Hare Krishna Women explained. Clearing Prabhupada from accusations of misogyny, racism, abuses - Returning such tributes to those distorting his philosophy for power, sex, and personal ambitions.
Sixty Volumes of Elaborate English Version byTridandi GoswamiA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI
CARRIED BY THE SCINDIA STEAM NAV. CO., LIMITED BOMBAY All over the world for scientific knowledge of God.
The sufferings of the entire human society can at once be brought under control simply by individual practice of "Bhaktiyoga" a simple and easy process of chanting the holy Name of God. Every country, every nation and every community throughout the world has some conception of the holy Name of God and as such either the Hindus or the Mohammedans or the Christians every one can easily chant the holy Name of God in a meditative mood and that will bring about the required peace and good will in the present problematic human society.
Any enquiry in this connection will be gladly answered by Sri Swamiji.
The Hindus generally chant the holy Name of God in sixteen chain of transcendental sound composed of 32 alphabets as "Hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare., Hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare." The Vedic literatures like the Upanisads and the Puranas do recommend chanting of the abovementioned sixteen holy Names at a stretch and Lord Sri Chaitanya, Who preached this cult of chanting the holy Name of God, gave special importance on these transcendental sounds. In this age of Kali or the age of hate, hypocrisy, corruption and quarrel, the only remedial measure is that every man should chant the holy Name of the Lord both individually and collectively.
The Glories of the holy Name have been described by Sri Chaitanya in His eight verses of "Siksastak" which run as follows:—
1. Glory to the Sri Krishna Samkirtanam which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together and thus the fire of conditional life of repeated birth and death is extinguished. Such Samkirtan movement is the prime benediction for the humanity at large because it spreads rays of the benediction - Moon. It is the life of transcendental knowledge, it increases the ocean of transcendental bliss and it helps to have a taste of the full nectarine for which always anxious we are.
2. Oh my Lord! Your holy Name can alone render all benediction upon the living being and therefore you have hundreds and millions of Names like Krishna, Govinda etc. In these transcendental Names you have invested all your transcendental potencies and there is no hard and fast rules for chanting these holy Names. Oh my Lord! You have so kindly made easy approach to you by your holy Names but unfortunate as I am, I have no attraction for them.
3. One can chant the holy Names of the Lord in an humble state of mind thinking himself as lower than the straw on the streets, tolerant more than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and being ready to offer all kinds of respects to others.
4. Oh the Almighty Lord, I have no desire for accumulating wealth nor I have any desire to enjoy beautiful woman; neither I want any number of followers of mine. What I want only is that I may have your causeless devotional service in my life birth after birth.
5. Oh the son of Maharaj Nanda, I am your eternal servitor and although I am so, some how or other I have fallen on the ocean of birth and death. Please therefore pick me up from the ocean of death and fix me up as one of the atoms of your lotus feet.
6. Oh my Lord when shall my eyes be decorated with tears of love flowing incessantly by chanting your holy Name? And when all the holes of hairs on my body will have erruptions by the recitation of your Name?
7. Oh Govinda, feeling your separation, I am considering a moment as 12 twelve years or more than that and tears flowing down my cheeks like the torrents of rains. I am feeling all vacant in the world without your presence.
8. I do not know any one except Krishna as my Lord and He shall remain as such even if he handles me roughly by His embrace or He may make me broken hearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything but he is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.
Chanting of the holy Name of God is recommended for every one both for the mass of people and the class of people. Those who are scholars, philosophers, scientists, religionists and educated, may read the English version of SRIMAD BHAGWATAM by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami with particular attention to the purports appended with each and every verse.They have appreciated the publication as follows:—
"At a time when not only the people of India but those of the west need the chastening quality of love and truth in a corrupting atmosphere of hate and hypocrisy, a work like this will have uplifting and corrective influence. What is God? He is truth, He is love. Even an atheist must accept the supremacy of those qualities and how much they are needed by the people of the world who have been tought to deny God and these qualities, do not require much emphasis."
"The author has attempted a tremendous task... A perusal will give us in the sample measure a knowledge of the original. The essence of Srimad Bhagwatam is the exposition of the Absolute Truth, we would recommend this book."
"The editor's vast and deep study of the subject and critical insight are reflected in these notes and."
