Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Divorce Hell Fire

Divorce Hell Fire

Divorce- something we're against. No one wants divorce. Its not good cooperative with religiosity.

Is abuse cooperative with religiosity?

Does abuse spur woman into right action?

Usually it spurs her into putting on a 'show' of right action, while in the mind she's making quiet plans to protect herself in future. One plan might be divorce.

What is the cause of divorce?

All about the internet GHQ tries to convince: "if woman leaves man, all hell will break loose." Can they cause enough internal fear in you, reader, to believe them? That's their purpose, because we do not see in real world of Vaisnava's, this as result. Thus they function, they succeed, through mental terrorism.

More often we see divorce does not resulting of womanly weakness, or her looking for better sense gratification as misogynists like to credit Prabhupada for such an utterance. They disregard other quotes that they too, as husband, must not look for better sense gratification, instead to proceed a lifestyle of good devotee. Contrary, their belief? They can do whatever they want.

To Vaisnava male good devotees, you live, you exist, women recognize. Recognize back it is not woman speaking these ways to all male gender, it's GHQ pushing us into corner with their all-fire hell and damnation, for everything. Whatever problem in life they aquire, they nearly always profess its woman's blunder.

The basis for their time spent in typing horrors of divorce, faulted to woman, is because they want to maintain cruelty, bad behavior, absolute rightness; while wife accepts miseries or does the tapasya's.

Abuse and misuse is what comes about when sudra men are allowed power and no one stops them. Strongly without wavering, not loaning an ear, someone needs to fully to stop them, free of entertainment of the mind they try to give to capture other men in their goal. Philosophy misused for temptation. Do not loan an ear.

Abuse and misuse is also what comes about when brhamana or Vaisnava woman marries sudra uncontrolled sensed man. Temple or authorities should take better care this not to happen anymore.

It is false that all hell breaks loose if there is divorce in devotee family. Divorce is not wanted, but no one is thrown into the eternal hell fire. It also is not true husband is devoid from causation of divorce, positioned as guru on most high, therefore never cause of anything gone wrong. Violence & cruelty has been more causative of divorce than womanly weakenss. Physical, mental, emotinoal, sexual violence makes a Vaisnava woman want to run, desires to escape a karmi natured husband, when that nature's repeatedly exhibited. Obviously doing "whatever," letting his karmi peronality out of the bag to go wild, now that he "thinks" His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada can not see him.

Genuine Love (not lust), will help reduce divorce rate of the devotees. Good treatment, not abuse, will help end it. Truthfulness and not trickery will create a genuine spiritual society, as opposed to mental sense gratification misogynists get from tricking woman. That too, leads to divorce.

It's not that woman have to accept GHQ idea that man can do anything, but if wife leaves, she be the cause of divorce. Strong influence of illusion, GHQ must have, to think so grand of self. Should man be cruel he is for the most part in kali yuga, not spiritual. Many causes of divorce misogynists place upon woman, they forget to include their maha contribution of husband abuser. Only for so long will most woman try to find something spiritual in that, until eventually the bugles sound, the conch shell blows, they awaken to the maya of their husband and the damge its causing entire family.

Prabhupada started a organization to remove us from the material world and back to home, back to Godhead. Those who insisted on initiation then, current actions reveal some change of mind in that lifestyle. Make a choice. Either return to first class devotee, or give up strict rules and give up initiation. No one wants the later. Toughen up (instead of making woman toughen up), control mind, control senses, be good follower and renounce material pleasures. Without abusing woman simply due to getting serious again. If that be the result, to either way harm woman, then such men have problems.

Kausalya devi dasi, a divorced woman. Preparing to remarry. Did Srila Prabhupada respond same as misogynists and GHQ? Here is what ‘he’ said:

"My special blessings for Palika and Kausalya prabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting for the next life. Thank them very much on my behalf." -Srila Prabhupada Letters, 1972 Aug 28, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Looking at history of devotee men, we see they be more likely to run after another woman brahmacarini. Manly weakness (acting as female prikriti energy). Looking at history its seen few woman acting weak. A devotee said to this blogger:What I see in all actuality, is devotee woman acting more like men, less emotional than most men. Devotee men acting more gossipy, fickle, and flirtatious, like woman.” This does not have to be, it is not always, it will remain if men think of sex much, or think of repulstion of sex so muh, both result in abuse. They must rise to a higher level.


