Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Divorce Hell Fire

Divorce Hell Fire

Divorce- something we're against. No one wants divorce. Its not good cooperative with religiosity.

Is abuse cooperative with religiosity?

Does abuse spur woman into right action?

Usually it spurs her into putting on a 'show' of right action, while in the mind she's making quiet plans to protect herself in future. One plan might be divorce.

What is the cause of divorce?

All about the internet GHQ tries to convince: "if woman leaves man, all hell will break loose." Can they cause enough internal fear in you, reader, to believe them? That's their purpose, because we do not see in real world of Vaisnava's, this as result. Thus they function, they succeed, through mental terrorism.

More often we see divorce does not resulting of womanly weakness, or her looking for better sense gratification as misogynists like to credit Prabhupada for such an utterance. They disregard other quotes that they too, as husband, must not look for better sense gratification, instead to proceed a lifestyle of good devotee. Contrary, their belief? They can do whatever they want.

To Vaisnava male good devotees, you live, you exist, women recognize. Recognize back it is not woman speaking these ways to all male gender, it's GHQ pushing us into corner with their all-fire hell and damnation, for everything. Whatever problem in life they aquire, they nearly always profess its woman's blunder.

The basis for their time spent in typing horrors of divorce, faulted to woman, is because they want to maintain cruelty, bad behavior, absolute rightness; while wife accepts miseries or does the tapasya's.

Abuse and misuse is what comes about when sudra men are allowed power and no one stops them. Strongly without wavering, not loaning an ear, someone needs to fully to stop them, free of entertainment of the mind they try to give to capture other men in their goal. Philosophy misused for temptation. Do not loan an ear.

Abuse and misuse is also what comes about when brhamana or Vaisnava woman marries sudra uncontrolled sensed man. Temple or authorities should take better care this not to happen anymore.

It is false that all hell breaks loose if there is divorce in devotee family. Divorce is not wanted, but no one is thrown into the eternal hell fire. It also is not true husband is devoid from causation of divorce, positioned as guru on most high, therefore never cause of anything gone wrong. Violence & cruelty has been more causative of divorce than womanly weakenss. Physical, mental, emotinoal, sexual violence makes a Vaisnava woman want to run, desires to escape a karmi natured husband, when that nature's repeatedly exhibited. Obviously doing "whatever," letting his karmi peronality out of the bag to go wild, now that he "thinks" His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada can not see him.

Genuine Love (not lust), will help reduce divorce rate of the devotees. Good treatment, not abuse, will help end it. Truthfulness and not trickery will create a genuine spiritual society, as opposed to mental sense gratification misogynists get from tricking woman. That too, leads to divorce.

It's not that woman have to accept GHQ idea that man can do anything, but if wife leaves, she be the cause of divorce. Strong influence of illusion, GHQ must have, to think so grand of self. Should man be cruel he is for the most part in kali yuga, not spiritual. Many causes of divorce misogynists place upon woman, they forget to include their maha contribution of husband abuser. Only for so long will most woman try to find something spiritual in that, until eventually the bugles sound, the conch shell blows, they awaken to the maya of their husband and the damge its causing entire family.

Prabhupada started a organization to remove us from the material world and back to home, back to Godhead. Those who insisted on initiation then, current actions reveal some change of mind in that lifestyle. Make a choice. Either return to first class devotee, or give up strict rules and give up initiation. No one wants the later. Toughen up (instead of making woman toughen up), control mind, control senses, be good follower and renounce material pleasures. Without abusing woman simply due to getting serious again. If that be the result, to either way harm woman, then such men have problems.

Kausalya devi dasi, a divorced woman. Preparing to remarry. Did Srila Prabhupada respond same as misogynists and GHQ? Here is what ‘he’ said:

"My special blessings for Palika and Kausalya prabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting for the next life. Thank them very much on my behalf." -Srila Prabhupada Letters, 1972 Aug 28, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Looking at history of devotee men, we see they be more likely to run after another woman brahmacarini. Manly weakness (acting as female prikriti energy). Looking at history its seen few woman acting weak. A devotee said to this blogger:What I see in all actuality, is devotee woman acting more like men, less emotional than most men. Devotee men acting more gossipy, fickle, and flirtatious, like woman.” This does not have to be, it is not always, it will remain if men think of sex much, or think of repulstion of sex so muh, both result in abuse. They must rise to a higher level.


Is Divorce Anti-ISKCON?

by: Author's name withheld
Posted December 7, 2009
Re: "Proposed ISKCON Membership Criteria Too Narrow", Chakra, Nov. 25.

Perhaps this is a little candid of me for saying so, but is it that divorce goes against ISKCON's bylaws? Does this mean, coming out of a rather manipulative marriage myself, that I am to remain serving a husband who has affairs, simply because it's an ISKCON standard?

This seems highly inappropriate, and it makes no sense to me on any level. How, on Earth and all the planets in the Universe and above, is someone expected to make spiritual progress by living in constant suffering and misery?

Surely karma has effect in all relationship dynamics, but what is the benefit? Does this not logically just produce a continuing cycle of abusive relationships, and how would the children born into such marriages benefit other than to see that abuse is natural, and that you must remain faithful to demons?

I am confused. Someone please clarify this for me.


Vedic Women (part 1)

an interview with Umapati Swami

by Madhusudani Radha devi dasi

MR: Umapati Maharaja, what do you think about the notion that women in ISKCON are not Vedic enough?