"We have no doubt that with the publication of these volumes the rightful interpretations of the Bhagwatam, which has been the gift of Sri Chaitanya and His Goswami followers, has now been available to the English knowing world for the first time."
"The elaborate method is very helpful to the ardent student of Bhagwatam who lack in Sanskrit language. It is admitted in all hands that Bhagwatam is the most difficult text amongst the puranas. The author richly deserve the gratitude of the devotees for his pious learned labour of love."
"These volumes speak very highly of Swamiji's scholarship and specially of his love of cultural pursuits, when we look into the enormous labour and sacrifice in producing them single-handed and that too, at ripe old age of 68. We earnestly pray to the Almighty that He may spare Swamiji for all the years he may require to finish the Magnum opus of 60 volumes, and earn the love and gratitude of his fellowmen in pursuit of Divine Love and Grace, nay of the entire humanity."
"You have done a first class work and you desire the hearty commendations of every Indian every Hindu. Your deep and penetrating study of the subject and your philosophic insight are reflected in this book." etc. etc.
Discovered a spin-off of GHQ. It's ghq for women. Apparently there's always a percentile of women in society who like punishment and abuse. This group is called DASI. Do not confuse with an ISKCON woman group by similar name. There are two dasi organizations. Found little interest in either, but if forced to single out the better of the two, iskcon branch is safer. They may also preach some subservient position, but a difference be, they'll not force you to remain a member to still be worthy of respect. If you leave their group, they may not promote you, however if they find you are still to be a spiritual person they may. Especially you will be allowed to promote yourself.
May sound common sense to the rational. However, just try leaving ghq Dasi and letting them know why. Though no one can force you to remain a member (otherwisthe they would), next you will be condemned to the eternal hell fire, bad mouthed to as involved in serious maya for disagreement with them, others warned they better avoid your association.
Especially you will be chastized if you pointed out recognization of abuse, refusing to play their game that it's spiritual. You my dear friend, are going to hell.
Amusing how ghq men criticize iskcon women in charge of anything, nonetheless here they be, letting their woman in charge of DASI. Apparently iskcon women, even when going through husband to take charge of something, that was not good enough for ghq. If ghq did not know about it, they critized her, until they made sure she had spoken to her husband first. They are authority over her husband? He must inform them? Then hypocritical ghq lets one of their women take charge of DASI.
Their defense? Men are overseeing. With smallest amount of examination it became obvious - she's in charge. Merely look at the countless writings, most are a by woman than by men. They're hers specific. When such men write, it then requiress more colaboration, like mini-meetings, & often purpose is to give additional male glorification to a topic she all ready made.
Amazing they can twist Prabhupada's philosophy to extreme depths, rejecting what they dislike & accepting only what pleases their mind and senses. Then mark claims as superior devotees.
Denail strong. Illusions. Because to admit they've been living long time in make believe castle in the sky, is too much for their false ego to accept. Unless they rid false ego. Unlikely.
DASI is militant. Prabhupada was loving. DASI uses lies and tricks to convert. Prabhupada used "purity is the force," letting people make honest choice. Whether be man or a woman, those who deviate from sublime, beautiful, pure enlightenment of Srila Prabhupada, then present their deviations as truth, have almost always swerved away from his most basic instructions to all devotees:
Chant 16 rounds every day without fail.
Follow the 4 regulative principles strictly and without fail. (Clearly they break this one, more often than they'll ever let you know!)
Rise early.
Attend Mornging and Evening programs (even if have to do it themself as has been done in Preaching Centers throughout the world).
Take cold shower.
Book Distribtion (chances they participate in this is joke.)
Don't eat too much or too little, eat simple. (Often they are wanting of a wife or wives for purpose of cooking fancy meals for their uncontrolled tongue).
HariNama Sankirtana. (Unlikely.)
Prabhupada addressed certain letters to "ALL MY DISCIPLES" with instructions that applies to any and all devotees in his Brahma Sampradaya lineage. They don't follow many, seldom read them, except to argue them, find excuse around it.
Avoid committing the 10 Offenses (which they commit everyday when they call a devotee woman a *hore, think of Vaisnava woman as sex toy, hold hate in mind & heart for women.)
