Saturday, July 31, 2010



Varnashrama Dharma is an intricate topic to post about, while a necessary one. Much woman abuse that happened was camouflaged as Varnashrama dharma, thus we walk softly, to elucidate.

When varnashrama dharma is practiced correct, it is a pious and good. It can benefit everyone, when performed in accordance with Srila Prabhuapdas true instructions.

Gurukuli's grew up and went their own way, still Krishna's way, but took the rough road to learn for themselves. Devotee parents raised these children in firm loving Krishna consciousness environments, only to have some exploited by the multi-media western influences all abound them. Many parents wished there was a (bona fide) varnashrama dharma system in place to catch their children when they fell. Not a place for them to remain perputally, simply a Plan B, to hold them up until they matured and readied themselves for the next higher level of Krishna consciousness.

Varnashrama dharma is a catch-all, it inculdes everyone. From the brahmana to the sudra, all can participate. When executed correctly, there's no arrogance of brahmana's, no bullying by kstriyas, no money mongering by vaishyas, and no disrespect by sudras.

The purpose, even some who can't follow all the rules or reguations, they do not have to feel they need give up being devotee. They can simply live in a varnashrama community and find their place.

A genunine varnashrama community also allows for advancement, when ready.

"The social institution known as varnasrama-dharma--the institution dividing society into four divisions of social life and four occupational divisions of caste--is not meant to divide human society according to birth. Such divisions are in terms of educational qualifications. " Bhagavad Gita 16:1 - 3, Purport

In a few commentaries Srila Prabhuada said to start Varnashrama dharma, in many many other places he said it can not be done in this yuga. We see the current practical examples, most who are attracted to practice of this, too often are aso attracted to sex, women, power, money, some have wanting to drink alcohol (as if kstriya) or get high. It has turned many against the idea of varnashrama dharma.

"The institution of varnashrama-dharma is used by selfish men to pose an artificial predominance over the weaker section." Srimad Bhagavatam 1:2:13

However, read more of what Prabhupada said:

Satsvarupa: Varnasrama is not required.

Prabhupada: Not required. Caitanya Mahaprabhu denied, “I am not brahmana, I am not ksatriya, I am not this, I am not this.” He rejected. But in the Bhagavad-gita, the catur-varnyam maya sristam [Bg. 4.13] So we are preaching Krsna consciousness. It must be done.

Hari-sauri: But in Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s practical preaching He only induced them to chant.

Prabhupada: That is not possible for ordinary man.

Hari-sauri: What, to simply induce people to chant?

Prabhupada: Hm?

Hari-sauri: He only introduced just the chanting.

Prabhupada: But who will chant? Who’ll chant?

Satsvarupa: But if they won’t chant, then neither will they train up in the varnasrama. That’s the easiest.

Prabhupada: The chanting will be there, but you cannot expect that people will chant like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They cannot even chant sixteen rounds. And these rascals are going to be Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Satsvarupa: No. But if they at least will chant and take some prasada…

Prabhupada: Chanting will go on. That is not stopped. But at the same time the varnasrama-dharma must be established to make the way easy.
Hari-sauri: Well, at least my own understanding was that the chanting was introduced in the age of Kali because varnasrama is not possible.

Prabhupada: Because it will cleanse the mind. Chanting will not stop.

Hari-sauri: So therefore the chanting was introduced to replace all of the systems of varnasrama and like that.

Prabhupada: Yes, it can replace, but who is going to replace it? The… People are not so advanced. If you imitate Haridasa Thakura to chant, it is not possible.

Satsvarupa: We tell them go on with your job but chant also.

Prabhupada: Yes. Thakaha apanara kaje, Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Apanara kaja ki. Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended, sthane sthita… And if they do not remain in the sthana, then the sahajiya’s chanting will come. Just like the sahajiyas also have got the beads and…, but they have got three dozen women. This kind of chanting will go on. Just like our (name withheld). He was not fit for sannyasa but he was given sannyasa. And five women he was attached, and he disclosed. Therefore varnasrama-dharma is required. Simply show-bottle will not do. So the varnasrama-dharma should be introduced all over the world, and…

Satsvarupa: Introduced starting with ISKCON community?

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. Brahmana, ksatriyas. There must be regular education"

Hari-sauri: But in our community, if the..., being as we're training up as

Prabhupada: Yes.

Hari-sauri: ...then how will we be able to make divisions in our society?

Prabhupada: Vaishnava is not so easy. The varnashrama-dharma should be established to become a Vaishnava. It is not so easy to become Vaishnava.

Hari-sauri: No, it's not a cheap thing.

Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore this should be made. Vaishnava, to become Vaishnava, is not so easy. If Vaishnava, to become Vaishnava is so easy, why so many fall down, fall down? It is not easy. The sannyasa is for the highest qualified brahmana. And simply by dressing like a Vaishnava, that is... fall down."

Hari-sauri: So the varnasrama system is like for the kanisthas, Kanistha-adhikari.

Prabhupada: Kanistha?

Hari-sauri: When one is only on the platform of neophyte.

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. Kanistha-adhikari, yes.

Hari-sauri: Varnasrama system is beneficial.

Prabhupada: Kanistha-adhikari means he must be a brahmana. That is kanistha-adhikari. The spiritual life, kanistha-adhikari, means he must be a qualified brahmana. That is kanistha. What is esteemed as very high position in the material world, brahmana, that is kanistha-adhikari. arcayam eva harayepujam yah sraddhayehatena tad-bhaktesu canyesusa bhaktah prakrtah smrtah The brahmana means from the material stage gradually he is elevated to the spiritual stage. And below the brahmana there is no question of Vaisnava.

Hari-sauri: No question of?

Prabhupada: Vaisnavism. srnvatam sva-kathah krsnahpunya-sravana-kirtanahhrdy antah-stho hy abhadranividhunoti suhrt satam

By becoming a brahmana, hearing, hearing, hearing... Or by hearing, hearing, hearing, he becomes a brahmana. The other qualities, sudra quality, ksatriya, vaisya, means finished. So then next stage is, srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah, hrdy antah... Nasta-prayesv abhadresu. By this process, hearing... Without becoming a brahmana nobody is interested to hear. Then, by hearing, nasta-prayesv abhadresu, then abhadra, means the base qualities, means ignorance and passion... These are the base qualities. So nasta-prayesv abhadresu. When these base qualities are finished almost, not complete, nityam bhagavata-sevaya, by hearing from Bhagavata or by serving the spiritual master and Krsna consciousness movement--

nasta-prayesv abhadresunityam bhagavata-sevayabhagavaty uttama-slokebhaktir bhavati naisthiki. Then he becomes fixed up in devotional... This devotional service is the first-grade quality of sattva-guna.

nasta-prayesv abhadresunityam bhagavata-sevayabhagavaty uttama-slokebhaktir bhavati naisthiki

Tada rajas-tamo-bhavah. When one is situated as a devotee, then this base quality, rajas-tamah, ignorance and passion, the symptoms: kama-lobhadayas ca ye. Kama, lusty desires, and greediness. Sex desire, strong sex desire or satisfy the senses, eating too much, lobha, greediness--these things go. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya bhagavaty uttama... When one is situated in devotional service, tada rajas-tamo-bhavah. These are rajas-tamo... These are the symptoms of rajas-tamo-bhavah. Tada rajas-tamo-bhavah kama-lobhadayas ca ye, ceta etair anaviddham. The mind is no more disturbed with all these things. Sthitam sattve prasidati. Then he is to be understood... He's in the sattva-guna. That is perfect brahminical life. Then he'll be pleased. Prasidati. In this way, gradual step... So it is very difficult to bring, [them to chanting stage, so ] introduce varnasrama, but at least there must be some idea. Just like in the university, nobody is going to study higher mathematics, higher English literature. Nobody goes even in your country. The classes are almost vacant. But still, the government does not close it. The expenditure is high, but there is no student, no income. Therefore the professors coming to us, Give us some student."

-Room Conversation, February 14, 1977, Mayapura

I do not read this as Prabhupada authorizing more than one woman, not in the least. Rather that fallen men are doing like this and no one can control or stop them, its a choice which they refuse to control or stop, at least they can chant Hare Krishna and engage in whatever form or amount of devotional service they can.

Thoughtful point where Prabhupada states: "The other qualities, sudra quality, ksatriya, vaisya, means finished." Considering he initiated women and made them disciples, its time men stopped referring to women as "sudras," or worse.

Today I read one devotee man in debate with another, claiming the reason the other did not comprehend woman's perscribed duty (lower postion in this case) is because he had not read the Mahabharata, only the Gita. Surprising such comment to be on Iskcon site without proper refutation, as no one mentioned Prabhupada did not translate the Mahabharata! Srila Prabhuapda taught the highest knowledge. We take our instructions from him. Even he instructed women as Pujari's.