US: If the men want the women to be Vedic, then the men should take the lead and become Vedic first. The men have to provide a society where the women are protected. What is the use of talking about Vedic culture if we do not create a society where people can follow it? But I am not so sure that the people who speak the most about being Vedic understand all the imports of Vedic culture. I do not claim to understandthem either. For example, ISKCON women distribute books on the street. Is that Vedic? If so, then the role of women in Vedic culture is widerthan is commonly thought. Nor do the scriptures encourage women to be blind followers. "A woman,therefore, should consider her husband, her house and her children to be thearrangement of the external energy of the Lord for her death, just as thesweet singing of the hunter is death for the deer." [SB 3.31.42] So I think we should learn more about what Vedic culture really is and not just present one aspect of it as all in all.

MR: There have been several accusations stating that divorced and remarriedVaisnavis are prostitutes and whores. Do you think that is a fair assessment?

US: If the women are whores, then what are the men if not whore mongers? You can't have one without the other. But better than calling people names is to see how Srila Prabhupada treated remarried women. I did a little research on this. Here are some excerpts from letters concerning Mother Kausalya in the early seventies. Kausalya had married, or was planning to marry, for the second time since her initiation. Srila Prabhupada writes, "My special blessings for Palika and Kausalyaprabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting forthe next life. Thank them very much on my behalf."Does that sound as if Srila Prabhupada is calling this remarried woman a prostitute? Here's another letter. "Now Madhavananda and his wife have arrived.Kausalya is an expert Deity worshiper and an important hand in ourmovement, so she and Yamuna, two sisters can be very useful in Deityworship there. Keep Kausalya comfortable and she can be a great help." Was Srila Prabhupada recommending a prostitute for Deity worship? He obviously considered Kausalya to be a brahmani in spite of her second marriage.I am not saying this to encourage divorce. It is abominable, and SrilaPrabhupada preached against it. But we are not living in a Vedic society,and we should follow Srila Prabhupada's example in dealing with peoplewho have this kind of problem in their lives.The most important thing is to encourage people in Krsna Consciousness whatever their situation because by serving and chanting and following theprinciples, we can develop the necessary intelligence to understand Vedic culture and establish a Vedic society. end of part 1


This blogger has one small concern and does not find divorce to cross to the extreme to be abominable. Unless its said from recognizing a devotee woman doesn't divorce for sense pleasures but protection. If she needs protection, husband must have been very abusive to her, children dont escape unscathed. That's abominable, that forces wife into divorce for survival, and to protect children. Abuse ruins everyones spiritual life. Might that be Umapati's perspective maybe. Its mine. Divorce, we don't want. But abuse is killer of the soul.


Dictator GHQ members, set up own society for selfish ways since you refuse to control yourselves to stop, believing you should not have to stop. Therefore discontinue using and abusing Srila Prabhupada’s Society for your twisted excuses to continue abuses. You've caused enough damage to his name as it is. Fess up, or wise up, and do right by him.

Liberation in Practice

By His Divine Grace, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

There are two ways of inducing a conditioned soul towards the path of self realization. The one is called PANCHARATRIKI system worship of the form and Deity of the Supreme Lord is done according to the rulings of the authorized courses whereas the BHAGWATI system is the rational and philosophical representation generally meant for the advanced intellectuals and realized souls. The Vedanta Sutra is the nucleus of the BHAGBATI SYSTEM wherein the PARAM BRAHMA or the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described by His transcendental nature.

Srimad BHAGAWATAM is the genuine exposition of the Vedanta Sutra. Because in the very beginning of this great Scripture the life of the Bhagwat school—the Supreme Truth is described in nutshell of Vedantic form. The substance of the Vedanta Sutra in fact is explained by the Srimad BHAGWATAM in the very beginning and they are understood by the non-envious liberated souls called by the name Paramahansas. Such Paramahansas or Mahatmas are cent percent engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead. Such Mahatmas are however rarely found amongst the dry speculationists. Some of the dry speculationists after many many births become such Mahatmas who has surrendered himself in the serivce devotional or the Supreme Person. Such Mahatmas engaged cent percent in the service of the Lord are liberated in practice whereas the mental speculators are bound up by the material quality of goodness. Such material quality of goodness is also a source of bondage by the conditions of material nature and it has the risk of subdued by the other inferior qualities namely the mode of passion and ignorance. We have practically seen it in the daily affairs of life how the material qualities are overlapped by one another. Many Mayavadins Sanyasins are attracted by the material modes of passion and they are seen sometimes engaged in the mundane affairs of politics or social service which they pretended to give up earlier or at the time of accepting the renounced order of life. Such social service or political sanyasins bring themselves in the category of Narayana or Daridra-Narayan but actually such false attempt of being liberated never helps them either to become Narayana or Daridra-Narayan or His servitor but keep them ever Daridra or poor in knowledge and the result of such imbalance state they fall down from higher status in the modes of goodness to the lower status of passion and ignorance due to the willful negligence in the transcendental service of the Lord.

Practical liberation therefore lies in the service of the Lord. The Lord wants that we shall relinquish our all rubbish engagements under the plea of so many isms, and may take shelter under the Lotus feet of the Supreme Lord. We may follow the instructions in toto. The Lord is th [TEXT STOPS HERE]

Monday, August 9, 2010


Found this on Bhagavan's site, but not written by him, rather feedback from another-

>>On the other side, the GHQ, right wind followers of Prabhupada were defending the absolute value of every one of his words, so they were pushing the sexist approach as a absolute value. Jahnu das and his wife from Mayapur were so staunch in defending this view. At the end, the GHQ won the political fight and was able to supress the pamho conference. They went to the GBC and said that Dhyanakunda from northern countries offended Srila Prabhupada and Lord Ramacandra, critisizing Him because of His rejection of Sita after hearing people speaking bad of her.