After reading some (the ghq) DASI articles it became clear their female writer is a smart lady, not less intelligent. It also appears she's: A game player of the mind, must always be right, things have to be her way (spoiled) or no way at all, and that her husband will constantly back her up.
Who wouldn't, when they are called guru-pati, given permission to rape (makes you think they are going at it like rabbits, though entire ghq makes you think nearly all of them be going at it like rabbits - or wish they were), shared agreement for polygamy, and get to hear how wonderful they are extensively?
The sincere wouldn't. The healthy wouldn't. The humble wouldn't.
It may seem startling to male readers that a woman would promote ghq philosophies as with DASI. Particularly one with brains. Its common intelligent women in the material world, and devotees, succumbed to abuse for many reasons. It's a misunderstanding that the higher the intelligence, the higher the psychological health. That's not always the case. Intelligent levels are irrespective. The college educated have willingly accepted abuse from patients.
Any woman putting up with abuse of this level, of this weirdness, including sexual opportunities for polygamy with options to include underaged minor, either that wife can't escape; or a wife may be entangled, and some are just messed up. May have formerly lived in worse situations, then discovered Krishna Consciousness, experienced some happiness. If husband turned out to be abuser, weighing against her past experiences, this was standard. Afterall, he's superior because his abuse included a spiritual component, must be right, isn't it?
No, it's sick. Regretably they've not experienced life that did not include some categorical nature of toxic abuse, thinking we be nuts for not surrenderng (to harmful man or situation). To them such surrender be normal, regardless how high their IQ. Don't remain unaware, mark it down or mentallyl that "intellence does not simultaneously indicate emotionally sound."
Therefore, protect yourself and become proficient how to recognize sound mental health from the unsound. Specifically refering to: emotional stinking thinking.
Am in realization they'll insist they're Vedic and healthy, criticize things here. That's part of the delusions. We will even agree some might try live similar lifestyle but its extremely rare do it right in kali yuga and succeed. This has yet to be seen. Most who did it right were sages from ancient time periods. Most born into the realistic current kali yug can't truthfully live that lifestyle. It can be a cause of falldown.
Also why His Divine Grace Srila Prabhuapda outlined a program specificually to those born in this kali yug. DASI (and GHQ) need not manipule Prabhupada's words to fit what they like to believe, such as blind surrender to their husband as if he's higher than he truthfully is, making him worshipable as gurupati, or misogny, polygamy. We ourselves will stick with Prabhupada's clear highest instructions he specifically left behind to follow. and said not to change anything.
Contagious to the weak, unrecognizable to the innocent, worship of man as the way to God has been going around, for some it has set-in as the norm. Beware. Observe it been promoted in smart clever way by smart women (who believe abuse as not abuse) which may confuse, until these perspectives mentioned become more clearly understood.
Be careful and aware of thier use of the word "traditional" roles of women. Sounds warm and fuzzy, can smell the sweet rice cooking from here. However, in truth its code for "man worship, artifical immitating saints, accepting spousal abuse as deserved" & a slew of other 'misunderstandings' they seem to want to maintain as a misunderstanding.
Not intending to engross ourselves with them, debating their infinite reasons they veil themselves with, simply trying to help others recognize misrepresentation of Srila Prabhupada by them. They are adults, can do as they like. Wuld be different if they did so quietly. The problem arises with this misrepresentation of Prabhupada that next causes many to have no interest in his genuine theachings. The other problem they indulge in, is spreading and preaching their ways to others and mislead them as well.
Look to the polititions. Are they all in accuracy with what they preach? No. Yet you probably voted for many who said things you believed in, later to find it was "bait and switch." Watch out for this DASI group, it will cheat you.
They'd debate: No, we don't cheat, we teach you to cope with husbands anger as your saving grace, we teach you its good for 11 or 12 year old girl to marry older men, we teach you its wise to share man with co-wives, we teach you abuse is not abuse but what you deserved.
Some tell themselves these to survive. Worse are those who believe it. They often are its preachers. Now doing the brainwashing that use to be done to them in their past. No one can help those indoctrinated. Srila Prabhupada never indoctrined, and always used loving kindness, pure scripture, & not sexual promiscuity they inform using his name. Offensive.