"It is good that you have gone to Amsterdam temple to help with the deity program there. It must be done very nicely. So, help train them up to worship Radha and Krishna very nicely" Srila Prabhupada Letter to Malati devi dasi-- Honolulu 3 February, 1975

In the 1977 conversation at page top, between Prabhupada, I did not see it to indicate a desire of varnashrama-dharma as a replacement for the first class lifestyle of initiated disciples. It's what he may have tried to save them.

Initiates can partake of varnashrama dharma if they are strong and never fall own or misuse it. It appears a great difficulty for initiates to participate in varnashrama-dharma, maintain spiritual strength, and not fall prey the bodily concept. Possibly authorities could get involved to give (temperate) association to such a temple president or make arrangements for him and family to regularly visit other temples. A solution needs to be discovered for proper varanashrama dharma to be instituted in our society. Most unfortunate that His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada, must return to pick up those who won't follow yet insisted to obtain initiation. Therefore maybe to catch them in a fishnet of varnashrama-dharma, but not to glorify them as first class spiritual leader.

A once a known fact which seems to have taken a back-seat, is that devotees can go back to Godhead devoid of taking to gender roles prescribed in varnashram-dharma. Srila Prabhupada has all ready introduced the fundamentals into temples or for homes of grhasta's, as it is. That's first class. For the initiate, bodily roles were not to be magnified any further. Should someone wish to avoid them altogether, both genders could renounce if that be their desire.

What varnashrama-dharma has to offer is opportunity for the world to gradually go back to Godhead. Are we strong enough to take that on? This is the difficulty. To save the world sounds marvelous, to actually follow through and not get pulled down along with the crowd, has so far proven very difficult.

Nevertheless, another advanatge of Varnashrama-dharma is, should there be a split between husband and wife, and we are not promoting split, merely a fact that happens sometimes - thus when there is split, the wife has a place to go. We read letters from Srila Prabhupada where he instructed women whose husband was in maya or left her, to move into the temple. Thus is we now create (daivi) Varnashrama-dharma, a woman in distress can move into such a community.

Also to note that when more love (not to be confused with lust) be fostered in community, there are less break ups of marriages. What has too often been fostered is premature renounciation, intollerance to women for acting as a normal female, men maintaining angry egos with pretense it's Krishna conscious, Militant mood, use of Sankirtana tactics on devotees (there should be no such tactics in the first place), can do anything for God thus dishonesty becomes justifiable (inclding to other devotees because the doer supposedly is superior & helping them advance by such tricks), all these have caused divorce. Because they are not very spritual, they are mostly material. While any act or service for Krishna is spiritual, if their root be poor thinking, manipulation, etc, it still harms our consciousness.

Some point out there be no divorce in Krishna consciousness. However, the above activities are not very Krishna conscious, they are mostly maya conscious. When that changes, when there be genuine family and community kindness, truthfulness, love increased - abuse and divorce will decrease. That however, can be executed inside or outside varnashrama dharma.

Srila Prabhupada: The Vedic civilization begins from the varnasrama system. In the varnasrama system there is this arrangement: brahmanas [intellectuals, advisors], ksatriyas [administrators], vaisyas [merchants, farmers], sudras [workers], brahmacaris [celibate students], grhasthas [householders], vanaprasthas [retired married people], and sannyasis [renounced monks].

"The ultimate goal is that Krsna, the Supreme Lord, should be worshiped. So if you worship Krsna, then you fulfill all your occupational duties, either as a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, anything. Take to it immediately--take to Krsna consciousness. This is so important." -Science of Self Realization, Chapter 6

From Srimad Bhagavatam 3.6.33 P: "It is actually better to be a sudra than to be a brahmana and not develop the service attitude because that attitude alone satisfies the Lord. Every living being — even if he be a brahmana by qualification — must take to the transcendental service of the Lord. Both Bhagavad-gita & the Srimad-Bhagavatam support that this service attitude is the perfection of the living entity."

From Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 302:Srila Prabhupada: "Vaisnava is transcendental, but for proper management of the material world, one should be acting like a brahmana, one should be acting like a ksatriya. That is required. If need be he has to act as ksatriya or a sudra. It doesn't matter. But manage, for management the division must be there. Otherwise it will be mismanagement."

"First of all, one must have followed the regulative principle for at least six months without deviation. It is not necessarily required to live in the temple, but you must observe the rules." Srila Prabhupada Letter- Mexico City 15 February, 1975

This instruction was meant for all iniatiates, as seen in countless letters.

Prabhupada wanted varnashrama-dharma, but he first and foremost wanted everyone to follow strictly their initiation vows. That was his intent of the Hare Krishna Movement. It appears, when too many disciples could not or would not, stick to their vows, he encouraged varnashrama-dharma.

“The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional function in the present context of social, political and economic revolution. S.B. 2.4.18

This subject matter has many sides, for and against. Not easy to resolve. Luckily one that's clear, be it a devotee in practice of varnashrama-dharma or of pure Krishna consciousoness, this is for is certain:

"Because we are so weak in this age and there are so many problems, it is very very difficult to make a solution. Therefore sastra says that you simply take to the chanting of the holy name of God. Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam kalau nasty eva nasti eva nasti eva gatir anyatha. In this age, there is no other way, that you will feel when you take to chanting without any offense. Very simple thing. You haven't got to spend any money for this chanting. Neither we are charging. We are simply distributing this knowledge, and chant Hare Krishna mantra. All problems will be solved."

"But if you be engaged in devotional service, then immediately you transcend all the qualities. You become more than brahmana -- Vaishnava. Vaishnava means he is transcendental to the brahminical qualities also." -Srila Prabhupada lecture, 1973

16 Names of Radha

The 16 Names of Shri Radha

by Lord Narayana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Shri Krishna Janm Khanda 17.220-240:

Radha - She who is the bestower of ultimate divine bliss.

Rasesvari - She Who is the Goddess of the rasa dance.

Rasa-Vasini - She Who always lives with the rasa dance.

Rasikesvari - She Who is the Goddess of those who relish divine mellows.

Krsna-Pranadhika - She Who is dearer to Krishna than His own life.

Krsna-Priya - She Who is Krishna's most dearly beloved companion.

Krsna-Svarupini - She Whose form resembles Krishna is so many ways.

Krsna-Vamanga-sambhuta - She Who is generated from Krishna left side.

Paramananda Rupini - She Who is the personification of supreme ecstasy.

Krsna - She Who bestows the best form of supreme liberation.

Vrindavani - She Who lives in Vrindavana.

Vrinda - She Who always lives in the company of Her girlfriends.

Vrindavana-Vinodini - She Who enjoys many pleasures in Vrindavana.

Chandravali - She Whose form has many moons.

Chandra-Kamta - She Who effulgence is like the moon.

Sarac-chandra-Prabhanana - She Whose face glows like the full moon of August.

More Prabhupada Letters to Women

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jamuna -- Perth, Australia 11 May, 1975

Edinburgh, Scotland

My dear Lalita Priya devi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 10th, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am happy to know that you are feeling blissful in our Krishna Consciousness movement. We should follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya and the six Goswamis of Vrndavana. They were always serving Krishna in the mood of separation. They never said that "now I have seen Krishna or "last night I danced with Krishna—No. They were crying where is Krishna, and they were always searching after Him, wondering when they would finally be able to see Him.

We should also desire intensely to see and be with Krishna, but first thing is to become purified through devotional service. It is not possible otherwise. So, keep on helping me to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement, following the rules and regulations very carefully, and your life will be perfected and you will see Krishna.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



(To a man, however its a letter about when he left his wife)

"I am so glad to hear that you have again come to your senses and are arranging for your good wife Cintamani to return to Tokyo. She is a very nice devotee; that is a fact. And it is your duty to take care of her and see to it that she becomes Krishna Conscious. So work cooperatively, husband and wife, and make our Tokyo center most successful. That is my request." Srila Prabhupada letter to Sudama, Brooklyn, July 31, 71


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Nandarani -- Vrindaban 17 April, 1975


My dear Nandarani,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 3, 1975 and have noted the contents. Your going away, I did not take very seriously. I am very glad that you have come back. You should remain with Dayananda. That is your duty. He is a very good boy. So, please remain always fixed in devotional service and live peacefully.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jamuna -- Perth, Australia 11 May, 1975


My dear Jamuni devi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 28, 1975 and have noted the contents. Your husband recently came to Delhi and Vrndavana and he has sold so many properties of ISKCON through the Mukutwalla. His only business is to acquire money. He is collecting money like anything and is not contributing to the society. So what can I do? I did not say anything to him. I am simply praying to Krishna for his welfare.

It is good that you are now living separate from him. Wherever you live, you can follow the regulative principles and my instructions along with chanting. That will make you happy. Do not deviate from the path I have chalked out for every one of you.

Some years ago, in San Francisco, both you and your husband wanted to live in Vrndavana and I was training both of you to take up the charge of Vrndavana center very expertly. Unfortunately, both of you fell victim to sense enjoyment and now both of you are fallen from the service especially your husband. So what can I do?

