are often to those who took spiritual initiation, dedicated themselves as would a Buddhist monk, Catholic Nun, Rabbi. Might want to keep that in mind while reading.


"You do not think that only woman is woman. The man is also woman.
Don't think that the woman is condemned; man is not. Woman means
enjoyed, and man means enjoyer. So this feeling, this feeling is
condemned. If I see one woman for enjoyment, so I am man. And if
woman also sees another man for enjoyment, she is also man. Woman
means enjoyed and man means enjoyer. So anyone who has got feeling of
enjoyment, he is considered to be man. So here both sexes meant for...
Everyone is planning, "How I shall enjoy?" Therefore he is purusa,
artificially. Otherwise, originally, we are all prakrti, jiva, either
woman or man. This is outward dress." Srila Prabhupada Lecture,
Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vrndavana, 1 September 1975


"If we become attracted... Woman means for man the woman is woman, and for the woman the man is woman. Not that woman means a particular class. Woman means which are enjoyable. So in this material world, the man is enjoyable by the woman, and the woman is enjoyable by the man. For both of them, visayinam sandarsanm atha yositam. Yosit means enjoyable." Srila Prabhupada Lecture - Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vrndavana, 10 September 1976


"If we make distinction between man and woman, black and white, then
how in our temple we are enjoying together? Because we... Actually, we
are equal on the spiritual platform. We do not say that 'You are
woman. You cannot become my disciple,' or 'You are black; therefore
you cannot become my disciple.' No. We welcome everyone. So they may
not misunderstand. Just you can issue one statement that 'We say that
if you want to see everyone equally, treat everyone equally, then you
have to come to the spiritual platform, Krsna consciousness."
-Srila Prabhupada Arrival Lecture., Philadelphia, 11 July 1975

“Vaisnave jati-buddhih. If anyone considers a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, in the categorical estimation of birth, then that is hellish consideration.” Srila Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.1.41-42 lecture

"Matrvat para-daresu. To see every woman except his wife as mother.
This is education. This is education, perfection of education, when
you can see all women except your wife as mother." Srila Prabhupada
Lecture, Bhagavad-gita. London, 21 July 1973


"If a woman is perfect in Krsna consciousness... Just like
Jahnava-devi, Lord Nityananda's wife, she was Acarya. She was
Acarya. She was controlling the whole Vaisnava community." Srila
Prabhupada Interview, Toronto, 18 June 1976


"Suniti, the mother of Dhruva, was a farseeing woman, and
therefore she advised her son to worship the Supreme Lord and
no one else." Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.8.23, Purport


"So far Jadurani is concerned, inform her that this body is Krsna's
body. Therefore, she should take care of her health. Of course it
is very encouraging that she puts forward service of Krsna first, then all
other consideration. It is very nice, and I very much appreciate this
attempt. But still, we should not neglect about our health. Because
the body of a devotee is not material. The body of a devotee should not be
neglected as material. This has been warned by the Gosvamis, that we
should not neglect any material thing if it can be used for Krsna
Consciousness. So her body, because it is engaged in Krsna's service, is
'valuable. So not only she, but all of you, should take care of this poor girl.
She has left her parents and she is unmarried, no husband, so of course,
she is not poor, because she has got so many God-brothers, and sisters,
and above all Krsna, she is not at all poor. In spite of that, we should care
about her health. That is our duty, and inform her that she may not strain
beyond her capacity. Of course, such kinds of trouble may come and go,
a devotee s not afraid of such things, but still it is our duty to think always
that this is Krsna's body, and this must not be neglected. " Srila
Prabhupada Letter to Satsvarupa, Montreal, August 19, 1968


(Polygamist unwilling to acknowledge true reason desirous of more
than one woman, everyone all ready knows, consequently the following)

"According to scriptural injunctions, one is forbidden to engage with
any woman other than ones wife. All other women are to be considered
as one's mother. But in spite of such injunctions, a man is still
to have sex relationships with other women. BG 3.34


(For men who insist its not Vedic if a woman does not marry,
particularly them, the following)

"Under the circumstances, what woman who has once heard of Your glories from authoritative sources and has somehow or other relished the nectarean fragrance of Your lotus feet would be foolish enough to gree to marry someone of this material world who is always afraid of death, disease, old age and rebirth? I have therefore accepted Your lotus feet not without consideration but after mature and deliberate decision." - Krsna Book, Chapter 60


(To men who desire many women, yet name-call 'prostitute',
clandestine of his desires to fall back to lower nature,
the following)