So, that was more or less the map there. I think it is the same discussion with new robes and names.<<<

Frightening to observe our own ISKCON authorities unable to defeat the GHQ in the political arena, or any and all arena's, considering thier many offenses.

Is it because someone be from Mayapur India, it impress authorities, thinking them to have more knowledge than Prabhupada?

Should these couples want to live this style of marriage is their business and their privilege. To insist everyone be married as they are married, be nonsense. It also is conflicting to what Prabhupada speaks of - the privacy of marriage.

GBC's curiosity or flirting with maya (open minded, it is not), be dangerous. May result in changing everything from the way established by the purest of the pure, Srila Prabhupada. Authorities, be strong enough to resist such temptations. That GBC loans GHQ married couples an ear, reveals to regular devotee population, some ISKCON authorities believe women are less intelligent to a fault.

Then they wonder why women leave the temples.

The other comment, I be of same opinion- "its the same discussion with new names." Complicatons be, in these times, provides power of the internet for bullies to unite and become more influential then in the past. Save for iskcon authorities to mature and regain their (proper) power and respect from masses of devotees servinge in temples they govern (not GHQ places, they have no temples, though will infiltrate), this will persist.

Maybe we need to take lessons from the GHQ. Apparently isckon authorities do not respect when women do it right and in accord with scripture. However, GHQ who call women places to pee, or play with and returned to shelf, never take seriously; that, iskcon authorities next allow them a voice that effects the rest of us?

The Women's Ministry tries, and had success. Nonetheless, always someone there, GHQ or ISKCON authority, to shoot them down. Perhaps women need something not so nice, not as horrid as the GHQ, but it seems to be strength that is respected more than accuracy, or good devotee nevermind gender, or Prabhupada’s full unadulterated philosophy.

They boast their scriptural evidence, but more often its taken out of context, or other trickery. Did not the GBC perceive this? Did they not notice while Prabhupada spoke such words simultaneously his actions were different from what 'they' understand or think he should have done?

If true, then maybe they do not understand either, or be as advanced as proclaimed, which is what granted them authority position. Perhaps also are thinking themselves mechanically more spiritually advanced merely due to male body parts? Otherwise, why they let GHQ have even a voice? They must concur.

So wonder not, dear GBC, why women give up you. Not Krishna, but you. They leave iskcon, you have no more servant of the Lord in many temples because they are sick of hearing unreality presented as what's soundly operating in the world seen under their very nose.

Does any authority climb down out of ivory towers or look out their window at what makes the world factually go 'round, or visit a female lawyer, a lady dentist, or notice women who are architects, police officers, fire fighters?

This is not feminism; if they can do it, it is their nature and not feminism! Regardless she be putting gauze over childs wound or a nurse in hospital - she is nurturing. Regardless she be putting out the candle flame her son light and forgot as it drips to the floor, or is extinguishing larger flame as firefighter - she is saving.

Feminism is not outward, it's inward. It's a state of mind. One can not know without asking her "what is your puropse?" Otherwise they be speculating. Not eacj woman can do these things or has desire, but if she can, it should be unimportant. Balanced woman are too busy for these competitions between genders. Men who can't do what she can, should discontinue their envy of women. Its very off-putting and makes you look bad.

At any rate, ISKCON or GHQ, quoting to prove bodily concept superiority and lifestyles, they might think to be strict followers of Srila Prabhupada's words. He also gave wordis they dislike and hide from. Srila Prabhupada wasn't afraid to go with the times. Who thinks they be so advanced as to follow a method for different times or yuga? Arrogance.

Nothing woman are asking, contradicts Srila Prabhupada, nothing. It coexists with his preachings better than misogyny.

Prabhupada was not afraid to make changes, devotees were afraid to accept them, often challgenging specific changes. Those devotees now be authorities and more.

No justification to change anything of Srila Prabhupada’s, only the pure devote can instruct for change. This is to distinguish where practicality works, realistically what be functional, and how Prabhupada used everything in Krishna's service. KRISHNA'S.

Does it require too much of a level of humility for authorities to admit women not be inferior lower birth? Then where is their level of genuine advancement? Do they not read Prabhupada's letters to women and see his equal treatment of them, and opportunities for them?

How did Malati devi dasi become a GBC member if not for what Prabhupada himself spoke on women and GBC position? Nevermind that GBC themselves mistreated her, evidence they too have huge ego and can not take instructions or hear from woman. Have they ignored Prabhupada's letter to Jaudarani devi dasi: "I am very glad to learn that Muralidhara, Devahuti and Bharadraja are working together. You simply supervise them." L.A., 14 Jan 70 Possibly GBC believe in woman inferiority. Nonethelss, Malati would not have been granted position of first woman GBC unless for the existing proof from Srila Prahupada.

Prabhupada's instructs according to time, place and circumstance. This should outshine fanatical rules that don't function in this day and age of Kali yuga. Men too. In order to practice all these rules for 'less intelligent' women, man must be highly qualified as almost a pure devotee. In kali yug, every one is sudra, men no exception. Anyone can elevate themselves, women no exception.

Must the ladies perhaps start something pushy, like the GHQ? Be it only then shall woman be heard?

Simply don't stoop as low as their own low level. Women, find your assertiveness, try not feel offended when they name-call, they are trying to put you out of action. Know any who speak of you like that, is not very adanced devotee.

Bhagavad-gita says, the weaker will follow example of the stronger. Since GBC gives a ear to GHQ, maybe we should follow example of GHQ and be more agressive, just like them.