But if both of you again come to your consciousness, Krishna consciousness, Krishna can lift you again from the fallen condition. That much I can assure you.

Tejyas was complaining that Madira has also gone with Gurudasa. Recently, I was in Delhi for participating in a meeting at Kuruksetra, and he informed me like that.

Anyway, the Vrndavana opening ceremony was performed very gorgeously for 7 days. The Governor of U.P. participated for 2 days. There was a big crowd all the days and it was a grand success. The total expenditure for the opening ceremony was about 60,000 rs. or more and I was feeling your absence. Your husband was present, but his business was different. Anyway, what can I do? I can simply pray to Krishna for revival of your old Krishna Consciousness.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada Letter to Krsnanandini -- Mayapur 8 April, 1975


My dear Krsnanandini devi dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 3rd, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding Bhumata devi dasi's affliction, she should simply take the proper treatment. Make the best out of a bad bargain. This material body is a bad bargain because it is always miserable. So, to make the best out of this bad bargain means to render devotional service in any circumstance. The dust from the lotus feet of the spiritual master is never to be used for material benefit. That is a great misconception. The best thing is that the girl tries her best to chant 16 rounds daily and to follow all of the rules and regulations even if she is afflicted with something, and in this way, she willfully understand the mercy of Krishna and the spiritual master.

I will be in Hawaii in May and June and then American mainland for about 6 weeks. She can send her offering to Hawaii.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Yogamaya -- Tehran 14 March, 1975

Los Angeles

My dear Yogamaya devi das,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your short note (dated nil) and poem. The poem is very nice. You are understanding the philosophy nicely. Keep yourself strongly fixed in Krishna Consciousness by following all of the rules and regulations. Rise early, attend mangala arati, and class. Chant 16 rounds daily without fail and observe the four regulative principle. In this way, you can realize Krishna in every step of life.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagaddhatri -- Tehran 14 March, 1975


My dear Jagaddhatri devi dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 4, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you for your kind sentiments. From your letter I can understand that you are advancing very nicely in Krishna Consciousness. Yes, you are right—all qualifications come if you simply surrender to a bona fide Guru.

Please follow all of our rules very careful and your life will be perfect.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jennifer -- Mexico City 15 February, 1975

San Francisco

My dear Jennifer,

Please accept my greetings. I am in due reciept of your letter dated Jan. 6th, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you for your donation of 20 dollars. We are Vaisnavas. We are not concerned with male or female position in life. That is simply bodily concept of life. It is not spiritual. Whether one is male or female, it doesn't matter, simply chant Hare Krishna and follow the four regulative principles and your life will be perfect.

Regarding initiation, it is required that you be recommend by one of our temple presidents to me and then I shall consider it. First of all, one must have followed the regulative principle for at least six months without deviation. It is not necessarily required to live in the temple, but you must observe the rules.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



(Plygamists who use offensive terms when woman did not have her husband anymore yet a child, thus they preach she should stay with husband or else, here the opposite is instructed, even when she asked to go back.)

"There is no question of your returning to XXX___. He has remarried, and I also informed him when I was in L.A. last time, that he should keep his one wife, living peacefully in L.A. You have got one child, so now make Krsna your husband and take shelter of our temple. The Detroit temple where you are now is very suitable I think, and you say you are much inspired by devotees like Govardhana and the others. So take spiritual instructions from your elder Godbrothers and sisters, forget
the past,
and make all progress in Krsna Consciousness without any material lamentation or hankering." -Srila Prabhupada, Rome 26 May, 1974


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Kausalya -- Los Angeles 12 January, 1974

Bhaktivedanta Manor

Dear Kausalya,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 5, 1974, and the wonderful photograph of Radha Gokulananda, which arrived here safely.

The sentiments you express are very praiseworthy in devotional service. Especially it is pleasing to me that you are so happy in your service to the deities. Krsna Consciousness means blissful life, and also that blissful life is eternal and full of knowledge. You say rightly that you are very very fortunate to be serving the Lord.

So please work with the other ladies and with your Godbrothers at Bhaktivedanta Manor and make it such a blissful, peaceful atmosphere that many persons will be attracted to come and live with us.

You will be glad to hear I am having the picture framed and put in a prominent place in my room.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sama Priya -- Bombay 16 August, 1975

Boulder Creek, Ca.

My Dear Sama Priya devi dasi:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 30, 1975 with enclosed checks for Dollars 50.00 and 5.00. Thank you very much for it. I appreciate your sentiments for your spiritual master, and I will pray to Krsna for your continued spiritual advancement. You simply have to keep yourself always in the fire of Krishna consciousness. Read my books daily, chant 16 rounds, and worship Lord Caitanya in your home. If you do this maya will never touch you.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada Letter to Candradevi -- Toronto 7 August, 1975

New Orleans

My Dear Candradevi dasi:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have
noted the contents. It is a very good idea that you have to be more attached to the Deities above marriage. But, it is not good to live at home because there is where meat is eaten. That will be offensive, so how can you worship the Deity under such circumstances. If your whole family become devotees, then that is another thing.

Actually I think that you can move from the Lord Jagannatha Deities to the Gaura
Nitai Deities if that is your desire. That will be best.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada Letter to Mrdapriya -- Philadelphia 12 July, 1975

Laguna Beach

My Dear Mrdapriya devi:

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter undated and noted the
contents. You should not feel that it is impossible for you to surrender to Krsna or that you are not a devotee. You are already a devotee, that is clear from your statements. Of course an advanced devotee feels sometimes hopelessness, just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu prayed: "O my Lord out of kindness You enable us to easilyapproach You by Your Holy Names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for them.

However in the neophyte stage it is best to develop firm faith, that just by chantingthe Hare Krishna Mahamantra everything else will come, and try to avoid the ten offenses. So please continue to chant 16 rounds daily and follow carefully the four rules and regulations, and Krsna will help you more and more.

I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


25 Qualities Radharani

(This is to glorify the Supreme Female, Srimate Radharani! Misogynists may try to make comparrison between this list and what their wife should do. Thus be warned, this is about Gods qualities, not jiva tattva. However if they be adamant of that for any reason, they first should look up and achieve all the qualities of Lord Krishna. Now leaving them aside, may the normal reader take pleasure in this transcendental posting of Srimate Radharani.)

The Twenty-five Qualities Of Srimate Radharani

1) She is sweetness personified.

2) She is a fresh young girl.

3) Her eyes are always moving.

4) She is always brightly smiling.

5) She possesses all auspicious marks on Her body.

6) She can agitate Krsna by the flavor of Her person.

7) She is expert in the art of singing.

8) She can speak very nicely and sweetly.

9) She is expert in presenting feminine attractions.

10) She is modest and gentle.

11) She is always very merciful.

12) She is transcendentally cunning.

13) She knows how to dress nicely.

14) She is always shy.

15) She is always respectful.

16) She is always patient.

17) She is very grave.

18) She is enjoyed by Krsna.

19) She is always situated on the highest devotional platform.

20) She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula.

21) She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees.

22) She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors.

23) She is the greatest amongst Krsna's girlfriends.

24) She is obliged by the dealings of Her associates.

25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control

Friday, July 30, 2010


At this juncture is something I confess to have problem accepting. Though not rejecting, just trying to understand.

I find it easier said than done to ask husband permissions when that husband does not have outstanding qualifications regarding sibject I'm asking about. He is not pure devotee (me either), he does not have much knowledge how home be cared for, or what to do with the children. If I need something done, asking permission to do what I all ready know how to do, from someone who knows less about it than myself, makes me feel like his pet dog. Its besmirching.

I do not think Srila Prabhupada meant to ask husbands every nit picky little thing, regardless this be desire of present day misogynists. That is a problem of their own. Srila Prabhupada gave women many decisions to make, and responsibilities to execute.

It subsequently becomes possible the asking of permission calms the high level of testosterone (most likely higher in misogynists than normal men).

We are human, everyone gets angry once in a while. A normal but angry man can be appeased, sometimes, if asked permission. When they are of good heart, it might work.

When they be chronic angry misogynist, it may fan their fire, giving them excuse to ramble on with more of their addictive fault-findings of woman and society. Thus we talk only of what Prabhupada meant, not what kali yuga broken men (misogynists) be desirous of.

Prabhupada has mention to ask husband permission at times, not all the time. Perhaps it is to keep them in them loop. No one wants to feel left out, no one wants to feel disempowered, which they may feel under a range of circumstances. To “ask” would make sense to this kali yuga women, under such circumstances.

Often its merely going through the motions, not to be taken as seriously as some women might take it. Once I was one of those women. Until learning the different needs of different genders (appropriately). Understand, women either need pretty jewelry or emotinal support -especially emotional support. Men need to feel in charge. No problem giving that 'when' its harmless, or when its going through the motions with sincerity and respect, or it can be to appease an otherwise usually sensible man. No objection with helpful techniques. I have an objection to chronic manipulation by woman, opposite gender falling for it, especially desiring it.