"When a person is devoid of devotional service, or visnu-bhakti, he
takes to many sinful activities. King Puranjana left home, neglected
his own wife and engaged himself in killing animals. This is the
position of all materialistic men. They do not care for a married
chaste wife.
They take the wife only as an instrument for sense
enjoyment, not as a means for devotional service
. To have unrestricted
sex life, the karmis work very hard. They have concluded that the best
course is to have sex with any woman and simply pay the price for her,
as though she were a mercantile commodity. Thus they engage their
energy in working very hard for such material acquisitions. Such
materialistic people have lost their good intelligence. They must search
out their intelligence within the heart." Srimad Bhagavatam 4.26.17 P


"We may not hate even the prostitutes if they are devotees of the Lord. Even to date their are many prostitutes in great cities in India who are sincere devotees of the Lord. By tricks of chance one may be obliged......uncheckable in all circumstances. It is understood here with that even in those days, about five thousand years ago, there were prostitutes in a city like Dwarka, where Lord Krishna resided." Srimad Bhagavatam 1.11. 19 P


"The prostitute shaved her head clean in accordance with Vaisnava principles and stayed in that room wearing only one cloth. Following in the footsteps of her spiritual master, she began chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra 300,000 times a day. She chanted throughout the ntire day and night. She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her spiritual master. Instead of eating regularly, she chewed whatever food she received as alms, and if nothing was supplied she would fast. Thus by eating frugally, and fasting she conquered her senses, and as soon as her senses were controlled, symptoms of love of Godhead appeared in her person. Thus the prostitute became a celebrated devotee. She became very advanced in spiritual life, and many stalwart Vaisnavas would come to see her." - Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila 3.140-142

"There is another evidence in the Fourth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, 22nd Chapter, 37th verse, wherein Sanat-kumara says, "My dear King, the false ego of a human being is so strong that it keeps him in material existence as if tied up by a trong rope. Only the devotees can cut off the knot of this strong rope very easily, by engaging themselves in Krishna consciousness. Others, who are not in Krishna consciousness but are trying to become great mystics or great ritual performers, cannot advance like the devotees. Therefore, it is the duty of everyone to engage himself in the activities of Krishna consciousness in order to be freed from the tight knot of false ego and engagement in material activities." BhaktiRasamritaSindhu/Nectar of Devotion, ch 1

(For men who sneakily try to sidestep Prabhupada's instruction that its fine for women to go out on book distribution or talk to men to preach, by claiming its not Vedic, the following)

"So we want accomodations for at least forty men and women which will constitute the Sankirtana Party." Srila Prabhupada letter, 1970-6-25


"In Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Movement, everyone is preacher, whether man or woman it doesn't matter." Srila Prabhupada Letter to Karandhara.Bombay, 6 October 1976


"Regarding your questions about the examination to be given, the girls will also be able to take these. In Krishna Consciousness there is no distinction between girls and boys. The girls also may become preachers if they are able." Srila Prabhupada letter to Himavati devi dasi, 1969


“Please accept my blessings, and offer the same to Gaurasundara.
I am so much pleased by reading your letter of June 26, 1969,
describing your preaching activities in Hawaii, both husband and
wife together... I was so much enlivened by hearing of your spirited
preaching activities. I am proud that a little young girl like you is
so much spirited in preaching Krishna consciousness... The whole
world is full of fanatics and atheist classes of men, so sometimes we
have to face such difficulties. But this is all tapasya. Without tapasya,
nobody can approach Krishna. So preachers who boldly face all kinds of
difficulties are considered to be under tapasya, and Krishna takes note of
such tapasya of the devotee, and the devotee is recognized by Him. I have
asked the BTG men to publish your heroic preaching activities under the
heading of 'Heroine Govinda Dasi.' ~ Srila Prabhupada Letter to
female disciple Govinda Dasi. Los Angeles, 7 July 1969


(For those pointing out low position of woman, or automatic
exalted position of guru-pati of this times, the following)

"'One cannot be a husband if he cannot liberate his dependents
from inevitable death.' If a person is not in Krsna consciousness
and is bereft of spiritual power, he cannot protect his wife from
the path of repeated birth and death. Consequently such a person
cannot be accepted as a husband.
A wife should dedicate her life and
everything to Krsna for further advancement in Krsna consciousness.
If her husband abandons Krsna consciousness and she gives up her
connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the
wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The
wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship."
Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya-lila 15.264, P


"So far as your question regarding women, I have always accepted the service of women without any discrimination" Srila Prabhupada letterto Gurudasa, 1972


(For misogynists excessively busy competing against and controlling
family members, lost in making a buck to pay for everyone, that they no
longer go out on sankirtana, the following)

