Monday, March 7, 2011

GBC Disagree-Will Mayapur Revist?

(The Mayapura meeting has come and gone, with nothing mentioned. Faith in them is down the drain. What a shame they did not take the need to fully renounce the GHQ 100%, as something very serious. I shall sit and wait for the eventual lawsuits or different serious problems to arise. If they be smart, they may reopen the case. Though another year for them to reopen and reexamine it, not something I plan on waiting. Hope they dont wait for the yearly meetings to make these changes, there can always be hope some temple president on his own will be strong in the face of the GHQ abusers, bewilderers of Prabhupada's program. A a temple authority by himself could ban each one he knows. If real fortunate an independant GBC member may also come out of the depths of minimizing the importance of this, and start to speak up against the GHQ. It seems too many authorities are either cowards, or agree but keep it silent. The point here has been made, its never to late for them to continue to rectify. If they want to maintain followers of GBC, good idea to do so and not make all wait for the next Mayapura meeting. I'll be practicing Krishna consciousness independantly, but with hopes these changes get made, maybe when I'm not even looking.) GBC Disagree-Will Mayapur Revist? With the upcoming Mayapur meetings, this post is in hopes Governing Board or GBC will not ignore, will not say "we've all ready done this," but sees this real problem was left in limbo, incomplete. This post is to recognize the vast difference between what is preached by GHQ and what is preached by Prabhupada, then asking authorities brave enough to take protective measures not only for the sake of women and children, but also for the sake to keep Srila Prabhupada's Movement pure, and as he wanted it. Remember when there was abuse in old gurukula schools? Surely abusers could come up with quotes and phrases to appease those who investigated them. Its not hard, an easy decoy. Did GBC agree with 'some' preachings from Dallas teachers during that abuse? Sexually molestations? Did GBC take too long to intervene because they allowed themselves to listen to misused scriptural quotes from child molesters? Learn from this history. Do not now repeat it now on women. Restorers that women are adults. However, that potion is mostly removed from the abused woman. Money and power taken away so he can do whatever he wants but she can hardly breathe. Told she will become a *hore unless she agrees with a misogyny husband. She's also constantly reminded to have no more intelligent than a 14 year old boy. Different quotes of her intelligence are avoided, both to her, and to you. GBC we implore you, don't be fanatical to avoid Mayapur discussion of this topic again. No one is beating GBC, or raping GBC's daughters. Show you are not selfish by taking care of the little people. Additional difficultiy arises when it is women and not children. With child abuse, if an authority is not a pedophile like the offender, or is unlike other offenders curel and physically or mentally abusive, it became easier to confront and resolve. However in kali yug while everyone is suppose to be celibate, too many are not, or try yet struggle. No judgement. Practically all men need a wife at lesat for subtities in life. Some don't, but if in truth (not abusing woman due to his celibacy but actually happy in his celibacy), generaully even authorities require a woman in their life, and if its not turning out to be marital bliss, they may have difficulty standing up for women, being more drawn to getting 'her' under control, rather than looking if he contributes any problems to the marriage. Marriage is a purifying ashrama after all, meaning two need purification, not just one. However, then marches in the GHQ, savor of their day, justifying cruely toward woman, in hidden wording and sneaky actions. Thus we hope any authority with woman issues too, humbles themselves by resolving marital problems through healthy ways, not align with ghq woman-haters quick fix now. (Bullying.) Scary consequences upon time of death.

If GBC still agrees with some GHQ beliefs, we the other half (& more) of the ISKCON, suggest those particular GBC members are no longer qualified because:

  • Because it reveals GBC is under bodily concept of life, without a doubt.

  • Because agreeing with GHQ gives GBC extra unnecessary power & control over women.

  • Whereas genuinely qualified authority all ready have proper power and control, does not need to steal it using methods of the weak, or materialistic techniques. GBC should already have spiritual strength to inspire others want to do what is right, or to maintain.

  • Because agreement with some misogynists beliefs include: attention only to misogynists philosophical good points and ignoring bad points. Hashing it out: something be good, something be bad, results in too much time spent on the mental platform when Prabhupada has all ready made it clear. Surrender to his method, otherwise interim, abuse will continue.
While authorities pat each other on the back, protecting themselves (men), and not women as Prabhupada instructed their duty as an aturhtory, endlessness of child and woman abuse continues with GHQ friends. It will infect iskcon if iskcon does nothing, or takes their sweet old time to FULLY RENOUNCE the GHQ. We never see Prabhupada treat women in the ways some misogynists iskcon authorities 'agree' with GHQ. Therefore some GBC members have become contaminated, and quiety use little shifts philosophically to make others think this was what Prabhuapda promoted, when we see the opposite. It is not how he acted at all. Over time possibly using quotes unearthed (out of context) by GHQ "buddies" to justify.

However GHQ hase big lying propensity. Look at the many letters Srila Prabhupada wrote to his female disciples and see if there is any inferiror lesser treatment. What is found are instructions how to be transcendenal to any material body, to be Krishna conscious. Therefore some gbc, the misogynist ones, have now convinced many devotees inferiority toward women is Prabhupada's way, but that not true, becasue it is THEIR way.