The reverse, also can be problematic, that when man figures this out he might become angry and abuses wife "no matter what she does." However, everyone manipulates or tries to appease the other a bit, you too reader.

It was startling first time reading this even in nondevotee psychology literature, but chose to observe, more consciously, discovering it be true. The healthiest of relationships often include normal sane amounts of these, out of love, performed with kindness, and not constantly required. Therefore it be all right to do such things a little and included sincerity - from the sincere. Its excess that's the difficulty. A little when appropriate can take the edge off maya; a lot can walk her in the front door.

Additionally choice ought to be included, with not limiting only a single method of marriage. Whatever makes any marriage function in Krishna consciousness is all which matters. Nobody outside of that marriage should judge.

At the start of this blog post, I wanted to write: "I do not ask my husband permission for anything, sorry." However to be honest, yes I do. Simply dislike the helpless, wimpy woman style: “I am so stupid, a less intelligent women. Look at me, how foolish I am. Look At Me! (attention getting) Now come do it FOR me because I'm so unintelligent a women I can't do it myself.” Not my style.

Whereas I'm liking the equal partner no-nonsense, matter-of-fact style, asking:

"Is this good for the family?"

"What do you think about doing that?"

"Do you want rice and dal for lunch, or something else?"

Thus I see, contemporary women like myself do not go against Veda as misogynist try to convince us we do, we simply ask permission in a normal, equally considerate way. A way that makes our personal marriages work. A way they would disapprove of, them always trying to have charge over everyone, but they're not to be have charge over everyone. Srila Prabhupada himself said marriage is private (quoted below).

GHQ and misogynists should stop sticking their noses into marriages of others, persisting if it is not following theirs, or not in accordance to their approved method or their (limited) understanding - it's maya. Humbug. It be none of their business. They're like gossipy old ladies as they checked up on other mens wife, men not in ghq. Then if they thought to find some secret or unusal thing, next try to cause her trouble (marital fight) by tattling (children they be) to husband.

Did they genuinely think husband so stupid he did not know?

Did they believe the few who didn't know would not find out?

Did they assume once he found out all husbands would always not like her activies simply because they do not?

Did they not stop to think the damage they caused to the children inside the unique dynamics these marraiges?

Did they notice most all of these marriges be functional and spiritual, despite their personal inability to understand how that be?

GHQ are not legitimate authority but self-appointed (a deviation from Prabhupada's method to obtain position of authority). They are lustful men with minds uncontrolled, looking to control everyone, even others marriages.

"If things can be worked out nicely within the temple, that's all right. But family life requires a certain amount of privacy and convenience, which may not always be available. I am simply concerned that you be happy and contented, so you can prosecute the most important thing, Krishna consciousness, without being disturbed. Rupanuga and Damodara are both doing nicely in this regard, and I wish the same for you." Srila Prabhupada letter to Satsvarupa, and Hamsadutta; Vrndavana India, Aug 1, 1967

26 Vaisnava Qualities

"Krsnadasa Kaviraja lists the following twenty-six good qualities of a Vaisnava:

(1) He is very kind to everyone.

(2) He does not make anyone his enemy.

(3) He is truthful.

(4) He is equal to everyone.

(5) No one can find any fault in him.

(6) He is magnanimous.

(7) He is mild.

(8) He is always clean.

(9) He is without possessions.

(10) He works for everyone's benefit.

(11) He is very peaceful.

(12) He is always surrendered to Krsna.

(13) He has no material desires.

(14) He is very meek.

(15) He is steady.

(16) He controls his senses.

(17) He does not eat more than required.

(18) He is not influenced by the Lord's illusory energy.

(19) He offers respect to everyone.

(20) He does not desire any respect for himself.

(21) He is very grave.

(22) He is merciful.

(23) He is friendly.

(24) He is poetic.

(25) He is expert.

(26) He is silent.

Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.18.12 purport

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Presentation by Kusha devi dasi

Women in ISKCON: Presentations to the GBC
by KUSHA devi dasi

March 2000

Presentation by Kusa Dasi

These past few days I have relished participating in the application of vaisnava-siddhanta to management. Thank you!

Burke Rochford's report, submitted to the GBC last year, states: 'I recommend that ISKCON leaders immediately move to restore the rights and responsibilities afforded women by Srila Prabhupada. Men should be educated accordingly. Guru and non-guru leaders should teach respect for women; women should again be viewed as capable devotees in the service of Prabhupada's movement rather than as temptresses or other such derogatory characterisations. To do so would immediately increase the self-esteem of women and make them more productive members of ISKCON. This will also make the movement more attractive to potential members who view ISKCON's position on women as antiquated and morally objectionable.'

Calling women temptresses and using other such derogatory characterisations is, in part, due to our failure to practise austerity of speech. In Bhagavad-gita 17.15, Lord Krsna states: 'Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic literature.' Profound speech invigorates receptivity and trust within our Gaudiya Vaisnava family. So, why do we sometimes utilise denigrating speech in relation to women? Perhaps it is because when a man is improperly trained, rather than taking responsibility for his own sex desire, he blames women and thus speaks harshly about them and to them. This harshness towards women, and along with it, harshness towards the householder asrama, intimidates, alienates and lessens the esteem and dignity of women and grhasthas. Gender-biased speech wounds our Society; spoken from the vyasasana, it strikes a thorn in our hearts.

The Bhagavatam's wisdom is not gender-exclusive. A small adjustment in the speaker's elaboration of a sloka could make the instruction applicable to the whole audience. For example, if the text reads, 'regarding associating with women for illicit sex', the speaker could purport that one should guard against associating with anyone for illicit sex. While reflecting guru, sadhu and sastra it behooves us to consider our audience and practise austerity of speech.

Pleasing and beneficial speech comes naturally with proper training. A brahmacari who has been properly trained honours rather than denigrates women. When such a brahmacari enters the grhastha-asrama, his dominating male ego is tempered by his wife's precious qualities. His realisations and humility increase during his decades as a householder, while his sensuality decreases until it becomes nil and he enters the vanaprastha stage.

Finally, having fully developed his own inner, gentle life - of forgiveness, softness, nurturing and relatedness - the satisfied gentleman accepts the renounced order. Such a secure renunciate is not threatened by a woman's power; on the contrary, he evokes it.

Srila Prabhupada set the example of this mature stage of sannyasa. He was as hard as a thunderbolt, kicking with boots on the heads of materialistic scientists, Mayavadis, pseudo-religionists and sahajiyas when time, place and circumstance warranted it. He was also as soft as a rose, having nurturing, loving exchanges with his followers - women, children and men.

Overemphasis on qualities such as rational analysis, authority, control, competition and power causes us, men and women, to demean softness, simplicity and gentility. By neglecting and denying these kind and humbling aspects in each of us, by making the feminine seem trivial, our lives become progressively more sterile, inert and empty. The feminine qualities of nurturing and compassion perish when pitted against the masculine lust for power. Our most noble spiritual path, when denied feminine values, degenerates to prideful hypocrisy rather than devotion.

It is time to bravely and without sensuality affirm the feminine, to heal the wounds and at the same time contribute to the healing of our children and our Society. Let us move from a place of arrogant weakness to one of humble strength.

In his purport to text 1.9.27 of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada writes: 'As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men.'

Due to Devahuti's feminine power, Kardama Muni was inspired to create an incredibly magnificent palace in the sky; due to Gandhari's feminine power, her eldest son, Duryodhana, received a body that was impervious to weapons. Due to Savitri's feminine power, her husband Satyavan was rescued from death. Due to Cintamani's inspiration, Bilvamangala Thakura gave up material life and completely devoted himself to Krsna.

Honour all Vaisnavas. Failing to do so inspires edicts instead of dialogues, resolutions instead of relationships, indifference instead of spiritual intimacy. Vaisnavis are agents of Laksmi, not Mayadevi. They summon the presence of Narayana, for Laksmi is always in her Lord's company.

We may also note with caution that Krsna conscious feminine power can create havoc in the lives of those who don't respect Vaisnavis: the unscrupulous Kauravas perished due to dishonouring Draupadi. If those of us who are not on the level of Draupadi are disrespected, we may live down to those expectations and become representatives of Mayadevi. Respecting a woman as an agent of Laksmi will do much to encourage her most precious devotion to the Lord. Expectation, especially from those we respect, has an extraordinary influence on us.

We have experienced Sri Caitanya's, Srila Bhaktivinoda's, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's and Srila Prabhupada's mercy. We now request the mercy of the assembled Vaisnavas. Our ISKCON social body needs a change of heart!


