Most GHQ, and different misogynists, will turn to marriage of a Hindu lady. This is fact. Their hate for western woman will drive them that way.
They might say we are jealous, and we'd laugh. They need to accept truth about their level, or lack of level, of spiritual advancement. Vaisnava means Vishnu devotee, devoted to Vishnu.
On the surface their marriage to a non initiated Hindu lady appears pleasant enough. We can we wish them peace in their marriage (more than they wished upon us).
Save for their attitude they finally rid themselves of the "western" woman, never-mind these women are not their western bodies and strict devotees - such men now have who they want, a Hindu trained since childhood to fall at their feet. (Some actually demand their wife bow down on her knees before him a minimum once daily.) A Hindu woman, soul in female body, many were taught husband is guru, indisputably. A woman who was cultivated from young age, do ‘whatever’ husbands instructs, regardless if others warn. This training has been set, follow blindly or justify his actions of maya, as not maya.
Interrupting for moment: Desiring to illuminate, not criticizing everyone or woman Hindu. Many be amazing devotees.
Point of fact, every hindu woman does not behave or believe in these ways.
Next point of fact. GHQ or misogynist will hunt down the ladies with beliefs and lifestyle similar to his.
We wish them more goodwill then they did the rest of the grhastha world. Once they each get "their" wife and family, they do not want us to throw a wrench in it or disturb it in any way, as they did ours. They will protect their family life and marriage as if in war, but other devotees were exptected to let them severely bring damage to theirs. Not to worry, we have no intention in that way. These are things only terrorists think up, what to speak, act on.
They are feeling happy with their Hindu wives, and we are happy for them.
We nonetheless don't buy into it as the highest, most first class. Good feelings they experience in such marriages are not automatic same philosophy of Srila Prabhupada merely because they married Hindu, escaping the clutches of Western woman.
Apparently western woman as serious devotee was not as important than the ways of his lifestyle desires, with him receiving many pleasures as central the point.
They may come retort: "We told you so, we said if you did not surrender to us, you would be husbandless." We again laugh. We do not want to marry them (this is where their mind goes). We want them to keep their vows to Prabhupada, and live in accordance to everything they promised him.
Whenever such men get their way, be it right or wrong, they insist to constantly feel good. Never to admit to wrongness, because that doesn't feel good.
Distinguish: while they may seek and find Hindu woman who will agree with them they be glorious male superior births, that's Hinduism, not Krishna consciousness.
Srila Prabhupada repeatedly elucidated that we do not practice Hinduism, are not Hindu's, our path is transcendental. (Hindu's do not be offended, as Hindus are of many religions, some practice Krsna consciousness.)
Misogynists have hard time seeing with transcendental eyes, thus they merge with Hinduism.
Very well, do what you must, what you desire.
Never shall the educated "western" women, "initiated" or equally the women strictly following, never will they accept that now its getting done right, as misogynists claim. Rather, it's obvious to any intelligent human, what’s currently happening is reception of maha sense gratification, all varieties.
Thus a reason such men don't like western women: education. Western women have seriously studied Prabhupada's philosophy, can recognize folly, and will call them out when they are preaching maya.
Too puffed up to admit when wrong, always pretense of right, with demands to be blindly support by wife, even saw them expect this from the generalized population of devotee ladies! Reality: Won't happen with females who made serious commitment to Srila Prabhupada for instructions, lifestyle, initiation.
Consequently, misogynists turn to Hindu women. Such a wife who bows to his feet, accepts a smack as deserving, has sex when he commands, believes her husband as guru-pati. (The intelligent Vaisnava women accepts instructions strictly from Srila Prabhupada, rejecting any distortions.)
The educated Western women was "properly trained" to serve to Krsna. While basic instructions are there for wife to take care of husband, they are also there for husband to take care of wife, then to keep it all extremely simple so they both will have more time to serve God. This is the training of the western Vaisnava. Prominence of attention is in relationship to Krishna. To be with such a woman the GHQ and misogynists would have to come clean about their addiction to sex and power. They never will be truthful, easier to blame on her western birth, avoiding she's often more strict practitioner of a higher process than they could carry out.
Lord Caitanya said one day preaching will go on in every town and village, Prabhupada said many of us be devotees in past life, yet misogynists belittle and demean as "western." Never thinking the Lords plan might have had something to do with. Thus they bring karma onto their head.
They shall not pull the wool over our eyes, which makes them irate that we refuse to play the game. They like to play them on women. Pat each other on back how that lie manipulated so well, that woman.
The unfortunate "blindly" following Hindu ladies, we feel sorry to. We hope one day they read Srila Prabhupada’s detailed literatures, letters, and discern how he treated women setting the example. Discover his genuine higher meanings. Ultimately she might try to get husband out of maya. It may be impossible, at least she tries, then to try to save her own soul.
Also worthy of mention is there be Hindu women who do not believe in absolute power of husband or that abuse as spiritual but got roped into an arranged marriage with fallen misogynist. (Some arranged marries work, don't throw away baby with bath water.) Another, the man may have lied to her and presented himself differently prior to marriage, then after she agreed to marriage, he became bully. Some Hindu ladies have no other way left to be cared for, thus side with him for that reason, and to avoid harm.
It should lastly be commented, there are some Western Women who think and behave exactly like some Hindu ladies, with the glories of men, or abuse as godly. We too feel sorry for these Western Woman.
Although most will balk and claim to not need our pity, in some cases that's possible Stockholm syndrome, but survival is needed when no one can intervene to straighten things up. We hope it doesn't take as long where one day finding themselves, with or without choice, in police office due to husbands abuse (emotional, spiritual, sexual, physical), or in therapist office because he manipulated her mind too much, too long, she now does not know reality from kali yuga expectations, from what he convinced her she should be able to do, like past sages of more divine ages. Trying to be artifically advanced is a cause of falldown, and can drive one crazy too, especially if unrealistic.
We will wait, and hope such women come out of this illusion, study the process Prabhupada gave us as the correct lifestyle for this age, before they get bad experiences. Also that husband comes out of such illusions. It is shocking so many feel the need to change what Prabhupada taught in order to get sense gratification and call it religiosity. We sit and we wait, hoping for delusions to break free.
Yes, Misogynists Like Hindu Ladies, and are lying to Hindu ladies, presenting themselves much nicer than they be.
She thinks: "How lucky I am to have met and married (European, American, Canadian) Vaisnava man. Now I can move to that country with him and live peaceful, spiritual life."
He thinks: "Now I have wife I can be kind to if I 'feel in the mood,' or I beat, rape, mistreat since myself is guru over her, she accepts she deserved it and not to complain, like these stupid western women complain of it. If I have unhappiness I can pick on Hindu wife because she is suppose to keep me happy, knows it, and if I'm unhappy- its her fault or her fault of not knowing ways to return me to happiness. With this woman, I can do whatever I want."
Naturally, other thoughts go through their minds, but take heed, as these are good examples. Do not let them trick you. Remember, word 'misogynist' means "woman HATER." Hate justifies doing anything. They are acting nice? Anger is right on the edge for he who is 'woman hater' misogynist.
These men do not represent Srila Prabhupada or his Hare Krishna Movement. Know this. They are bogus to claim representation. With some looking, better men can be found in Srila Prabhupada's authentic Movement - that would not be the GHQ movement.