No, don't do exactly. Yet think. Are they not setting such examples? Are devotees like Vrajabhumi all ready and automatically doing like this because some gurus authorities and ghq have a lot in common?

ISKCON, make the changes, before the internet makes them for you.


by His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Poetry and prose in Bengali composed by Shri Baidya Nath Sircar the famous Ayurvedic physician of Delhi populary known as "Vaidji of Pahan Dhiraj." We are glad to go through the pages of the little emotional booklet of Shri Sircar in which we can have a peep into his heart which is full of devotion towards Mother Shakti or the material energy of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is recognised by the author as Shri Krishna and has tried to explain the non-differential aspect of the Potent and the Potency. Mother material energy of Godhead known as Durga, Kali, Chandi Bhadrakali, Tungabhadra etc. are different features of the same external energy of Godhead, described as Daivi Maya in the Bhagwat Geeta, In Bengal, specially, there are two classes of devotees of which one is called the Vaishnavas and the other is called the Shaktas. There are many Shakta devotees headed by Shri Ram Prasad Sen, Gadadhar Chatterjee ( later one Ramkrishna Paramhamsa) etc. and they are considered as good as the Vaishnava devotees like Jayadeva, Chandidas, Vidyapati etc. This opinion is maintained by the impersonalists of the Shankara school who advocate that the Absolute Truth is ultimately an impersonal glowing effulgence and according to the devotional attitude of the particular devotee the Absolute Truth accepts a Form which may be either in the form of Shakti, Surya, Ganapati, Shiva or Vishnu. This process of workship is called Panchopasana and the whole idea is merged into one, never mind whatsoever the form is worshipped in the initial stage! Shri Sircar is somewhat influenced by this school of Panchopasana but at heart he appears to be a different student from the Panchopasana school.

From his writings it appears that he is on the progressive path of pure devotional cult which is distinct from the Vaishnavism of the Panchopasana school. To be more clear Panchopasana is a mode of devotion of the Sha(n)karites whereas pure Vaishnavism is the cult of the four Vaishnava schools headed by Shri Ramanuja Madhya, Vishnuswami and Nimbarka. Pure devotional activities are different from the devotional activities of the Shankara school. The last pages of Sri Sircars' book (page 38-39) gives a vivid picture of the heart of the author and we cannot restrain ourselves without rendering it into English for presenting it to our readers. He says as follows: "There is definitely a decline in the form of religiousity. The Personality of Godhead cannot remain silent. The eternal servant of God in a state of forgetfulness does not any more try to go Back to Godhead. And for this the merciful Lord in a compassionate mood has causelessly descended to reclaim the fallen souls. Out of His causeless mercy He is calling back all of us towards our eternal home. He (the Lord) says that nobody has any more to enter in to the hills or forest for meditation or to perform austere penances. Here is for you the word of deliverance; you can simply ask for it from Me and it is yours. Just remember your eternal Lord. And He has sent His representatives also for this deliverance of the fallen souls. All such representatives are fully empowered by the Lord. And because they have descended with deligated power they are called Avatar (or the servants with deligated powers) It is the order of the Lord that everyone of us, inspired by that order, must move from door to door of the eternal servants, who are in slumber of forgetfulness for awakening them. And the awakening process is to chant the message of the Lord or the message of liberation. For this purpose only, has come down Nadia's Nimai" etc

Within this small passage, the whole mission of the paper "Back to Godhead" is inculcated as if some body has forced Shri Sircar's pen to write down the manifesto of "Back to Godhead." The message of Nadia's Nimai, Who was later on known as Lord Chaitanya, is potentially expressed by Shri Sircar. The Lord (Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) said that every one born in India must perfectify his life by His instruction and then distribute the same message to the whole world for bringing in real peace and prosperity.

The people of the world are almost cent percent forgetful of their eternal relation with the Personality of Godhead. They have forgotten their constitutional position as eternal servant of God and by such forget fulness everyone is trying to become a tiny God by himself! By doing so the illusioned soul is putting himself more and more under the strigent trident of His (God's) external potency Mahamaya Who is equally strong like God, to put down the rebellious audacity of the Ashuras headed by Mahishasura. The descendants of Mahisasura Ravana etc. have increased in a numberless quantity but the mother Chandika has insurmountable weapons to punish this rebellious attitude of the false gods. The false gods who wants to enjoy Sita or Laxmi of Narayana are sure to be vanquished by the material energy of God. Presently the atomic weapons are created for such Ashuras. And Persons who are intelligent enough, must take shelter of the lotus feet of Shre Krishna so that one can get rid of the powerful weapons of Durga the superintending goddess of the material world. She cannot be hoodwinked by clever manoeuvres Do not try therefore to enjoy the material world and be punished by Her (Mahamaya). On the contrary try to serve the Lord by all energy (Shakti) that you have because it is all God's property that you falsely claim to be yours. This is called surrender unto the Personality of Godhead. And whoever so surrenders, becomes liberated from the rules of Mahamaya—as it is confirmed in the Bhagwat Gita.

Daivi hyesa gunamai mama maya duratya
Mameiba ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te

A surrendered (?) therefore is sure to get relief from police action.

