Found this on Bhagavan's site, but not written by him, rather feedback from another-
>>On the other side, the GHQ, right wind followers of Prabhupada were defending the absolute value of every one of his words, so they were pushing the sexist approach as a absolute value. Jahnu das and his wife from Mayapur were so staunch in defending this view. At the end, the GHQ won the political fight and was able to supress the pamho conference. They went to the GBC and said that Dhyanakunda from northern countries offended Srila Prabhupada and Lord Ramacandra, critisizing Him because of His rejection of Sita after hearing people speaking bad of her.
So, that was more or less the map there. I think it is the same discussion with new robes and names.<<<
Frightening to observe our own ISKCON authorities unable to defeat the GHQ in the political arena, or any and all arena's, considering thier many offenses.
Is it because someone be from Mayapur India, it impress authorities, thinking them to have more knowledge than Prabhupada?
Should these couples want to live this style of marriage is their business and their privilege. To insist everyone be married as they are married, be nonsense. It also is conflicting to what Prabhupada speaks of - the privacy of marriage.
GBC's curiosity or flirting with maya (open minded, it is not), be dangerous. May result in changing everything from the way established by the purest of the pure, Srila Prabhupada. Authorities, be strong enough to resist such temptations. That GBC loans GHQ married couples an ear, reveals to regular devotee population, some ISKCON authorities believe women are less intelligent to a fault.
Then they wonder why women leave the temples.
The other comment, I be of same opinion- "its the same discussion with new names." Complicatons be, in these times, provides power of the internet for bullies to unite and become more influential then in the past. Save for iskcon authorities to mature and regain their (proper) power and respect from masses of devotees servinge in temples they govern (not GHQ places, they have no temples, though will infiltrate), this will persist.
Maybe we need to take lessons from the GHQ. Apparently isckon authorities do not respect when women do it right and in accord with scripture. However, GHQ who call women places to pee, or play with and returned to shelf, never take seriously; that, iskcon authorities next allow them a voice that effects the rest of us?
The Women's Ministry tries, and had success. Nonetheless, always someone there, GHQ or ISKCON authority, to shoot them down. Perhaps women need something not so nice, not as horrid as the GHQ, but it seems to be strength that is respected more than accuracy, or good devotee nevermind gender, or Prabhupada’s full unadulterated philosophy.
They boast their scriptural evidence, but more often its taken out of context, or other trickery. Did not the GBC perceive this? Did they not notice while Prabhupada spoke such words simultaneously his actions were different from what 'they' understand or think he should have done?
If true, then maybe they do not understand either, or be as advanced as proclaimed, which is what granted them authority position. Perhaps also are thinking themselves mechanically more spiritually advanced merely due to male body parts? Otherwise, why they let GHQ have even a voice? They must concur.
So wonder not, dear GBC, why women give up you. Not Krishna, but you. They leave iskcon, you have no more servant of the Lord in many temples because they are sick of hearing unreality presented as what's soundly operating in the world seen under their very nose.
Does any authority climb down out of ivory towers or look out their window at what makes the world factually go 'round, or visit a female lawyer, a lady dentist, or notice women who are architects, police officers, fire fighters?
This is not feminism; if they can do it, it is their nature and not feminism! Regardless she be putting gauze over childs wound or a nurse in hospital - she is nurturing. Regardless she be putting out the candle flame her son light and forgot as it drips to the floor, or is extinguishing larger flame as firefighter - she is saving.
Feminism is not outward, it's inward. It's a state of mind. One can not know without asking her "what is your puropse?" Otherwise they be speculating. Not eacj woman can do these things or has desire, but if she can, it should be unimportant. Balanced woman are too busy for these competitions between genders. Men who can't do what she can, should discontinue their envy of women. Its very off-putting and makes you look bad.
At any rate, ISKCON or GHQ, quoting to prove bodily concept superiority and lifestyles, they might think to be strict followers of Srila Prabhupada's words. He also gave wordis they dislike and hide from. Srila Prabhupada wasn't afraid to go with the times. Who thinks they be so advanced as to follow a method for different times or yuga? Arrogance.
Nothing woman are asking, contradicts Srila Prabhupada, nothing. It coexists with his preachings better than misogyny.
Prabhupada was not afraid to make changes, devotees were afraid to accept them, often challgenging specific changes. Those devotees now be authorities and more.
No justification to change anything of Srila Prabhupada’s, only the pure devote can instruct for change. This is to distinguish where practicality works, realistically what be functional, and how Prabhupada used everything in Krishna's service. KRISHNA'S.
Does it require too much of a level of humility for authorities to admit women not be inferior lower birth? Then where is their level of genuine advancement? Do they not read Prabhupada's letters to women and see his equal treatment of them, and opportunities for them?
How did Malati devi dasi become a GBC member if not for what Prabhupada himself spoke on women and GBC position? Nevermind that GBC themselves mistreated her, evidence they too have huge ego and can not take instructions or hear from woman. Have they ignored Prabhupada's letter to Jaudarani devi dasi: "I am very glad to learn that Muralidhara, Devahuti and Bharadraja are working together. You simply supervise them." L.A., 14 Jan 70 Possibly GBC believe in woman inferiority. Nonethelss, Malati would not have been granted position of first woman GBC unless for the existing proof from Srila Prahupada.
Prabhupada's instructs according to time, place and circumstance. This should outshine fanatical rules that don't function in this day and age of Kali yuga. Men too. In order to practice all these rules for 'less intelligent' women, man must be highly qualified as almost a pure devotee. In kali yug, every one is sudra, men no exception. Anyone can elevate themselves, women no exception.
Must the ladies perhaps start something pushy, like the GHQ? Be it only then shall woman be heard?
Simply don't stoop as low as their own low level. Women, find your assertiveness, try not feel offended when they name-call, they are trying to put you out of action. Know any who speak of you like that, is not very adanced devotee.
Bhagavad-gita says, the weaker will follow example of the stronger. Since GBC gives a ear to GHQ, maybe we should follow example of GHQ and be more agressive, just like them.
No, don't do exactly. Yet think. Are they not setting such examples? Are devotees like Vrajabhumi all ready and automatically doing like this because some gurus authorities and ghq have a lot in common?
ISKCON, make the changes, before the internet makes them for you.