A web site proclaimed: Srila Prabhupada started brhamacarini ashrama's because "western" women were use to "independent" lifestyle of living in apartments on their own or with a friend.
Never read that statement. Though if anything was said, it was not intended as belittlement, the way GHQ would use it. Rather more as a nonjudgmental fact of life. Prabhupada often says something which is "matter of fact," and others in general often had to question him, finding out their understandings were not always accurate. Add to that bigoted woman haters, and they will see what they want. More important: As a direct result of women able to live independantly, many books were distributed on Sankirtana! Which was pleasing to Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada gave two known instructions this writer's aware of, as an avid reader of Prabhupada’s literatures.
1-Women wanted to join, move in, he provided for them too. Women are after all, spirit souls and thus he arranged for brahmacarini ashrama inside temples. There is a letter to this nature.
2- He wrote to Satsvarupa that the Christians provide a place for their women, so just as they have nuns, we should make ashrama. Letter follows.
"Therefore as I have suggested previously as they do in Christian religion they have so many convent where the women stay and they receive protection. The point is that the women must be protected and it is the duties of the leaders of our society to see that this is carried out." Srila Prabhupada letter Melbourne, 10 February, 1973
Accordingly, Prabhupada started ashrama for women not as result of something for independent western women, like misogynist savor the thought. He did it from spiritual motive, giving females a safe place to live while undergoing the brahmacarini program - prep for initiation.
Misogynists have dilemma understanding 'why' Srila Prabhupada gave so many power privileges to women, thus they concoct. Their fears, what they'd do with much power and control over the Hare Krishna Movement, misuse it, causes them to specualte woman will misuse any such power. (Not what happened.) It makes them feel better to make things up. Without quotes of proof, numberless devotees shall not believe.
Independent natured, or not independent natured, was irrelevant. History demonstrates, Prabhupada engaged devotees according to their natural propensity. Independent women are not indubitably sinful! There was no fault-finding like this, should woman be independent by nature. Everyone desirous to serve Krishna was valued on "that" principle," not bodily ideas. It was more important to push forward Lord Caitanya's Mission, and always will be more important. Brhat Mrdanga shall never be minimized or changed. Srila Prabhupada was pleased with his strong devotee women.
Women protection privileges a man to have full control over her at every moment. She is too stupid to recognize when to use self control, and too incapable of sense control. He must break her spirit, wear her down, in order to take charge of this poor less intelligent woman, before she gets herself in trouble.
Srila Prabhupada's references for protection never accommodated abuse, or spirit breaking. Why would Prabhupada give her so many temple duties if she is not to even walk out of her house unless her husband be right there, or that she must ask permission for every nit picky tiny thing so husband can micromanage? Thus lording it over her suggestive that she's not really a "disciple" (disciple means self controlled), and of someone else, someone more pure. Ridiculous.
Misogynists try to instill fear that woman is not protected when often she is not in need of protection. Nothing is going on to require protection, and there are no 'genuine' risks to be had.
More truthful reason: Because he wants to be supreme controller, because he's afraid he'll loose her (due to his bad behavior but wants to privileges as spoiled man-child, yet keep her). Thus they warn, be afraid, be very afraid of independant woman, or unimaginable harm is the likely result.
We don't live in jungles. Go on and protect her from the bully, protect her from treating man with big muscles, but don't steal away her life airs.
Seldom do they protect her from the bully or muscle man.
They also assume she will go sex crazy if they are not in constant protection and control over her. No, she won't, he will. Look at the history of our movement. The bigger sexual problems of this nature have most often been male oriented. Stop creating false fears. These are spiritual, often brahman initiated, devotee women. Show some respect.
Next argument: therefore she must be independant feminist. Scroll beneath for replies to "FemiNazi" idea's.
Misogynists declare Srila Prabhupada sought to change the Movement into the method they're following. The 'superior' method they are following.
Srila Prabhupada said his work was only half done and he wanted to "add" to the movement, desirous to teach varnashrama-dharma. However, he did not present it as superior. Varnashrama-dharma is not as much for initiated disciples (though its acceptable for the fixed up), varanashrama dharma is supplementary for the rest of the world who can't chant 16 rounds daily without fail, who can't follow the four regulative principles without fail, who don't follow his other instructions an initiated disciple must follow. In his now-famous 1977 Mayapur conversation, he clearly stated the falldown of a sanyasi with 5 women, as well as others who have beads but are nonetheless rascals. In this manner, he began speaking on varnashrama-dharma to attempt saving them.