"The laws of the material energy is insurmountably hard and stringent and no body can surpass them by the tiny efforts. The only way out is to surrender unto Me (Shri Krishna the Personality of Godhead) and thus get rid of the trident rod (Trisula) of Mahamaya. The conclusion is that effective Shakti-Pujah is resulted in the attainment of transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead. That is the highest stage of Mukti or liberation. Except this everything is bondage. Om Tat Sat.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Open Letter to Bhakti Vikasa Swami
by Lalita Madhava d.d.
Posted on May 16, 2008

Dear Bhakti Vikasa Swami,

Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. As you are undoubtedly aware, your disciple Caitanya dasa has been writing a blog entitled "Hare Krishna Diary" as a vehicle for propagating your "teachings." Throughout it, purporting to quote Srila Prabhupada, he pervasively vilifies women as "whores," "prostitutes" and "animals" and consistently vilifies them in abusive language in numerous additional ways. His statements are deeply disturbing and offensive. Even more disturbing is the fact that you are at the very least allowing, if not encouraging, him to do this, which reflects very poorly on you and casts you in an extremely unfavorable light. That you would impart such a distorted and dangerous version of "Krishna consciousness" to young, impressionable devotees in your care reveals a serious deficiency in your judgement and calls into question your qualification to act as an initiating guru on behalf of ISKCON.

In addition to his own distasteful statements, Caitanya dasa also quotes and provides numerous links to your texts from the infamous "GHQ" conference. This conference and the statements made by its members (only one of whom is known to have ever had the decency to apologize) were emphatically repudiated by the North American GBC 10 years ago. Therefore it is most surprising that you appear to be encouraging your disciple to actively propagate these very statements, which the GBC described as "demeaning," "ill intended," "ridiculing," "berating" and "vilifying" and thus strongly denounced as "crossing the line of decency, morality and Vaisnava etiquette."

In this way, whether you have merely tacitly allowed these things to go on (though one has to wonder how your newly-initiated disciple, a mere 2-year devotee, happened to come into possession of all of your old GHQ writings and one has to to assume that he would surely not have published them without your permission) or whether you have actively encouraged them, you are fully responsible for the abhorrent, vulgar, offensive and abusive statements made by your disciple and consequently must be accountable to the Society of devotees for them.

Therefore I am requesting you to please do each of the following:

1. Publicly apologize for the offensive and disturbing statements made by your disciple with your tacit or overt permission. As these statements are being publicly disseminated on the Internet, a public apology from you is similarly in order.

2. Compel your disciple Caitanya dasa to also publicly apologize for the offensive and disturbing statements he has made.

3. Compel your disciple Caitanya dasa to remove this offensive blog from the Internet. Its existence is a liability for ISKCON in every way.

4. Forbid your disciple Caitanya dasa from ever again using the sacred words "Hare Krishna" in any title or in any writing disseminated via any medium which propagates hateful, vulgar, offensive, abusive and misogynistic rhetoric. Calling that repugnant blog the "Hare Krishna Diary" is a disgrace to the Holy Name and a disgrace to Srila Prabhupada that dishonors his legacy and everything he sacrificed to make "Hare Krishna" a household word.

Thank you very much.

Your servant,
Lalita Madhava d.d.

Humble Message To GBC Of Iskcon

MYTHS FACTS of Women Liberration Devotees

Jaladuta Diary 6

Mārkine Bhāgavata-dharma
by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
at Boston Harbor, September 18, 1965

baro-kṛpā kaile kṛṣṇa adhamer pratiki lāgiyānile hethā koro ebe gati

My dear Lord Kṛṣṇa, You are so kind upon this useless soul, but I do not know why You have brought me here. Now You can do whatever You like with me.

āche kichu kārja taba ei anumānenahe keno āniben ei ugra-sthāne

But I guess You have some business here, otherwise why would You bring me to this terrible place?

rajas tamo guṇe erā sabāi ācchannabāsudeb-kathā ruci nahe se prasanna

Most of the population here is covered by the material modes of ignorance and passion. Absorbed in material life, they think themselves very happy and satisfied, and therefore they have no taste for the transcendental message of Vāsudeva. I do not know how they will be able to understand it.

tabe jadi taba kṛpā hoy ahaitukīsakal-i sambhava hoy tumi se kautukī

But I know Your causeless mercy can make everything possible because You are the most expert mystic.

ki bhāve bujhāle tārā bujhe sei rasaeta kṛpā koro prabhu kori nija-baśa

How will they understand the mellows of devotional service? O Lord, I am simply praying for Your mercy so that I will be able to convince them about Your message.

tomāra icchāya saba hoy māyā-baśatomāra icchāya nāśa māyār paraśa

All living entities have become under the control of the illusory energy by Your will, and therefore, if You like, by Your will they can also be released from the clutches of illusion.

taba icchā hoy jadi tādera uddhārbujhibe niścai tabe kathā se tomār

I wish that You may deliver them. Therefore if You so desire their deliverance, then only will they be able to understand Your message.

bhāgavater kathā se taba avatārdhīra haiyā śune jadi kāne bār bār

The words of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam are Your incarnation, and if a sober person repeatedly receives it with submissive aural reception, then he will be able to understand Your message.