"There is no competition. Every word is for the good of human society.
Every word, each and every word. Therefore we stress so much in the
book distribution
. Somehow or another, if the book goes in one hand,
he will be benefited
. At least he will see, 'Oh, they have taken so
much price. Let me see what is there.' If he reads one sloka, his life
will be successful.
If he reads one sloka, one word. This is such nice
things. Therefore we are stressing so much, 'Please distribute book,
distribute book, distribute book.' A greater mrdanga. We are chanting,
playing our mrdanga. It is heard within this room or little more. But
this mrdanga will go home to home, country to country, community to
community, this mrdanga. So it is advised nr-loke. Nr-loke means the
human form of body, in the human society. We don't discard that 'This
American Society' or 'This European Society' 'This is Indian Society'
..... No, all human being. All human being. It doesn't matter what he
is." Srila Prabhupada,Bhagavatam 1974 Lecture


(Regarding misogynists who claim they can do whatever they want,
including abuse, and wife never must leave, the following)

It is especially mentioned here that a devotee must be free from all
violence.. Lord Caitanya has recommended that a devotee not commit
violence to any living entity...... A devotee has to execute the principles of
devotional service exactly as they are, and he must know that however
insignificant a living entity may be, the Lord is present within him. A
devotee must realize this universal presence of the Lord."
- Bhagavatam 3-29-23


"One should never think that his mind is trained and that he can do whatever he likes." CC, Madhya 11.10


"Nonviolence is generally taken to mean not killing or destroying the body, but actually nonviolence means not to put others into distress. People in general are trapped by ignorance in the material concept of life, and they perpetually suffer material pains. So, unless one elevates people to spiritual knowledge, one is practicing violence. One should try his best to distribute real knowledge to the people, so that they may become enlightened and leave this material entanglement.
That is nonviolence." Bhagavad Gita 13.8-12 P


"If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to
think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If he is not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases. I have given all of my disciple instructions to follow for making spiritual advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what can I do? Anyone who is unwilling to follow our regulated principles, you should not live or associate closely with such a person." ~ SP letter to Caitanya Dasi, Los Angeles, 25 April, 1973


"Inform my daughter Sathi to abandon her relationship with her
husband because he has fallen down. When the husband falls down, it is
the wife's duty to relinquish the relationship." Caitanya Caritamrta,
Madhya 15.264

(Not cheering fickleness or fanaticism in reverse, as misogynists may be quick to accuse. Just honest spiritual following.)


(Misogynists and polygamists that state: 'who will protect her if she doesn't marry us, or stay with us unconditionally, regardless what nonsense we do?!" the following)

"Please accept by blessings. I have heard about your good work although
you did not write me. I always remember you as the nicest girl because
you are so devoutly engaged in the service of Krishna. I am sure Krishna is pleased on you and He will bestow His blessings upon you. Better you accept Krishna as your Husband and He will never be unfaithful. Mundane husbands and wives never agree with one another. Because in the material world the relations are on the basis of body which is false basically. Under the circumstance how we can have the genuine thing on platform of false existence. Devote yourself therefore 24 hours in the service of Krishna and see how you feel happy in all respects. You are very good girl, because I have heard you chanting while working. It is very good and may Krishna give you more and more enlightenment. I always pray that you may be happy by our Lord's Grace. I shall be glad to hear from you." - Srila Prabhupada Letter to a female disciple, San Francisco, January 30, 1967


[For fairness, the following]

"We give Krsna consciousness both to the woman and man equally. We
do not make any such distinction. But to protect them from this
exploitation by man, we teach something, that 'You do like this. You
do like that. You be married. Be settled up. Don't wander independently.'
We teach them like that. But so far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we
equally distribute. There is no such thing that 'Oh, you are woman,
less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come.' We don't
say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone, because in that
platform equality." Prabhupada Room Conversation. Philadelphia, 13 July 1975

[Its fine to get married, not against marriage. Simply if woman wants to remain brahmacarini Prabhupada has authorized. If she marries, husband must be fixed up devotee, not misogynist or lusty polygamist. Men also should not wander and be settled up.]