In passing came upon an editorial on Vedic woman. Mostly likely from Dasi. A picture it showed, two western young ladies from probable 1940s, smiling sweetly in such purity. Their dresses long, hair curly, looked like sisters or twins, ever so happy, nice. Any man would want to marry such a girl. Wait, what was that? In my tracks I stopped. For a moment I fell into the illusion myself, thus can't imagine what a man would feel. They were but a picture of "subtle sex life!" Not the type of purity related to Krishna, but the type of purity related to woman.
We repeatedly seem to need to remind devotees, that on this blog we speak of INITIATED women, or women desiring initiation, not any woman, however pious. Devotee is always about the Hare Krishna Movement, always about Prabhupada's instructions, not about even the sweetest of womanhood. OUr philosophy is we are not our body and to do the correct work to over come that and align with our spirit soul.
While I equally abhor men that next be hateful toward sweet woman once figuring out the sweetness they were drawn to was a sex attraction. Such men need to recognize most devotee woman are not trying to make him fall down, it is his own uncontrolled sex attraction he is feeling. Don't take it out on her.
"Attraction and repulsion for sense objects are felt by embodied beings, but one should not fall under the control of senses and sense objects because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization. PURPORT - Those who are in Krsna consciousness are naturally reluctant to engage in material sense gratification. But those who are not in such consciousness should follow the rules and regulations of the revealed scriptures. Unrestricted sense enjoyment is the cause of material encagement, but one who follows the rules and regulations of the revealed scriptures does not become entangled by the sense objects. " - Bhagavad gita as it is, ch 3, TEXT 34
It is equally an offense for initiated women who takes vows of celibacy and spiritual life seriously, to next see her use other women for attracting devotee men: "Oh look! This picture of innocence, this is what you want now isn't it?" Only two freedback replies, both male, none seeing through the illusion. Within them, surprising to read compliments on writing skills instead of accuracy, or inaccurac,y of the articleIt's It's better to read essays imperfectly composed yet explains unchanged, unbiased, philosophy of Srila Prabhupada.
Repeatedly its been agreed, there's not difficulty accepting the adults of DASI (or ghq) desire for sex, and their desire to live a different lifestyle from the one Prabhupada outlined for the initiate. (However if they are initiated, and most of them are, they are insubordinate to His Divine Grace's instructions to the initiate.) The difficulty arises due to DASI & GHQ's misrepresentation of him, and their arrogance they be superior followers. Just look up his expectations of "disciple" and that will quickly be cleared away. They are following something different.
Vedic woman, as they chronically propose, is not hard for she who all ready Vaisnava following Srila Prabhupada's program. There be many such quotes to promote this also, therefore read Prabhupada's actual instructions for this yug, and don't be mislead by their fanaticism. Vedic woman is part of Varnashrama dharma, and to maintain law. Krishna consciousness is higher, where woman all ready is a Vedic woman, needing no extra endeavor if she is following the vows she took, which included the program specifically outlined by Srila Prabhupada.
A woman who worships Mother Durga is also a Vedic woman, a female who worships Lord Siva - also Vedic woman. Lady who worships the impersonal brahmajyoti - Vedic Woman. She who believes its 'all one' can also be a Vedic woman. Some of these ladies can be even more strict than Dasi women! Dasi is strict, but these other Vedic women, some, be more strict.
Upon times it brings up wonder, can't be helped to ask, what happened in the past of these obsessive promoters of Vedic womanhood, that they must always present themselves as purest of the pure? Srila Prabhupada has not left that out of the process he gave (4 regulative principles, Morning program, Sankirtana service). The highest level of purity is automatically achieved through Krishna conscious activities, why therefore they hanker upon hanker for more and more purity?
Left to specualte, with ideas worth consideration.
Were any of them violated as a child?
Were any of them told they would never be pure?
Were any of them the oppposite, spoiled cild of family who had to be perfect always?
Is there a sexual component to this pushing of Vedic woman purity, since we see it is not abot purity of soul and God, but toward husband?
Though rare, are some such woman narcasists? Aftr reading the definition of the female narcasist, it was startling, recognizing what might be characteristics promoted by wife of GHQ, or DASI.