It is said in the Srīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.2.17-21)

śrnvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥpunya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥhṛdy antaḥ-stho hy abhadrāṇividhunoti suhṛt satām

naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣunityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayābhagavaty uttama-ślokebhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī

tadā rajas-tamo-bhāvāḥkāma-lobhādayaś ca yeceta etair anāviddhaṁsthitaṁ sattve prasīdati

evaṁ prasanna-manasobhagavad-bhakti-yogataḥbhagavat-tattva-vijñānaṁmukta-saṅgasya jāyate

bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiśchidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥkṣīyante cāsya karmāṇidṛṣṭa evātmanīśvare

"Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramātmā [Supersoul] in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted. By regular attendance in classes on the Bhāgavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact. As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature's modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness, and he becomes completely happy. Thus established in the mode of unalloyed goodness, the man whose mind has been enlivened by contact with devotional service to the Lord gains positive scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead in the stage of liberation from all material association. Thus the knot in the heart is pierced, and all misgivings are cut to pieces. The chain of fruitive actions is terminated when one sees the self as master."

rajas tamo hate tabe pāibe nistārhṛdayer abhadra sate ghucibe tāhār

He will become liberated from the influence of the modes of ignorance and passion and thus all inauspicious things accumulated in the core of the heart will disappear.

ki ko're bujhābo kathā baro sei cāhikhudra āmi dīna hīna kono śakti nāhi

How will I make them understand this message of Kṛṣṇa consciousness? I am very unfortunate, unqualified and the most fallen. Therefore I am seeking Your benediction so that I can convince them, for I am powerless to do so on my own.

athaca enecho prabhu kathā bolibāreje tomār icchā prabhu koro ei bāre

Somehow or other, O Lord, You have brought me here to speak about You. Now, my Lord, it is up to You to make me a success or failure as You like.

akhila jagat-guru! bacana se āmāralaṅkṛta koribār khamatā tomār

O spiritual master of all the worlds! I can simply repeat Your message, so if You like You can make my power of speaking suitable for their understanding.

taba kṛpā ha'le mor kathā śuddha habeśuniyā sabāra śoka duḥkha je ghucibe

Only by Your causeless mercy will my words become pure. I am sure that when this transcendental message penetrates their hearts they will certainly feel engladdened and thus become liberated from all unhappy conditions of life.

āniyācho jadi prabhu āmāre nācātenācāo nācāo prabhu nācāo se-matekāṣṭhera puttali jathā nācāo se-mate

O Lord, I am just like a puppet in Your hands. So if You have brought me here to dance, then make me dance, make me dance, O Lord, make me dance as You like.

bhakti nāi beda nāi nāme khub daro"bhaktivedānta" nām ebe sārthak kor

I have no devotion, nor do I have any knowledge, but I have strong faith in the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. I have been designated as Bhaktivedānta, and now, if You like, You can fulfill the real purport of Bhaktivedānta.

Signed-the most unfortunate, insignificant beggarA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami,on board the ship Jaladuta, Commonwealth Pier,Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.dated 18th of September, 1965

Monday, August 2, 2010


A web site proclaimed: Srila Prabhupada started brhamacarini ashrama's because "western" women were use to "independent" lifestyle of living in apartments on their own or with a friend.

Never read that statement. Though if anything was said, it was not intended as belittlement, the way GHQ would use it. Rather more as a nonjudgmental fact of life. Prabhupada often says something which is "matter of fact," and others in general often had to question him, finding out their understandings were not always accurate. Add to that bigoted woman haters, and they will see what they want. More important: As a direct result of women able to live independantly, many books were distributed on Sankirtana! Which was pleasing to Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada gave two known instructions this writer's aware of, as an avid reader of Prabhupada’s literatures.

1-Women wanted to join, move in, he provided for them too. Women are after all, spirit souls and thus he arranged for brahmacarini ashrama inside temples. There is a letter to this nature.

2- He wrote to Satsvarupa that the Christians provide a place for their women, so just as they have nuns, we should make ashrama. Letter follows.

"Therefore as I have suggested previously as they do in Christian religion they have so many convent where the women stay and they receive protection. The point is that the women must be protected and it is the duties of the leaders of our society to see that this is carried out." Srila Prabhupada letter Melbourne, 10 February, 1973

Accordingly, Prabhupada started ashrama for women not as result of something for independent western women, like misogynist savor the thought. He did it from spiritual motive, giving females a safe place to live while undergoing the brahmacarini program - prep for initiation.

Misogynists have dilemma understanding 'why' Srila Prabhupada gave so many power privileges to women, thus they concoct. Their fears, what they'd do with much power and control over the Hare Krishna Movement, misuse it, causes them to specualte woman will misuse any such power. (Not what happened.) It makes them feel better to make things up. Without quotes of proof, numberless devotees shall not believe.

Independent natured, or not independent natured, was irrelevant. History demonstrates, Prabhupada engaged devotees according to their natural propensity. Independent women are not indubitably sinful! There was no fault-finding like this, should woman be independent by nature. Everyone desirous to serve Krishna was valued on "that" principle," not bodily ideas. It was more important to push forward Lord Caitanya's Mission, and always will be more important. Brhat Mrdanga shall never be minimized or changed. Srila Prabhupada was pleased with his strong devotee women.

Women protection privileges a man to have full control over her at every moment. She is too stupid to recognize when to use self control, and too incapable of sense control. He must break her spirit, wear her down, in order to take charge of this poor less intelligent woman, before she gets herself in trouble.

Srila Prabhupada's references for protection never accommodated abuse, or spirit breaking. Why would Prabhupada give her so many temple duties if she is not to even walk out of her house unless her husband be right there, or that she must ask permission for every nit picky tiny thing so husband can micromanage? Thus lording it over her suggestive that she's not really a "disciple" (disciple means self controlled), and of someone else, someone more pure. Ridiculous.

Misogynists try to instill fear that woman is not protected when often she is not in need of protection. Nothing is going on to require protection, and there are no 'genuine' risks to be had.

More truthful reason: Because he wants to be supreme controller, because he's afraid he'll loose her (due to his bad behavior but wants to privileges as spoiled man-child, yet keep her). Thus they warn, be afraid, be very afraid of independant woman, or unimaginable harm is the likely result.

We don't live in jungles. Go on and protect her from the bully, protect her from treating man with big muscles, but don't steal away her life airs.