"Nothing is stereotyped. One can change his habit by good or bad association, and one has to become intelligent enough to discriminate between good and bad. " ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.10.41

Krsna book-
"If a woman accepts You as the supreme husband, then she will never be bereft of her husband, as in the bodily concept of life. If we accept
You as our ultimate husband, then there is no question of being
separated, divorced or widowed. You are the eternal husband, eternal
son, eternal friend and eternal master, and one who enters into a
relationship with You is eternally happy. Since You are the
teacher of all religious principles, Your lotus feet have to be
worshiped first. Accordingly, the sastras state, Acarya-upasana: the
worship of Your lotus feet is the first principle. Besides that, as
stated in the Bhagavad-gita, You are the only enjoyer, You are the
only proprietor, and You are the only friend. As such, we have come to
You, leaving aside all so-called friends, society and love, and now
You have become our enjoyer. Let us be everlastingly enjoyed by You.
Be our proprietor, for that is Your natural claim, and be our supreme
friend, for You are naturally so. Let us thus embrace You as the
Supreme beloved." -Krsna Book, Chapter 29


"My dear Lord, You are certainly the fully independent master of all
the senses. Therefore all women who worship You by strictly
observing vows because they wish to acquire a husband to satisfy
their senses are surely under illusion. They do not know that such
a husband cannot actually give protection to them or their children.
Nor can he protect their wealth or duration of life, for he himself
is dependent on time, fruitive results and the modes of nature, which
are all subordinate to You." Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.18.19


"This is a new thing in the history of the sankirtana movement. In
India all the acaryas and their dependents later on only acted from
the man's side. Their wives were at home because that was the system
from old times. But in Bhagavad-gita we find that women are also
equally competent like the men in the matter of Krishna
Consciousness movement. Please therefore carry on these
missionary activities, and prove it by practical example that there is
no bar for anyone in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness."
Srila Prabhupada Letter to female disciple, 1969-12-20


Krsna book-
"Uddhava is described as the most exalted personality in the Vrsni
dynasty, being almost equal to Krsna. He was a great friend of
Krsna's, and being the direct student of Brhaspati, the teacher and
priest of the heavenly planets, he was very intelligent and sharp in
decision. Intellectually, he was highly qualified. Krsna, being a very
loving friend of Uddhava's, wanted to send him to Vrndavana just to
study the highly elevated ecstatic devotional service practiced there.
Even if one is highly elevated in material education and is even
the disciple of Brhaspati, he still has to learn from the gopis and the
other residents of Vrndavana how to love Krsna to the highest degree."
- Krsna Book, Ch46


"You will be glad to know that we draw no distinction of caste,
creed, or nationality. Srila Prabhupada letter to HareKrishnaJi Das,
L.A., Ca., Feb. 1, 1968


"I have studied your situation carefully and I encourage you to live
in the temple in the association of fixed up devotees who are
following my teachings strictly. If your husband cannot follow our
principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that
hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate
spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If he
is not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases. I have
given all of my disciple instructions to follow for making spiritual
advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what
can I do? Anyone who is unwilling to follow our regulated principles,
you should not live or associate closely with such a person."
- Srila Prabhupada letter to a female disciple, Los Angeles, 25 April, 1973

"My dear Friend, if you desire to enjoy the company of material
society, friendship and love, then please do not go to see this
smiling boy Govinda, who is standing on the bank of the Yamuna
and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full
moonlight." Krishna Book


"One should accept this opportunity to return home, back to Godhead,
very enthusiastically. Without enthusiasm, one cannot be successful."
-Nectar of Instruction 3, p. 30


Prof. O'Connell: "Is it possible, Swamiji, for a woman to be a guru in the line of disciplic succession?"

Prabhupada: "Yes. Jahnava devi was – Nityananda's wife. She became. If
she is able to go to the highest perfection of life, why it is not possible to
become guru? But, not so many. Actually one who has attained the perfection, she can become guru. But man or woman, unless one has attained the perfection.... Yei Krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya [Cc. Madhya 8.128]. The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna. Then he or she can become guru. Yei Krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. In our material world, is it any prohibition that woman cannot become professor? If she is qualified, she can become professor. What is the wrong there? She must be qualified. That is the position. So similarly, if the woman understands Krsna consciousness perfectly, she can become guru. (Srila Prabhupada Interview with Professors O'Connell)


"In other words, the living entity is situated between the two energies of the Lord, and because he belongs to the superior energy of the Lord, he has a particle of independence. By proper use of that independence he comes under the direct order of Krsna. Thus he attains his normal condition in the pleasure-giving potency." - Bhagavad-gita 18.78, purport


"So you are an intelligent girl, I need not talk much, and be happy in
Krishna Consciousness business. I am very glad to learn that
Muralidhara, Devahuti and Bharadraja are working together. You
simply supervise them. I know Bharadraja is a very fast working painter and if he sticks to his work, certainly he will do wonderfully." Srila
Prabhupada Letter to female disciple. Los Angeles, 14 January 1970

Know Other Stuff:
Who Killed the COW
Prabhupada's Transcendental Sweetness