Jaladuta Diary, Journey 3

Jaladuta Diary, Journey 3
America - Śrīla Prabhupāda arrives at Boston Harbor

THURSDAY 16 Today is the 35th day of our journey and yesterday night at about 10/30 p.m. we have turned one wheel(?) towards north eastern corner from the Bermuda latitude towards Boston port. In the morning the atmosphere was fairly cleared and the ship was plying very smoothly. The first officer told me that they never had such experience of the At lantic ocean and he ascribed the good luck to me. I said yes it is all Lord Krishna's Grace because due to my severe type of sea-sickness, He has Himself taken charge of the ship. In (?) expansion the Lord is rowing the oars. We shall certainly reach to America port safely. The whole day was clear sun-shine but at 4 p.m. the sky all of a sudden became foggy. The sun became dim covered by foggy weather. The horizon is still visible. Let us see what is still ahead. The ship is stopped completely at about 6 p.m. on account of dense fog. Be Lord Krishna pleased to get out this fog. By the Grace of Lord Krishna the fog was cleared after 2-3 hours and the ship started. The whole night was non-disturbing and today on the 36th day of our journey we reached safely at Boston Port at 5/30 a.m.

17 FRIDAY We are now on the dockyard of Boston and at 10 a.m. the custom officers and others came on the ship. They have now issued the admittance permission after due checking etc. I saw the Boston Town with captain It is very nice and I shall describe it in a separate note. 36th day from starting from Calcutta Port To-day we are expected to reach Boston Port U.S.A. in the morning ACB—/9/65We stayed the whole day & night at Boston till 4.p.m. next day

18 SATURDAY To-day is the 37th day of our journey & at 4 p.m. we left Boston Port for New York. In the morning I had telephonic talks with Gopal P. Agarwal in Butler and he said that his man will receive me at New York & dispatch me to Butler by Bus or train as convenient. I tried to contact Dr. Misra but he was not available both yesterday and to-day. I do not know if he is coming to receive me. To-day I met two American nice gentlemen Mr. Gardiner & Fryer(?). We passed a beautiful canal and crossed underneath two overbridges. But at midnight there was considerable fog disturbance and the ship moved very slowly. The fog persisted till we reached late at New York Port at 12/30 on 19/9/65.

SUNDAY 19 Today is the 38th day of our journey and we reached New York Port at 12/30 p.m. about three hours later than the scheduled time.

SATURDAY 25 Today I have sent letter to Captain Arun Pandiya.



Just Repeating Prabhupada

Ever talk to a misogynists, defeat them with the philosophy, but their inability to ever admit defeat lead you to any of the following retorts?

"I am just repeating Prabhupada."

"I'm just following Prabhupada."

"I'm just saying what Prabhupada says."

What devotee, engaged in a spiritual debate, is not trying their utmost to repeat Prabhupada? Everyone is speaking from the perspective they are repeating, as well as following, Srila Prabhupada. Absolutely everyone.

Therefore why anyone make such a comment? It is an unnecessary comment.

It has a purpose though.

What they're in fact saying: "I have absolute authority to say as I have because Prabhupada said it, now I am merely repeating it to you. I am having 100% accurate correctness in this."

What appeared initially as a placid gentle comment (top), is in truth, a concealed belief in their absoluete rightness.

Nothing wrong with genuine repeating of Srila Prabhupada. Repeating him is something that should be done. Make sure it be genuine. Extensively, much is taken out of context when the devotee quoting is attached to their sense gradification of sex or power.

Don't let them pull this. Next time they claim "I'm just repeating Prabhupada," ask them where? Show me the proof. Exact quotes that were not removed from context that resulted in a change of meaning. Srila Prabhupada was not against such inquiry, thus no one should be offended. Factually Srila Prabhupada taught to go to the source of quotes, philosophies too.

After inquiring as such, you will have something (authentic) to work with, because misogynists almost always use various slantings.

Which too is why they rather give a short "I'm just repeating Prabhupada's instructions," rather than prove it. Because then, they no longer have the last word, now feeling "challenged" once asked for evidence.

They dislike this immensely, while can't disagree with such actions because its well-known to be same actions Srila Prabhupada encouraged. Often he'd say to get the text source, and what is it they believe in.

All these "Prabhupada said's." Without knowing a devotee very well, or knowing them but not good friends, a "Prabhupada said" can be misused by them to give maha finality. Ever play the game, telephone? Thus, we want the full quote and its origin.

Once Srila Prabhupada commented: "Prabhupada said, Prabhupada said - Prabhupada never said anything."

Avoid blind following. Know your stuff.

Dig up the data.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jaladuta Diary, Journey 2

Jaladuta Diary, Journey 2

The Journey 2


2 THURSDAY Suez Canal & Port Said

3 FRIDAY We started from Port Said today at about 1 p.m. The Port Said city is nice. It has long narrow neat and clean roads with lofty buildings. The city is not at all congested. While passing the rear point of Suez towards Mediterranean sea, the city is clearly seen. But it is a small city with some industrial factories. Although in the desert in the city all varieties of vegetables available. There is also a Marine drive like Bombay Chowpatty beach. I could see a good park in the city.

4 SATURDAY There was a rehearsal for emergency. We all prepared with belt on the body and the life boat was tested whether they were in order. There were two boats with capacity to load 120 persons. But we were all about fifty five on the board.

5 SUNDAY In the evening the sky was cloudy and they expected foggy weather and all of them became little gloomy. But at midnight we passed Malta Sicily by God's grace it was all right throughout the night.

6 MONDAY Today I have taken khichri and kari. It was tasteful. and I took them with relish and this gave me a push forward to get renewed strength little by little.

TUESDAY 7 Today Baraha Dwadashi observedThe best atmospheric condition on the Mediterranean sea. All along we have seen the Algerian coast.

WEDNESDAY 8 Today at about 8 o'clock in the morning and near about Gibraltar we had a first experience of fog impediment. It was all dark round the ship and she stopped moving completely She was whistling now and then to protect herself from other unseen ships being collided with. We started at about 11 again.8/9/65 at about 2/30 p.m. we passed over Gibraltar Port ending at Tarita(?) Light House. The other side is Spanish Morocco There is regular ferry steamer service. The srt.(?) is wide about seven miles across. We are in the Atlantic.

THURSDAY 9 Till 4 o'clock afternoon we have crossed over the Atlantic Ocean for twenty four hours. The whole day was clear and almost smooth. I am taking my food regularly and got some strength to struggle. There is slight lurching(?) of the ship and I am feeling slight headache also. But I am struggling and the nectarine of life is Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita the source of my all vitality.

10 FRIDAY Today the ship is plying very smoothly. I feel today better. But I am feeling separation from Sri Vrindaban and my Lords Sri Govinda, Gopinath, Radha Damodar. The only solace is Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita in which I am tasting the nectarine of Lord Chaitanya's Leela. I have left Bharat Bhumi just to execute the order of Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati in pursuance of Lord Chaitanya's order. I have no qualification, but I have taken up the risk just to carry out the order of His Divine Grace. I depend fully on Their mercy so far away from Vrindaban.

11 SATURDAY Today the ship ran on very smoothly. The sky was clear and there was sunshine all the day. At about 7/30 in the morning we passed on the Azore group islands under the Portugal Republic. There was again rehearsal for life boat saving at 4/30 p.m. There was rehearsal of the fire brigadiers also. At night there was profuse moonlight on the ocean and considerable lurching also. But did not affect me very much as it used to do in the Arabian sea. The Atlantic Ocean is more kind to me than all other seas so far we have crossed over. It is all Lord Krishna's Grace.

12 SUNDAYS. R. Day. Today there is a great deal of lurching although the sky is clear. Mrs. Pandiya although a little lady but very intelligent and learned also. She has foretold about my future. Thanks to her prediction. All blessings of Lord Krishna for her. The crisis which I suppose to have crossed is also mentioned by her. If I have crossed the crisis, then that is Good Will of Lord Krishna my friend and philosopher. In the evening there was too much lurching and I felt a bit sea-sickness. I could not take my food properly. A little sweets were accepted with some relish. The lurching continued till midnight.

MONDAY 13 Today is the 32nd day of our journey from Calcutta. After midnight yesterday the lurching decreased and I felt relief. In the morning also I could not take my breakfast properly. Then I cooked 'Bati-chachari(?).' It appeared to be delicious and I was able to take some food. Today I have disclosed my mind to my companion Lord Sri Krishna. There is a Bengali poem made by me today in this connection. At about eleven there is a little lurching. The captain tells that they had never such calmness of the Atlantic. I said it is Lord Krishna's mercy. His wife asked me to come back again with them so that they may have again a calm Atlantic Ocean. If Atlantic would have shown its usual face perhaps I would have died. But Lord Krishna has taken charge of the ship.