To have purity of wife, there need be purity of husband. Not showman purity, such as with most and probably all GHQ. Not to marry, then rape, under-aged girl and claim to be Vedic. They are not qualified as the scriptural men they read about, thus they be making offenses.
Admit to have found their next topic and explanation interesting, that woman are considered less intelligent not as much due to intelligence level, but due to emotional level. If this be fact, then it must be given notice, should a husband abuse his wife, she is going to be emotional. If anyone abuses anyone at all, they will react with strong emotions. Blaming women as too emotional often be an escape technique used by irresponsible men to avoid admission of what they've done wrong.
Lets bring to the forefront men often are as emotional as women in kali yug, more likely to use emotions of smart-alec sarcasm, anger, jealousy, picking fights, and other emotions acceptable to them merely because they are recognized as mostly male. However, emotions are emotions, all of which will block the intelligence levels. Its been a constant, for such men to treat their women cruelly, then blame her as overly emotional. Not behavior of Vaisnava husband, thus if he does like karmi or abuser, do not complain she's emotional, thereby less intelligent.
All this is similar to black slaves of Old South America, whose owners were convinced of their intellectual inferiority, while these same owners beat and deprived them of knowledge. Unfortunately may have been difficult to put to knowledge to memory under such stressful abusive situations. Then using that as evidence they are less intelligent. Centuries later when slavery and abuse became illegal, we now have a beautiful colorful world filled with highly intelligent black doctor, architects, teachers.
No one should expect they can abuse another, than complain that other is too emotional, therefore less intelligent. Bogus. Offensive. Offenses accumulate, reactions karmically will return to sender when least expected.
Then in the article comes mention of so many divorced at temples, further suggestive is their buck passing to woman, leaving certain men unaccountable for their actions. If brave enough to look at truth, notice authorities demanded both to husband and wife to minimize child care and do something else. There are more and more authorities as exception today but might still go on. How can woman be blamed she is not homebody mother, under such circumstances? What if your boss said something similar? Are you willing to put many things at risk? Not an easily resolved as they say.
I love the temples, if they would make modifications to respect these needs all would be well. But I will not sit idly by with woman blamed for actions of men. Many godsisters were chastised for taking care of their "bags of stool." DASI or GHQ blames broken homes on woman? They always skirt making man accountable when males do something wrong, even to blame that on woman.
Apparently some of them believe accepting that is to be chaste. But it is dishonest & breed dishonesty. Understandle every once in a while a husband does something wrong, the wife often will pretend to the public he did not, while internally she knows better, but protects him in this way. However, misogynists expect that alall the time. It be nice if he did truthful protection and not put her through reactions that are deserved upon him. Very cowardly for those who make unlimited claims of their superior qualiities. Then why they be such cowards they must hide behind wife's apron strings? If he has the huptza to do wrong actions, let him have courage to accet fullconsequences. If he often performs wrong actions, wife has to take the blame or no longer be though of as chaste, do they not feel in their gut how sickening this is? How dishonest, infection to their own soul? Kali yug is barely standing, and its spiritual success is that it stands on the last leg which is honesty.
Now if woman does something wrong they call her *hore and send her to hell fire.How pusillanimous not to at least admit what faults are his, becauyse then they could improve, advance.
They next quote Prabhupada on 'no divorce,' but so long as they maintain karmi behavior like abuse or serious neglect, they will receive karmi reactions like divorce. Initiated Vaishnava woman do not deisre divorce, might tolerate a man who abuses 'if' he admits its from karmi past and obtains treatment or somehow purifies self. However, can't criticize Vaisnava women for getting free of him if he wont admit his abuse is from his karmi personality, but instead tries to pass it onto Prabhupada or God. Such an offense can not be tolerated.
Additionally, since early on the men were glorified but unfortunately did not come up to outlined standards, too many let it go to their head, abused wife, cheated on her, ignored the children (except to punish), became the center, thinking too often always be right. Rresults in no humility in marriage, which results in abuse if wife disagree with him, which resulted in iskcon divorces. Probably they all went over to the GHQ. LOL Because iskon is more and more purifying, getting rid of this maya.