Is Divorce Anti-ISKCON?

by: Author's name withheld
Posted December 7, 2009
Re: "Proposed ISKCON Membership Criteria Too Narrow", Chakra, Nov. 25.

Perhaps this is a little candid of me for saying so, but is it that divorce goes against ISKCON's bylaws? Does this mean, coming out of a rather manipulative marriage myself, that I am to remain serving a husband who has affairs, simply because it's an ISKCON standard?

This seems highly inappropriate, and it makes no sense to me on any level. How, on Earth and all the planets in the Universe and above, is someone expected to make spiritual progress by living in constant suffering and misery?

Surely karma has effect in all relationship dynamics, but what is the benefit? Does this not logically just produce a continuing cycle of abusive relationships, and how would the children born into such marriages benefit other than to see that abuse is natural, and that you must remain faithful to demons?

I am confused. Someone please clarify this for me.


Vedic Women (part 1)

an interview with Umapati Swami

by Madhusudani Radha devi dasi

MR: Umapati Maharaja, what do you think about the notion that women in ISKCON are not Vedic enough?

US: If the men want the women to be Vedic, then the men should take the lead and become Vedic first. The men have to provide a society where the women are protected. What is the use of talking about Vedic culture if we do not create a society where people can follow it? But I am not so sure that the people who speak the most about being Vedic understand all the imports of Vedic culture. I do not claim to understandthem either. For example, ISKCON women distribute books on the street. Is that Vedic? If so, then the role of women in Vedic culture is widerthan is commonly thought. Nor do the scriptures encourage women to be blind followers. "A woman,therefore, should consider her husband, her house and her children to be thearrangement of the external energy of the Lord for her death, just as thesweet singing of the hunter is death for the deer." [SB 3.31.42] So I think we should learn more about what Vedic culture really is and not just present one aspect of it as all in all.

MR: There have been several accusations stating that divorced and remarriedVaisnavis are prostitutes and whores. Do you think that is a fair assessment?

US: If the women are whores, then what are the men if not whore mongers? You can't have one without the other. But better than calling people names is to see how Srila Prabhupada treated remarried women. I did a little research on this. Here are some excerpts from letters concerning Mother Kausalya in the early seventies. Kausalya had married, or was planning to marry, for the second time since her initiation. Srila Prabhupada writes, "My special blessings for Palika and Kausalyaprabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting forthe next life. Thank them very much on my behalf."Does that sound as if Srila Prabhupada is calling this remarried woman a prostitute? Here's another letter. "Now Madhavananda and his wife have arrived.Kausalya is an expert Deity worshiper and an important hand in ourmovement, so she and Yamuna, two sisters can be very useful in Deityworship there. Keep Kausalya comfortable and she can be a great help." Was Srila Prabhupada recommending a prostitute for Deity worship? He obviously considered Kausalya to be a brahmani in spite of her second marriage.I am not saying this to encourage divorce. It is abominable, and SrilaPrabhupada preached against it. But we are not living in a Vedic society,and we should follow Srila Prabhupada's example in dealing with peoplewho have this kind of problem in their lives.The most important thing is to encourage people in Krsna Consciousness whatever their situation because by serving and chanting and following theprinciples, we can develop the necessary intelligence to understand Vedic culture and establish a Vedic society. end of part 1


This blogger has one small concern and does not find divorce to cross to the extreme to be abominable. Unless its said from recognizing a devotee woman doesn't divorce for sense pleasures but protection. If she needs protection, husband must have been very abusive to her, children dont escape unscathed. That's abominable, that forces wife into divorce for survival, and to protect children. Abuse ruins everyones spiritual life. Might that be Umapati's perspective maybe. Its mine. Divorce, we don't want. But abuse is killer of the soul.


Dictator GHQ members, set up own society for selfish ways since you refuse to control yourselves to stop, believing you should not have to stop. Therefore discontinue using and abusing Srila Prabhupada’s Society for your twisted excuses to continue abuses. You've caused enough damage to his name as it is. Fess up, or wise up, and do right by him.