TUESDAY 14 Today is the 33rd day of our journey and at 3 o'clock in the morning I saw the sky cloudy with dim moon-light. From morning till 1 o'clock the sky remained cloudy and at 1/30 p.m. there was a shower of rain. The sky is still cloudy and the wind is blowing from south-east corner and raining at intervals. The whole day passed in that way and the wind assumed a para-cyclonic face with dense cloud resulting in rain till 9/30 p.m. with regular lightening etc. At ten o'clock when I was talking in the captain's room the chief engineer Mr. Travers told me that he had never such experience of calm & quietness of the Atlantic Ocean. There was always typhoon, cyclone, fog, etc. at least for days in every trip in the past(?). I said it is Lord Krishna's Grace. If such things as usual in Atlantic would have taken place, I would die.

WEDNESDAY 15 Today 34th day of our journey As usual I rise up at 3 a.m. and when I went to veranda I saw the sky almost clear. There was moon-shine on head(?) and although the wind from south-east was strong, the ocean was clear visioned and the ship was passing smoothly. At about 11 a.m. the sky again became over cast with cloud and it is continued till 3 p.m. There was rainfalls at intervals but after 4 o'clock the sky became clear and there was bright sunshine. I was engaged in reading Kaliya Daman Leela from Srimad Bhagwatam specially the prayers by Srimati Naga Patnis and the last appealing prayer by Kaliya.

Jaladuta Diary, Part 3-


Jaladuta Diary, Journey

The Journey
Jaladuta sets sail for America

12 TUESDAYTo start for U.S.A. byMV. Jaladuta from Calcuttaport (K. George's Dockyard)

13 FRIDAYToday at 9 a.m. embarked on M.V. Jaladuta. Came with me Bhagwati, the Dwarwan of Scindia Sansir(?) Mr. Sen Gupta, Mr. Ali and Vrindaban. The cabinet is quite comfortable. It is owner's residence and therefore the sitting room, the bedroom and the bath and privy all equipped with first class materials. Everything is nice in the 1st class compartment and thanks to Lord Sri Krishna for His enlightening Smti. Sumati Moraji for all these arrangements. I am quite comfortable.The ship started at 1/30 p.m. very slowly from the dock (and) reached near Botanical Garden and stopped at mid-stream of the Ganges till 11 p.m. and then turned towards the front and started. It is quite steady. I cannot understand in my cabin if it is at all moving. I am so comfortable. The voyage was again stopped at 3/30 a.m. at Kalpi(?) near Diamond Harbor & Ganokhali(?) wideth(?) and detained for about 8 hours. The delta of the Ganges quite wide with shallow water.

SATURDAY 14 The ship started at about 11 o'clock in the morning majestically. I do not feel any jerking whatsoever. But on reaching the Bay of Bengal, there is tilting of the ship and little rolling also. The roughness increased gradually on the upper Bay of Bengal and I felt sea sickness. There was vomiting tendency and dizziness and I felt uncomfortable the whole day and night. The sea was foamy all through. It appeared like a big plate of water extending to 40 square miles but factually it was endless so, today. It is a vivid example of God's Maya because it appears like something but factually it is something else.

SUNDAY 15 In the morning I woke up and felt a little better but I felt no hunger. Took only a glass of lemon sikanjie [lemon drink/nimbu pani] but the head dizziness is continuing. Up to 10/30 I was in the captain's room, radio room, chatting with the officers. In the radio room they were despatching news to other ships. The captain's room is full with nautical paraphernalia. I saw a chart of different appearancial(?) photo of the sea. The grades are 0 to 10 degrees and I think we are passing on the sea between 4 to 7 points the scene of the 10th point was furious and the 12th serious. The captain advised me to take more solid food.

MONDAY 16 Today early in the morning I saw that the ship is plying on the surface of the sea almost on 0 degree of waves. Yesterday night was comfortable and although I did not take my lunch, I took a little chara-murki [puffed rice/chidwa] with milk. The ship ran all the night yesterday smoothly and the sky although not very clear there was moon light in the night. In the morning there was sunshine but after 11 the sea became a little more rough showing foamy waves from distance. After passing the latitude of Trichinopoli we experienced a dark cloud subsequently raining all over the sea. The siren sounded on account (of) hazy vision to warn other ships coming from opposite direction. At about 12 noon it is raining heavily and the ship is stopped moving occasionally sounding the siren. There is constant sounds of thunderbolt. This is the first time I am experiencing heavy rains in the midst of deep ocean. From 12 noon we are passing through cyclonic weather. The ship is tilting too much. I felt sea sickness all day and night. At 3 p.m. the ship turned towards Ceylon coast and we are now in the Ceylon water.

17 TUESDAY Today morning the sky is scattered with cloud. The ship is going toward western side. I feel a little bit well after passing my stool. The ship is running against wind current. The sea is little rougher. At 10/30 we saw the south coast of Ceylon with a white light house. Two ships passed from the opposite side. Some daring fishermen were fishing in small boats. From distance they appeared to be almost drowned in the water but next moment they appear to be safely working. There is sunshine but the sky is not clear. The captain informed me that by next six hours we shall reach Colombo port. The hilly southernmost Ceylon coast is said to be 4 to 5 miles away from our ship. This means the fishermen were fishing in small boats 5 to 10 miles away from their native coast. Certainly very daring job. At about 2 p.m. we have now turned towards northern front. The sky is cloudy but we are forwarding steadily. Today I was better than other three days. At 3 p.m. the Colombo city became faintly visible from the ship. The colour of water in the India ocean is different from that of Bay of Bengal. The ship reached exactly at 4/30 in the port but the management of Colombo port could not receive the ship for want of berth and then it is anchored on the shore waiting to enter the port. At about 9 p.m. the ship was escorted by the Pilot and we entered the dockyard very old pattern(?) but there were many ships from various countries including passenger and cargo ships. At night the dockyard ships assumed a brilliant (sic:) espectacle on account profuse light. We rested the whole night the ship being anchored. Next morning barges loaded with goods arrived near the ship.

18 WEDNESDAYToday 18/8/65 I felt quite normal and the sea-sickness completely removed. The ship remained silent the whole day on account of hazy sky and only a few loads of goods were admitted. I wanted to see the Colombo city but I could not make any arrangement. The ship was standing at the midstream and I did not like to go alone.

19 THURSDAYThe next morning 19/8/65 I informed my situation to Captain Pandia and he was very kind to take me to the shore in a motor launch. We dropped at Elizabeth gate talked with some Ceylonese clerks and then in a taxi we went to the office of Narottam & Pierera Co. The manager Mr. Banka was a Gujarati gentleman and he received us well. He arranged for me a good car to go round the city. The office quarter was quite busy and many foreign offices and renowned Banks were there. I saw the Governor General's House, the Parliament House, the Town Hall (and) one very nice sea-side Hotel and passed through very nice clean roads, bazars. The city appeared to be nice and clean and the small bungalows nicely decorated. It appears that people although not very good looking they are not uncultured neither they are tasteless. The city is quite up to resembling an Indian city like Madras and Poona(?) The buses and taxis were clean to see. The bus stands almost crowded like that of the Indian cities. The offices conducted almost in Indian style. The culture and civilization is Indian cent per cent but artificially India and Ceylon is divided. We starting for Cochin at 6 p.m. The ship started at 7 p.m., the pilot being late in reaching the ship. It ran for the whole night and next day up to 3/30 p.m. and reached the coast of Cochin. The ship is standing on the coast of Cochin without entering the dock.

FRIDAY 20Today at (20/8/65) the captain arranged for a meeting on board the M/V Jaladuta on account of Janmastami day and I spoke for an hour on the philosophy and teachings of Lord Sri Krishna. All the officers attended the meeting and there was distribution of Prasadam. The matter was radiographed to Smt. Sumati Moraji in Bombay. The ship is stranded on the Arabian Sea about 4 miles away from the coast. We are in this position from 3/20 p.m. 20/8/65 to 9/30 a.m. on 22/8/65. SUNDAY 22At about 10 a.m. we are now in the dockyard of Cochin. The dock is peculiar because it is by nature full of small islands. Some of the islands are full with nice hutments formerly known as British Island. I saw my books from Bombay arrived in five cases and the agents loaded them on the ship at 4 p.m. on 22/8/65. The agent m/s Jairam & Sons kindly sent their car for my driving in the city. Out of the group of islands two big islands joined by an iron over-bridge are known as Cochin and Ernakulam. The iron over bridge was constructed by the Britishers very nicely along with railway lines. The railways line is extended up to the Port. There are many flourishing foreign firms and banks. It is (?) Sunday, the bazar was closed. I saw a peculiar kind of plantain available in this part of the country. The island known as Coachin is not an up to date city. The roads are like narrow lanes. The part of the city where the foreigners are residing are well situated. The buildings factories, etc. all big and(?) well maintained. The mohamedan quarters are separate from the Hindu quarters as usual in other Indian cities. The part known as Ernakulam is up to date. There is a nice park on the bank of the gulf and it is named Subhas Bose Park. It is good that Subhas Babu is popular in this part of the country. I saw the Kerala High Court and the public buildings, the High Court being situated in Ernakulam it appears that the city is capital of Kerala. This Official Bhadra 31 days 1887 Saka part of India resembles Bengal scenario and the city Ernakulum also Cochin appears to me like old Kalighat or Tollygunge area of Calcutta. The culture is Indian as usual.
Official Bhadra 31 days 18887 Saka

23 MONDAYToday Annada EkadashiWe started towards Red sea on the western front at about 12/30 noon. The sky was almost clear and there was sunshine since the starting of the trip from Cochin port. We are floating now on the Arabian sea. My sea sickness again began. Headache vomiting tendency no hunger dizziness and no energy to work. It is continuing. There are sometimes showers of rain but for a short time. There was a fellow passenger in my cabin. He is also attacked with sea sickness. The whole night passed

24 TUESDAYToday at about 1/30 p.m. I enquired from wheel-room that we have come only 400 miles off the Indian coast. My sea-sickness is still continuing. I take my meals once only but today I could not take my full meals also although I was fasting yesterday. I (am) feeling uncomfortable.