When there is criticism on iskcon broken homes coming from these who proclaim to be Vedic women we must look deeper. Iskcon has history to look at and learn from, and they are doing exactly what old iskcon did when young and foolish, who have now stopped many such practices after discovering it did not work, as well as learning they misunderstood - spiritual maturity. Here we have DASI women saying they've spoken to iskcon children to find out they are unhappy, when in fact they themselves are training their daughters to marry at age of minor, to serve man as her lifes goal. Sons trained to maintain excessive false ego of never wrong, gurupate of wife who can do anything he wants. They've taken it further than iskcon, yet they think the problems of the children they spoke with are a result of non Vedic woman? That the a good wife will hold family together regardless depths of abusiveness of some husband? They view him not abusive but Vedic? Such actions only make children miserable. They need to come out ofdenail. No protection from mom there.
They criticize our children, but show one blissful teenager in kali yuga? Do they take advantage of that phenomena and use it to claim they have spoken to these kids and they're miserable? Happiness is fleeting for anyone, but more-so the uncentered teenager. At least in iskcon we dont make 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 etc year old girl get married, which will damage them worse.
We would like equal time. Faciliated to similarly talk to their children, without the parents present, because we feel confident when they spoke to iskcon children, the parents were not present. Would DASI and GHQ allow us to ask questions of THEIR children. No. Because we'd discover they are no happier than iskcon children. Their girls, with the idea of having to have sex with older man, or be in weird cowife situation, regarldess how sweet a smile she's been trained to plaster onto her face, she may be deeply frightened.
We are sorry DASI believes there's too much denigerating ideas on raising daughters, wondering why so fanatical they can not pick up a self help book on how to riase children, modify it accordingly. Though they will fault find it not as Veidic, as Prabhupada said to take gold from any place. Its difficult to have much compassion for their complaints that no one is caring about the purity of their daughters, when they themselves train them up to accept rape and all forms of abuse from their future husband! They are indeed focusing on the least important type of purity, the purity of body, which again is automatic if one is truthfully practicing Krishna consciousness. They are practicing caste system of old, not Prabhupada's instructions for this difficult age all live in.
We are sorry DASI does not know how to be good wife wihtout getting fanatical, refusing to read anything in addition to Vedic books teaching how to be good wife. Would make more sense if if they did not come out of karmi background, but most everyone had karmi background, sometimes other books can heal problems.
We are sorry DASI needs to control entire world on these, including devotee world, in order to have the life they want. Fact be their worries about their daughter is not really about their daughter, antheir need to glorify husand and accept mistreatmeant is not really about not their husband, its about them. Sure, some is understandable, as it is always a fear trying to raise a Krishna conscious child in modern day, with little support, and so much going wrong. Simultaneously they are not satisified with Prabhuadapada's outlined method (words they'll never speak) and want to raise their daughters a way to guarantee her purity, the type as in Varnasramadharma. We who'd much prefer our daughter be taught how to be pujari or serive Krishna, can not relate, knowing the morality these organizations fret over are not a concern in Krishna consciousness. Itis true it still happens, this they will point out and develop into an excuse for what they do instead. However, illusion is to think it can't happen in varnashramadharma either. It can happen under any philosophy, any lifestyle. However, if trained to know how to do devotions to God, not man, daughter will be saved not only of the parents morality worries, but also from repeated birth and death.
Therefore it is not about their daughter, it's about how scared, mad, worried, etc the parents feel inside. Unfortunately they do not look for practical solutions for kali yuga, as they still must all be better than everyone else, so must immitate sages in scripture. Understand, they do not feel good unless there is fanaticism in their lifle. Fanaticism helps them feelback in control.
However, just follow Prabhuapda's (accurate) gurukula method, add some mom stuff to it - not so hard. If they find it hard, we wonder why. We suspect its because they are trying to make something different, and more difficult, than what Prabhuapda outlined, for whatever psychological reasons they maintain. But can't change the reality we all were born kali yuga. Prabhupada all ready outlined a program for children, which can even be modified as long as Krishna remains the center. No need to concoct a better one through false unachievable immitations.
When next considering their belief of husband guru, since that was not the process with the presence of Srila Prabhupada, no evidence it was ever instructed to kali yug devotees, thereby causes question why these women desire to think her husband is also her spiritual master?