Seldom do they protect her from the bully or muscle man.

They also assume she will go sex crazy if they are not in constant protection and control over her. No, she won't, he will. Look at the history of our movement. The bigger sexual problems of this nature have most often been male oriented. Stop creating false fears. These are spiritual, often brahman initiated, devotee women. Show some respect.

Next argument: therefore she must be independant feminist. Scroll beneath for replies to "FemiNazi" idea's.

Misogynists declare Srila Prabhupada sought to change the Movement into the method they're following. The 'superior' method they are following.

Srila Prabhupada said his work was only half done and he wanted to "add" to the movement, desirous to teach varnashrama-dharma. However, he did not present it as superior. Varnashrama-dharma is not as much for initiated disciples (though its acceptable for the fixed up), varanashrama dharma is supplementary for the rest of the world who can't chant 16 rounds daily without fail, who can't follow the four regulative principles without fail, who don't follow his other instructions an initiated disciple must follow. In his now-famous 1977 Mayapur conversation, he clearly stated the falldown of a sanyasi with 5 women, as well as others who have beads but are nonetheless rascals. In this manner, he began speaking on varnashrama-dharma to attempt saving them.

An argument misogynists would make is that they be the good devotee who are to take charge of such projects. First they have to admit their maya, renounce their maya, and start practicing Prabhupada’s way, not their way. Thus, no. Sex and power fanatics do not get high position in varnashrama dharma.

Unequivocally, varnashrama-dharma is not to be practice with violence, verbal cruelty, rape, trickery of the arrogant GHQ method, no. Instead, Srila Prabhupada’s methods are higher, peaceful, and sound. Helpful to everyone, not favoring the male gender but favoring all humanity at large.

Early in the movement, Prabhupada gave special treatment to women, but was harder on the men.

Yamuna devi dasi was given profound responsibilities by Srila Prabhupada, no special treatment, simply as much devotional service as she wanted. Men and women were both engaged in service equally, and according to what they could do.

However, why should it matter if he had given such treatment to women? Considering he was still going to take them back to Godhead, so who should tell him what is right way to treat others in order to achieve that? We suspect some men be envious of women who were one of the first in Prabhupada's association, and did much service too. Notwithstanding, we also suspect some are victims of misinformation by woman haters.

Other men can't make heads or tails why Prabhuapda seemingly goes against Veda (though he does not), therefore they make up reasons which pacify themselves. Better they should get to the truth without speculation, or without listening to the propaanda GHQ and other misogynists are intentionally trying to fabricate. Conspiracies can fly in this Movement. Better to read letters Prabhuapda personally wrote, with instructions.

Most devotee women are feminists or FemiNazi's.

We are following the instructions of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada regarding how to serve in Krishna consciousness, not as much varnashrama dharma that they practice.

They often have problems with our service attitude:

that we give classes when they believe only men should,
women play instruments or lead kirtana's they believe only men should,
women go on altar as pujaris while they believe only for men,
women do sankirtana while they believe men should yet these men don't,

When their instructions contradict the highest instructions of the spiritual master women took initiation from, naturally women disregards husbands maya instruction and follows instruction of the pure spiritual master. Any disagreement with that - they have a problem with Prabhupada's program. Since they have love for Prabhupada but can't surrender, release false egos, strong bodily attachment; women become their scapegoat.

Insofar as their resistance to overcome bodily concept, they assume woman’s actions must be same: bodily concept. If she washes dishes for husband or at temple, the activity appears the identical. If she talks with man to ask what service is next on the schedule or talks to husband, to him it may appear identical. Consequently anyone under bodily concept only see Feminist, not staying home to serve husbands every word uncontested. They do not see her as following Prabhupada's higher instructions.

We need to recognize a key reason they deject renunciation of their material body is because they think it gives them unquestionable power and control over woman, to do whatever they desire, never have to explain their actions, and be a free man. All be untrue and illusion. Not the mindset an initiated devotee should hold or want. Its most unfortunate when a sudra husband marries a brhaman woman. The match is difficult, especially when he wont admit he is more fallen, becoming jealous his wife is spiriutally more advanced. Understandably when they took initiation most were serious about their spiritual life and vows. Time and maya has covered them over.

Many other husbands are not envious in these ways, and thus when united under Prabhupada's method, husband and wife get along in harmony. Sometimes wife more advanced, sometmes husband more advanced, sometimes on similar level. It shoud not be a contest, the goal is Krishna.

Devotee women are not interested in Feminism or Women's Lib, anymore than interested in gender/bodily roles under self-appointed guru pati's. That, and women's lib, are actually similar to the Vaisnava woman because when working toward transcendence, making more than minor bodily identificaion is a block .

Whereas such misogynists are working toward keeping women under Hindu caste system type of Varnashrama-dharma. They're inadept to discriminate when initiated women are following higher transcendental method. Thus due to their own less intelligence, such men see FemiNazi instead of Krishna consciousness.

These allying men, many polygamists advocates, covertly fancy to be encompassed by women, be served upper and lower tongue, and hear their glories chanted. It becomes difficult for the intelligent, serious devotee woman to blindly accept the odd instructions of such a husband when the wife has higher knowledge and better sense control than he. We suggest they marry a woman on same level as themselves, and hault selection of serious devotee lady to marry, then turn around and contaminate her.

Fallen men attached bodily concept will never see transcendence. There is not much women can do to stop their speech of offensive words like FemiNazi, but we will continue to follow Prabhupada's instructions, and such men will next life maybe be woman?

Prabhupada only instructed women as pujari etc in the early days of the movement to get ISKCON started. Then he wanted men to take over.