25 WEDNESDAYBeginning from today down






31 TUESDAY Passed over a great crisis on the struggle for life and death. A separate statement has to be written on this crisis area.

Jaladuta Diary, Journey Pt 2


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Prabhupada Letters to Women

Persisted by misogynists, polygamists, ideas Srila Prabhupada was unwanting brahmacarini ashrama permanently, only as temporary emergency solution, later in movement women all to live ancient Vedic lifestyle under a husband only and eliminating brahmacarini ashrama. This first letter was composed by him only 1 1/2 year before he left us for Krishna, proves otherwise. Factually, there's not a shred of evidence to prove their wishful thinking.

Letter to Yamuna, Dinatarini -- Honolulu 15 May, 1976

Murphy, Oregon

Yamuna devi dasi
Dinatarini devi dasi,

My dear daughters,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters with photographs enclosed of Sri Sri Radha-Vanabehari, dated May 10, 1976. I am very glad to see how nicely you are caring for the Deities. I am scheduled to be in Los Angeles from June 1 to June 11. I am even contemplating coming to see you there on your farm if you are unable to come to see me. Please continue to develop things there for women devotees as previously instructed.

I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


(Claims similar personalities make, women never to be in charge of anything, always in submissive role, always to them.)

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jadurani devi dasi. Los Angeles, 14 January 1970

"So you are an intelligent girl, I need not talk much, and be happy in Krishna Consciousness business. I am very glad to learn that Muralidhara, Devahuti and Bharadraja are working together. You simply supervise them. I know Bharadraja is a very fast working painter and if he sticks to his work, certainly he will do wonderfully."



Letter to Jadurani -- Nellore 5 January, 1976

My dear Jadurani,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your undated letter along with enclosed sketches. The sketches are all alright as they are. Please go ahead and make the paintings.

Yes, if Lord Visnu appeared as a Saivite then He must have Saivite tilaka. The brahmanas in Krishna lila should have shaved heads and sikhas.

Since there is no longer such a rush for printing, you may once again send sketches for my approval. Thank you for organizing the art department.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Prabhupada, below saying, its good for her to live with huband, not the father. Himself as father. Thus no man should call devotee women *hores. Prabhupada expects too, that husband is not be sex addict, abuser, violent; but good devotee.

Los Angeles, Calif.

My Dear Janaki,
Please accept my blessings. With the greatest satisfaction I have just now read over your nicely composed and hand-written letter of December 12, 1968 and I thank you so much for the kind sentiments you have expressed therein.

I had also been thinking of you because you were thinking of me, but as your letter has arrived first it is for me to answer it. Actually, I always think of you as my naughty daughter and from the start of this movement, you and your very good husband have always shown to be very sincere and important members of our society. So I know that both of your services are most sincere and I will always appreciate this.

So far as you writing you are lonely I think that there is no need for this. Such sentiments of wishing for me to be there is nice but a girl is meant for living with her husband and not her father, such girl is very lucky who can live with her husband. And you have specially nice, beautiful husband and not only that but he is devotee also so you are very fortunate. So continue to faithfully help your husband in executing the mission of his life to spread Krishna Consciousness and surely Krishna will bless you and grant you all happiness. This is my blessing upon the both of you.

I think also that it is good sign that Krishna is delaying to give us a nice London temple because when it finally will come it may be the most ideal temple for our purposes. So none of you be discouraged but go on with your engagements and everything will come automatically very nice.

I have noted that you describe yourself as being just a "lump of ignorance". Actually the devotee should always think like that. That the devotee should feel himself so lowly is the teaching of Lord Caitanya. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also represented Himself as a very foolish disciple even though He proved Himself as the greatest scholar and was actually Krishna Himself. So one who feels humble and meek has the door for the Kingdom of God opened for him or her. So I thank you again for your nice letter and please continue to inform me of your well-being.

Hope you are all well.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

(Srila Prabhupada's notice of her comment, feeling like "lump of ignorance" to be good, its important to discriminate this is not in regards to low self esteem. As he pointed out, its regarding humility. When there's low in self esteem than do something about it, but was not meaning here.


3 February, 1975 Honolulu

My dear Kusa devi dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 30, 1975 and have noted the contents. I have studied your situation carefully and I encourage you to live in the temple in the association of fixed up devotees who are following my teachings strictly. If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If he is not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases. I have given all of my disciple instructions to follow for making spiritual advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what can I do? Anyone who is unwilling to follow our regulated principles, you should not live or associate closely with such a person.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


(Poly's and mis-guided's, thinking ok to force wife throug rape or falldown as 100% perfectly alright, time to recognize who is real guru, who gave her initiation and vows, that its of equal importance she keeps her vows as for man to keep vows.)

Srila Prabhupada letter to Nari -- Bombay 12 January, 1975

My dear Nari devi dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11-26-74 and have noted the contents. You must follow the principles that I have given at all times, under all circumstances. Without these four principles, there is no spiritual life. Even it may be very difficult you must follow. You should reject anything or anyone who advises you to break these principles. Association with such persons is worse than poison.

If you like, you may come to Vrndavana and live for some time.
I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Letter to Yasasvini -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 24 July, 1976

My Dear Yasasvini devi dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your very nice offering and I thank you very much for it. Pleasing the spiritual master is the most important principle in spiritual life so go on acting in such a way that the spiritual master may be pleased.

Always chant at least 16 rounds daily and follow the four principles without fail.
Then you will be strong in your spiritual life. By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady

I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


(Polygamists make proud claim to save women from society, to be the friend of the world. Read Prabhupada letter on society.)

Srila Prabhupada letter to Ballabhi, New York 22 April, 1967

My Dear Ballabhi,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you for your letter of the 18th instant and I have noted the contents with so much pleasure. I know that you poor girl have been frustrated by the so called society and you deeply needed the shelter of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna kindly sent you to me and I have tried to give you whatever I had in my possession. Please go on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna as you are doing now and this very chanting will give you all peace and prosperity both in this life and the next. Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction. The more you advance in Krishna Consciousness chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna the more you become spiritually advanced and happy in all respects.

The separation which you are feeling on account of my physical absence is good sign. The more you feel such separation the more you will be situated in Krishna Consciousness. Lord Caitanya felt this separation and His process of approaching Krishna is the feeling of separation. However I shall return to San Francisco as soon aspossible. How is Nandarani and her husband Dayananda __ not hear from them since I have come back to New York.

Herewith please find some notes for Sriman Subala das and his wife Krishna Devi.


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Govinda Dasi. Los Angeles, 7 July 1969

My Dear Govinda Dasi,

Please accept my blessings, and offer the same to Gaurasundara. I am so much pleased by reading your letter of June 26, 1969, describing your preaching activities in Hawaii, both husband and wife together... I was so much enlivened by hearing of your spirited preaching activities. I am proud that a little young girl like you is so much spirited in preaching Krishna consciousness... The whole world is full of fanatics and atheist classes of men, so sometimes we have to face such difficulties. But this is all tapasya. Without tapasya, nobody can approach Krishna. So preachers who boldly face all kinds of difficulties are considered to be under tapasya, and Krishna takes note of such tapasya of the devotee, and the devotee is recognized by Him. I have asked the BTG men to publish your heroic preaching activities under the heading of 'Heroine Govinda Dasi.'


(Claims Prabhupda did not want women to hold jobs, go to work, make money, but to only stay at home, revealed here as false.)

Srila Prabhupada letter to 'My dear daughter Sally,' New York, New York, November 13, 1965

'My dear daughter Sally,

If you come here there will be no inconvenience for you because there is one lady friend at west 108th street and she will be very glad to accommodate you for a day or two. I think you should come and see the prospect of the business. I am sure you will get very good profit if you start this business and I shall teach you how to prepare nice vegetable dishes. I wish that you may consider this proposal a little seriously and decide to come here for a day or two."


(Also herein.)