* GBC, remember that GHQ will always want to overthrow ISKCON, they desire to marry (sex up) underaged minors, look downward upon Latinos and blacks, ghq believe in wife beating, & in society of celibate initiates they believe in rape of wife, and in polygamy (you 'know' they are having lots of sex, wake up if you don't), ghq blames their sins on Prabhupada as if he authorized and wanted it. Consciousness of GHQ is very low and degrading to the Movement. They're also ruining Prabhupada's reputation on the internet. Where he once was the guru of love and revealing God as beautiful Krsna, he is now known as a promoter of misogyny!

Mr. GBC, do you really want conncections with them? If so, keep only 'disagreeing' with them, & when they start to show up on "Sex Offender Lists," or arrested by a neighbor who saw something weird, things beyond control, and somewhat due you never preaching them out of maya or next renouncing all connection with them, then ISKCON authorities will be legally considered some form or other of an accomplice. Hope you have extra cash for lawsuits. Regardless how the results turn either way, they're an accident waiting to happen.

Since that has all ready been forewarned, maybe not so bad if it happens. Maybe what it takes to get you to climb out of ivory towers with high pay checks, and see the way the rest of us live, so many who hang on your words and making of laws, waiting for relief. The rest whom you are suppose to be getting pay checks to take care and protect. If you continue to not do so, don't be surprised if some devotee family member becomes willing to go to court as a witness if needed. WAKE UP, we don't want that to happen. Therefore FULLY disagree with GHQ and get them out of our hair too.

Put distance between yourself and the bizarre GHQ, or somehow or other, it will backfire and karmically find you.

For goodness-sake, stop making us wait around until the proper time or the perfect meeting. Get moving before its YOUR sister, wife they mean-mouth or call *hore, your child, or the child or your child -that these ghq get their muddy hands on. You can't protect all your family members on an individual basis, but have much more power to achieve that collectively, as a GBC member.

Remove GHQ with legal paperwork, from anything connected to isckon, or you too become supporters of these polygamists pedophiles, Narcissists, or criminals.

If GBC refuse to do these things, maybe GBC should no longer be given paychecks until they do their job. Maybe some GBC are also woman-haters and therefore unqualified to be leader GBC. How many misogynist GBC do we have? Wonder why the Movement doesn't flourish? There's one good reason. Many GBC only "disagree" with some parts of woman-hater GHQ preachings, because other parts, such as the misogynistic parts, they agree!

Enough is enough. How long GBC you think everyone will put up disguised woman hatred. Not a great disguise, we see through it easily.

Calling all GBC misogynists, please step down, or will qualified GBC please remove these misogynists? No more statements of: "we disagree," but fully disagree, or give up position. Either it pays to do that, or you're a misogynists like the ghq.

Much GBC power comes from the people. When the people stop believing in you, gradually you will loose. The people with female children are sick of it.

After writings before on this blog, godsisters and their husbands logging complaints to GBC about merely "disagreeing" with the GHQ (what a slap in the face women felt when GBC said like this!), I too am loosing faith in you. Thus Mr. GBC either do your job or get off the pot. Rid yourselves of ideas of ghq as right, remember how that didn't work for child abusers justifying their sins with Prabhupada's words, and detach from GHQ's bad association, or step down. All ideas should come from Prabhupada, no need to read selective quoting of GHQ as if they are your authority. GBC, for every crisis that manifests, you take too long to resolve. They often would not have to rise to the platform of crisis if you renounced politico, got up, and did your service to protect the devotees. Thus GBC, this is the latest opportunity. Do it now and save grace.

If you keep right on merely "disagreeing," next devotee families will keep right on moving out. We do not bloop but remain devotees of Krishna in safer environment, as we don't need you to be a devotee of Krishna, but we would rather have you , if you did right by us.

Directly read and take instruction from Prabhuapda's writings and notice too how he truthfully treated women.

Everyone thinks they are so smart with University degrees, yet Prabhupada himself used the same words GHQ uesed (misuse) , but never do we see him to abuse women or children, or anyone.

What's obvious to the sincere, to the humble, is that we often do not understand the transcendental writings and wordings of the high consciousness and intelligence of the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada, thus according to everyone's individual natural propensity some may think he meant (to go ahead and abuse) which is not what he meant. Men if suppose to be superior intellect, why they don't get this? Some do, it is the criminally minded, or the sick, or the exceptionally puffed up, who don't get it.

Dear GBC, please consider, the educated who read what ghq preacher believe them to be: very emotionally messed up, or suffering from some form of mental illness, or criminally minded. While you are only disagreeing with some parts of what ghq says and agreeing with others, those with intelligence only focus on the dangerous parts, as should you. If we are to draw more into the movement, do you want the crazies like the polygamists or even wives who agree? If you think the submissives will be easier to control, this is illusion. They are often the crazies, will ultimately cause a trouble you don't even know how to deal with. Better to attract the more functional type of women, and their husbands, to the movement. Wholesome families, who would then be helpful to you.

GBC do you job, or let someone else do it if you don't want to get involved. Action must be taken soon, or everyone wholesome will start to leave. The sane don't stay in movements that tolerate abuse. The inteligent know thats nutty.