An argument misogynists would make is that they be the good devotee who are to take charge of such projects. First they have to admit their maya, renounce their maya, and start practicing Prabhupada’s way, not their way. Thus, no. Sex and power fanatics do not get high position in varnashrama dharma.
Unequivocally, varnashrama-dharma is not to be practice with violence, verbal cruelty, rape, trickery of the arrogant GHQ method, no. Instead, Srila Prabhupada’s methods are higher, peaceful, and sound. Helpful to everyone, not favoring the male gender but favoring all humanity at large.
Early in the movement, Prabhupada gave special treatment to women, but was harder on the men.
Yamuna devi dasi was given profound responsibilities by Srila Prabhupada, no special treatment, simply as much devotional service as she wanted. Men and women were both engaged in service equally, and according to what they could do.
However, why should it matter if he had given such treatment to women? Considering he was still going to take them back to Godhead, so who should tell him what is right way to treat others in order to achieve that? We suspect some men be envious of women who were one of the first in Prabhupada's association, and did much service too. Notwithstanding, we also suspect some are victims of misinformation by woman haters.
Other men can't make heads or tails why Prabhuapda seemingly goes against Veda (though he does not), therefore they make up reasons which pacify themselves. Better they should get to the truth without speculation, or without listening to the propaanda GHQ and other misogynists are intentionally trying to fabricate. Conspiracies can fly in this Movement. Better to read letters Prabhuapda personally wrote, with instructions.
Most devotee women are feminists or FemiNazi's.
We are following the instructions of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada regarding how to serve in Krishna consciousness, not as much varnashrama dharma that they practice.
They often have problems with our service attitude:
that we give classes when they believe only men should,
women play instruments or lead kirtana's they believe only men should,
women go on altar as pujaris while they believe only for men,
women do sankirtana while they believe men should yet these men don't,
When their instructions contradict the highest instructions of the spiritual master women took initiation from, naturally women disregards husbands maya instruction and follows instruction of the pure spiritual master. Any disagreement with that - they have a problem with Prabhupada's program. Since they have love for Prabhupada but can't surrender, release false egos, strong bodily attachment; women become their scapegoat.
Insofar as their resistance to overcome bodily concept, they assume woman’s actions must be same: bodily concept. If she washes dishes for husband or at temple, the activity appears the identical. If she talks with man to ask what service is next on the schedule or talks to husband, to him it may appear identical. Consequently anyone under bodily concept only see Feminist, not staying home to serve husbands every word uncontested. They do not see her as following Prabhupada's higher instructions.
We need to recognize a key reason they deject renunciation of their material body is because they think it gives them unquestionable power and control over woman, to do whatever they desire, never have to explain their actions, and be a free man. All be untrue and illusion. Not the mindset an initiated devotee should hold or want. Its most unfortunate when a sudra husband marries a brhaman woman. The match is difficult, especially when he wont admit he is more fallen, becoming jealous his wife is spiriutally more advanced. Understandably when they took initiation most were serious about their spiritual life and vows. Time and maya has covered them over.
However, why should it matter if he had given such treatment to women? Considering he was still going to take them back to Godhead, so who should tell him what is right way to treat others in order to achieve that? We suspect some men be envious of women who were one of the first in Prabhupada's association, and did much service too. Notwithstanding, we also suspect some are victims of misinformation by woman haters.
Other men can't make heads or tails why Prabhuapda seemingly goes against Veda (though he does not), therefore they make up reasons which pacify themselves. Better they should get to the truth without speculation, or without listening to the propaanda GHQ and other misogynists are intentionally trying to fabricate. Conspiracies can fly in this Movement. Better to read letters Prabhuapda personally wrote, with instructions.
Most devotee women are feminists or FemiNazi's.
We are following the instructions of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada regarding how to serve in Krishna consciousness, not as much varnashrama dharma that they practice.
They often have problems with our service attitude:
that we give classes when they believe only men should,
women play instruments or lead kirtana's they believe only men should,
women go on altar as pujaris while they believe only for men,
women do sankirtana while they believe men should yet these men don't,
When their instructions contradict the highest instructions of the spiritual master women took initiation from, naturally women disregards husbands maya instruction and follows instruction of the pure spiritual master. Any disagreement with that - they have a problem with Prabhupada's program. Since they have love for Prabhupada but can't surrender, release false egos, strong bodily attachment; women become their scapegoat.