"If you produce milk, you should not drink milk very much. Rather, you should save it and convert it into ghee and then sell it to the householders and centers and thus maintain your asrama. The excess quantity of ghee may be exchanged by trade. Kirtana is our first duty. The Deity worship should be simple and the eating should be as meager as possible." Srila Prabhupada letter to Palika November 13, 1975.


(At times Prabhupada wrote some letters for wife to ask questions of husband -his expectation of husband to maintain strict following- he also sometimes said for wife to work as his assistant; he never gave instruction for husband to be guru-pati's. He also mentioned to be following tradition however, if women is can bring husband to practicing Krishna consciousness that's all right for her to be as his guru.)

Srila Prabhuapda letter to a female disciple: "Your description of the course you are givingto the interested girls about the role they play in KrishnaConsciousness is very nice, and I am pleased that you have begun this project. Actually the role of all conditioned souls is the same; to chant Hare Krishna, tell others to chant, perfect our lives in Krishna Consciousness, and to go back to Godhead when this body is finished. Now if you can induce all the women of Los Angeles to place an altarin their homes and help their husbands have peaceful, happy home life in Krishna Consciousness, that will be very great service for you. The actual system is that the husband is Spiritual Master to his wife, but if the wife can bring her husband into practicing this process, then it is all right that the husband accepts wife as Spiritual Master. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that anyone who knows the science of Krishna, that person should be accepted as Spiritual Master,regardless of any material so-called qualifications; such as rich or poor, man or woman, or brahmana or sudra. So if you can show the women of the community how to help their husbands and children to perfecttheir home life, and all aspects of life, in Krishna Consciousness bychanting, aratrik ceremonies, and eating Krishna prasadam, then you will improve the conditions of the neighboring communities to anincalculable extent. Your ever well-wisher." Srila Prabhupada letter to Silavati.New Vrndavana, 14 June 1969

Man whose false egos rebel against this instruction, man who has problem with Prabhupada's own words, was never qualified guru-pati ever.


Srila Prabhupada Letter to Yasasvini devi dasi-- Bhaktivedanta Manor 24 July, 1976

My Dear Yasasvini devi dasi:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your very nice offering and I thank you very much for it. Pleasing the spiritual master is the most important principle in spiritual life so go on acting in such a way that the spiritual master may be pleased. Always chant at least 16 rounds daily and follow the four principles without fail. Then you will be strong in your spiritual life. By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady advancement.

I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


(Vedic Varnashrama lifestyle advocated by misogynists and polygamists, really is only to elevate a crude man to higher Krishna consciousness. Initiated wife must follow her true pure devotee spiritual master always.)

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jadurani, San Francisco, January 30, 1967

"Please accept by blessings. I have heard about your good work although you did not write me. I always remember you as the nicest girl because you are so devoutly engaged in the service of Krishna. I am sure Krishna is pleased on you and He will bestow His blessings upon you. Better you accept Krishna as your Husband and He will never be unfaithful. Mundane husbands and wives never agree with one another. Because in the material world the relations are on the basis of body which is false basically. Under the circumstance how we can have the genuine thing on platform of false existence. Devote yourself therefore 24 hours in the service of Krishna and see how you feel happy in all respects. You are very good girl, because I have heard you chanting while working. It is very good and may Krishna give you more and more enlightenment. I always pray that you may be happy by our Lord's Grace. I shall be glad to hear from you."


Letter to Nandarani -- New York 8 July, 1976, Tehran

My dear Nandarani dasi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of the information you sent in your letter of June 10, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care.

Try to publish Persian books as many as possible. That will be a big success. Iranians have very much respect especially for the Americans and your dealings with them will be very much appreciated. Also, if the collections are very good there you can send some money to Gargamuni Swami in Mayapur for the project.

I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. I am scheduled to visit Tehran for several days in August.


SP Letter to Govinda, Los Angeles, January 26, 1969

"In London, the six couples who are working very hard there have been very much appreciated by the people of London, and their character, behavior, and devotion are attracting sincere people to our movement. I want similar thousands of couples for my disciples to propagate our movement throughout the world. You can always help me in this matter because you are an intelligent girl and you have many talents. So you can utilize your god-gifted qualities for utilizing in Krishna Consciousness."


Srila Letter to Sons and Daughters -- Bombay 14 August, 1976

My dear Sons and Daughters;

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 9, 1976 and the enclosed daksina and pictures of the murtis in New Dvaraka which I am having framed and put on my wall here in Bombay.

If you feel at all indebted to me then you should preach vigorously like me. That is the proper way to repay me. Of course, no one can repay the debt to the spiritual master, but the spiritual master is very much pleased by such an attitude by the disciple. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru nandana (BG 2.41), "Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one." Our only business is to be fixed up in devotional service by pleasing the spiritual master. Those who are not fixed up they have various lines of action (eka means 'one' and bahu means 'many').

The real ocean of mercy is Krsna and it is the duty of the spiritual master to tell his disciple to come to the ocean and be happy. The spiritual master's duty is to lead the disciple to this ocean. I am trying my best and if you try to follow surely you will benefit.

Bhaktivinode Thakura has sung, "Krsna sei tomara, krsna dite para, tomara sakati ache. Ami ta'kangala, krsna krsna boli, dhai tava pache pache." "Krsna is yours and you have the power to give Him to anyone you wish. I am poor and wretched and running behind you shouting Krsna, Krsna!" Krsna is unlimited, no one can catch Him, but if someone follows the parampara, he agrees to be captured. Everyone is afraid of Krsna, but Krsna is afraid of Mother Yasoda. That is Krsna's special mercy.

I hope this meets all of you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Residents of New Dvaraka
3764 Watseka Ave.
Los Angeles, California


(When Srila Prabhupada takes care of a female devotee, below we see he belives her sufficiently intelligent and competant to handle bank, he grants enough cash for her to live on comfortably, and lets her control that money herself. Also he grants her peace, not the modern idea of kali yuga born misogynists and polygamists with trickery of protrection often to be abuse rights.)

Letter to Govinda -- Honolulu 1 February, 1975


My dear Govinda dasi,

Please accept my blessings. In reply to your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. I beg to advise you to come to India and live in Mayapur comfortably in association of devotees. If you go, then I shall arrange to give you a very nice room completely for your use and you can peacefully engage in your painting work and read Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as join in with the devotees for regular kirtana, arati, and prasadam. What you have to do in this connection is as follows: 1) immediately you go to New York and take an entry visa from the consulate general of India. 2) ask your father to send the 200 dollars monthly to the Bank of America -Bombay branch, account number 16026, (International Society for Krishna Consciousness Mayapur-Vrndavana Fund.) This money will be kept for your expenditure. I think 500 rupees monthly will be sufficient for your food and lodging (60-70 dollars). And the balance you can spend as you like. I think this arrangement will be very nice for you according to my idea. Now you decide what to do.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to All Temple Presidents, G.B.C. and Sannyasis -- 17 October, 1975

From His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

59 Muller Street,
Yeoville, Johannesburg,
South Africa

Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupad. It has come to our notice that one Godbrother of Srila Prabhupad’s, Swami Bon Maharaj, has been spreading damaging propaganda against Srila Prabhupad and against our movement. Satsvarupa Maharaj recently informed Srila Prabhupad that one Professor in Canada refused to take a standing order of Srila Prabhupad’s books because he associated with Swami Bon at his Oriental Institute in Vrindaban, and Swami Bon so much made untrue accusations against our beloved Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupad. Swami Bon recently made a tour of Canada and Satsvarup Maharaj reported that his statements were “poisonous, saying many false things about Krsna consciousness.” Recently, one professor, Dr. Hines, of Indian Religious Studies at Yale marked: “I think Swami Bon is just jealous of Srila Prabhupad.”

Under the circumstances, we shall fully non-cooperate with this Swami Bon and neither we shall form any kind of association with any person whose aim it is to blaspheme the Lord or his pure devotee.

I hope that this meets you all in blissful serving mood,
Your unworthy servant,
Pusta Krsna Swami
Acting Secretary for
Srila Prabhupad
Approved: (initialed by hand)

This is also what GHQ, and nonmember misogynists, are doing currently. All about internet, countless posts by people revealing they've lost interest in the Hare Krishna movement. They don't want the books, they don't want to hear from us, they state their reason: Prabhupada is a misogynist. This is UNTRUE. He has been misquoted by those with ulterior desires, or take his comments out of context, or too lazy or selfish to explain them the higher, more accurate way. All so they can enjoy their sense of power, prestige, sex, including subtle sex.

"The Krsna consciousness movement, therefore, is a cultural movementthat does not care about local social conventions. Following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Acarya, we can accepta devotee from any part of the world and recognize him as a brahmanas soon as he is qualified due to following the principles of Vaisnava behavior." Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila 3.221, purport

Now, can all reading who are misogynists and polyggamists stop using Prabhuapdas Hare Krishna Movement as a shopping mall, depreciating his good name that you can have sex and power. Start own movement, leave his alone.