Likely thinking making him happy will automatically bring her back to Godhead, as they read in scripture. If they have a pure devotee husband, such luck. Since that has yet to be seen, or proven, its but illusion to assume always pleasing the husband when he's in maya, would deliver the wife. It may avoid arguments, but this not be a post on marriage skills, in favor of, or against, which ones. This be a blog of those initiated, only on spiritual qualification of husband as guru. If he's in maya (such as wanting sex without 50 rounds, or bullying), if she passes it off as spiritual, first she is lying to herself. she now has assisted herself and husband to take birth again. Possibly children too, since they train them to be just like them. They are kept very controlled and see not much else. Nowhere has Prabhuapada said husband can do whatever he likes, contrary, he has said husband must live as a paramahansa.
Considering DASI's husbands, the GHQ, attempted to overthrow iskcon, promoted disgrace to any man disagreeing with ghq, desire or believe to marry under-aged girls, add belief its acceptable to rape wife, reject certain aspects of Prabhupadas instructions they dislike, such as woman on book distribution, while pretense they are superior follows.............This is your guru?! How any woman can think this makes for qualification of guru of any sort, maybe she wants illusion too.
False egos' run high. They want to follow something lower and call it higher. Whether that be due to lying to us or themselves, or be due to large false ego rejects awareness of truth, becomes hard to discern. What we know is, those who have studied Prabhupada's letters to his disciples can defeat the bogus DASI and their unqualified husbands GHQ.
This blind acceptance of husband as guru is bogus, devotee husband must prove through example he is first qualified to be even husband, what to speak qualified to be guru. Simply taking to the Hare Krishna religion is insufficient. It is however sufficient to be a devotee himself, but to take an unquestionable position? No, only in the caste system can one automatically be given such a position. Srila Prabhupada spoke repeatedly against the caste system in kali yug, and of the importance of qualification. To give unconditional power to husband just for taking male birth is not in like with Srila Prabhupada's type of Krishna Consciousness, regardless they quote him, they simply be false imitators of past yogis in past yugas.
Will not speak much on devotees of this strange organization, DASI. Wishing only to give warning. They are militant and sexaholics, bowing to their husbands every whim. EVERY. Worship of man. They will sneakily twist this as they twist a myriad of topics they speak on.
Instead, we proclaim:
Here's what they say on guru-pati which is only the half of it. No religion makes bona fide the incontestable worship of earthly man, especially if he wants more women, especially if he be a woman-hater. Woman hater propensity immediately removes him from advanced spiritual position.
Incidentally, that lovely picture of the two innocent looking 1940 girls who sparked probably in all who viewed it, admiration for their satvic appealingly mode of goodness purity? They were melechas! Just see how easy it is to fall under maya's clutches. Repeatedly Srila Prabhupada has explained, we are not interested in the mode of goodness, we are interested in overcoming ALL of the material modes of nature and going further, up to Krishna consciousness:
"Bob: Are the devotees beyond accumulating karma? These devotees--do they feel karma? Do they work in these modes? Are they in the mode of goodness?
Srila Prabhupada: They are above goodness! Suddha-sattva. The devotees are not in this material world. They are in the spiritual world. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena bhakti-yogena sevate sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate ("One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down in any circumstances, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman.") Devotees are neither in goodness, passion nor ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities.
Bob: A devotee who is very faithful reaches this stage?
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Devotee... You can become a devotee as they have become. It is not difficult. Simply you have to engage yourself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord,that's all." -- Perfect Questions Perfect Answers, Chr 4, TheThree Modes Of Nature, February 28, 1972
Initiated devotee woman are automatically moral, then going higher up to Krishna conscious. Because she is Krsna conscious she may be strong, which is what DASi & GHQ reject, yet Prabhupada instructed woman they should be strong preachers for Krishna. If that instruction does not make for the perfect cozy home-life DASI or ghq dreamed of, too bad. Besides, they practice nice grhastha lifestyle outlined by Srila Prabhupada. These woman are still submissive by nature, just submissive to the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada first and foremost! Incidentally, that lovely picture of the two innocent looking 1940 girls who sparked probably in all who viewed it, admiration for their purity? They were melechas! Just see how easy it is to fall under maya's power. Initiated devotee woman are automatically pure because they are celibate and follow Krishna consciousness program by Prabhupada.