Insofar as their resistance to overcome bodily concept, they assume woman’s actions must be same: bodily concept. If she washes dishes for husband or at temple, the activity appears the identical. If she talks with man to ask what service is next on the schedule or talks to husband, to him it may appear identical. Consequently anyone under bodily concept only see Feminist, not staying home to serve husbands every word uncontested. They do not see her as following Prabhupada's higher instructions.
We need to recognize a key reason they deject renunciation of their material body is because they think it gives them unquestionable power and control over woman, to do whatever they desire, never have to explain their actions, and be a free man. All be untrue and illusion. Not the mindset an initiated devotee should hold or want. Its most unfortunate when a sudra husband marries a brhaman woman. The match is difficult, especially when he wont admit he is more fallen, becoming jealous his wife is spiriutally more advanced. Understandably when they took initiation most were serious about their spiritual life and vows. Time and maya has covered them over.
Many other husbands are not envious in these ways, and thus when united under Prabhupada's method, husband and wife get along in harmony. Sometimes wife more advanced, sometmes husband more advanced, sometimes on similar level. It shoud not be a contest, the goal is Krishna.
Devotee women are not interested in Feminism or Women's Lib, anymore than interested in gender/bodily roles under self-appointed guru pati's. That, and women's lib, are actually similar to the Vaisnava woman because when working toward transcendence, making more than minor bodily identificaion is a block .
Whereas such misogynists are working toward keeping women under Hindu caste system type of Varnashrama-dharma. They're inadept to discriminate when initiated women are following higher transcendental method. Thus due to their own less intelligence, such men see FemiNazi instead of Krishna consciousness.
These allying men, many polygamists advocates, covertly fancy to be encompassed by women, be served upper and lower tongue, and hear their glories chanted. It becomes difficult for the intelligent, serious devotee woman to blindly accept the odd instructions of such a husband when the wife has higher knowledge and better sense control than he. We suggest they marry a woman on same level as themselves, and hault selection of serious devotee lady to marry, then turn around and contaminate her.
Fallen men attached bodily concept will never see transcendence. There is not much women can do to stop their speech of offensive words like FemiNazi, but we will continue to follow Prabhupada's instructions, and such men will next life maybe be woman?
Prabhupada only instructed women as pujari etc in the early days of the movement to get ISKCON started. Then he wanted men to take over.
No letters from Prabhupada gives any instruction for women to quit these activities. The closest we can locate, again, is his desire to start an "addition" to the movement for assisting devotees that can not or will not keep their vows, chant their rounds, follow instructions for initiated disciples. This remained a constant up to the end. We do not see any specific instructed change on the subject matter of men to eventually, fully replace, with women removed from all such type of service. We see he instructed DO NOT CHANGE A THING.
More likely men ended up with more temple service over time because women had children and countless other responsibilities (doctor appointments etc), ergo husbands could be financially supported with a humble amount of money if he performed temple service. Many men did not want to give up some of their brahmacari lifestyle and the wife usually did not want him to either, thus he spent more time giving classes, cooking at temple, as pujari etc. As a matter of practicality. (Sometimes the wife would aquire a babysitter and also do like this, just not as often according to - just explained.)
Some men aren't as bad as others, just mislead to believe some inaccuricies, or else concoctions, depending on the association they keep, Trying to understand rather as opposed to trying not to understand, this being the highest knowledge in all the three worlds, devoid of bodily conceptions. At heart, many are good. Hence, by watching their association, and hearing properly, they can advance.
More likely men ended up with more temple service over time because women had children and countless other responsibilities (doctor appointments etc), ergo husbands could be financially supported with a humble amount of money if he performed temple service. Many men did not want to give up some of their brahmacari lifestyle and the wife usually did not want him to either, thus he spent more time giving classes, cooking at temple, as pujari etc. As a matter of practicality. (Sometimes the wife would aquire a babysitter and also do like this, just not as often according to - just explained.)
Some men aren't as bad as others, just mislead to believe some inaccuricies, or else concoctions, depending on the association they keep, Trying to understand rather as opposed to trying not to understand, this being the highest knowledge in all the three worlds, devoid of bodily conceptions. At heart, many are good. Hence, by watching their association, and hearing properly, they can advance.
Another example mosogynists give is scriptural, often citing Cyavana Muni. We ask them to let us know when they achieve position of pure devotee as in scriptures. Until then, we will not imitate and suggest they cease imitating. Following instead, the instructions of Prabhupada, often he’d give in letters.
They likely will come up with some unusal letter, we also know their reputation for deception. Frequently they omit, hide, or do not explain what only a weathered devotee understands about such letters.
They want to be the center.
More Myth Busters to come.