No letters from Prabhupada gives any instruction for women to quit these activities. The closest we can locate, again, is his desire to start an "addition" to the movement for assisting devotees that can not or will not keep their vows, chant their rounds, follow instructions for initiated disciples. This remained a constant up to the end. We do not see any specific instructed change on the subject matter of men to eventually, fully replace, with women removed from all such type of service. We see he instructed DO NOT CHANGE A THING.

More likely men ended up with more temple service over time because women had children and countless other responsibilities (doctor appointments etc), ergo husbands could be financially supported with a humble amount of money if he performed temple service. Many men did not want to give up some of their brahmacari lifestyle and the wife usually did not want him to either, thus he spent more time giving classes, cooking at temple, as pujari etc. As a matter of practicality. (Sometimes the wife would aquire a babysitter and also do like this, just not as often according to - just explained.)

Some men aren't as bad as others, just mislead to believe some inaccuricies, or else concoctions, depending on the association they keep, Trying to understand rather as opposed to trying not to understand, this being the highest knowledge in all the three worlds, devoid of bodily conceptions. At heart, many are good. Hence, by watching their association, and hearing properly, they can advance.

Another example mosogynists give is scriptural, often citing Cyavana Muni. We ask them to let us know when they achieve position of pure devotee as in scriptures. Until then, we will not imitate and suggest they cease imitating. Following instead, the instructions of Prabhupada, often he’d give in letters.

They likely will come up with some unusal letter, we also know their reputation for deception. Frequently they omit, hide, or do not explain what only a weathered devotee understands about such letters.

They want to be the center.

More Myth Busters to come.

Jaladuta Diary 5 PRAYERS to KRSNA

Jaladuta Diary 5 PRAYERS to KRSNA

Prayer unto the Lotus Feet of Krsna

by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

on board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965


kṛṣṇa taba puṇya habe bhāie-puṇya koribe jabe rādhārāṇī khusī habedhruva ati boli tomā tāi

I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa only when Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī becomes pleased with you.

śrī-siddhānta saraswatī śacī-suta priya atikṛṣṇa-sebāya jāra tula nāisei se mohānta-guru jagater madhe urukṛṣṇa-bhakti dey ṭhāi ṭhāi

Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, who is very dear to Lord Gaurāṅga, the son of mother Śacī, is unparalleled in his service to the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. He is that great saintly spiritual master who bestows intense devotion to Kṛṣṇa at different places throughout the world.

tāra icchā balavān pāścātyete ṭhān ṭhānhoy jāte gaurāṅger nāmpṛthivīte nagarādi āsamudra nada nadīsakalei loy kṛṣṇa nām

By his strong desire, the holy name of Lord Gaurāṅga will spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the holy name of Kṛṣṇa.

tāhale ānanda hoy tabe hoy digvijaycaitanyer kṛpā atiśaymāyā duṣṭa jata duḥkhī jagate sabāi sukhīvaiṣṇaver icchā pūrṇa hoy

As the vast mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu conquers all directions, a flood of transcendental ecstasy will certainly cover the land. When all the sinful, miserable living entities become happy, the Vaiṣṇavas' desire is then fulfilled.

se kārja je koribāre ājñā jadi dilo morejogya nahi an dīna hīnatāi se tomāra kṛpā māgitechi anurūpāāji numi sabār pravīṇa

Although my Guru Mahārāja ordered me to accomplish this mission, I am not worthy or fit to do it. I am very fallen and insignificant. Therefore, O Lord, now I am begging for Your mercy so that I may become worthy, for You are the wisest and most experienced of all.

tomāra se śakti pele guru-sebāya bastu milejībana sārthak jadi hoysei se sevā pāile tāhale sukhī haletaba saṅga bhāgyate miloy

If You bestow Your power, by serving the spiritual master one attains the Absolute Truth-one's life becomes successful. If that service is obtained, then one becomes happy and gets Your association due to good fortune.

evaṁ janaṁ nipatitaṁ prabhavāhikūpekāmābhikāmam anu yaḥ prapatan prasaṅgātkṛtvātmasāt surarṣiṇā bhagavan gṛhītaḥso 'haṁ kathaṁ nu visṛje tava bhṛtya-sevām

My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But Your servant Nārada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service? (Prahlāda Mahārāja to Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, Bhāg. 7.9.28)

tumi mor cira sāthī bhuliyā māyār lāthikhāiyāchi janma-janmāntareāji punaḥ e sujoga jadi hoy jogāyogatabe pāri tuhe milibāre

O Lord Kṛṣṇa, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicks of māyā birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then I will surely be able to rejoin You.

tomāra milane bhāi ābār se sukha pāigocārane ghuri din bhorkata bane chuṭāchuṭi bane khāi luṭāpuṭisei din kabe habe mor

O dear friend, in Your company I will experience great joy once again. In the early morning I will wander about the cowherd pastures and fields. Running and frolicking in the many forests of Vraja, I will roll on the ground in spiritual ecstasy. Oh when will that day be mine?

āji se subidhāne tomāra smaraṇa bhelabaro āśā ḍākilām tāiāmi tomāra nitya-dāsa tāi kori eta āśatumi binā anya gati nāi

Today that remembrance of You came to me in a very nice way. Because I have a great longing I called to You. I am Your eternal servant and therefore I desire Your association so much. O Lord Kṛṣṇa, except for You there is no other means of success.

Jaladuta Diary 6

Jaladuta Diary 4

Jaladuta Diary, 4


THURSDAY 11 Paragon BookGallery New YorkReceived today 25 setsfrom Gopal.5 sets personally10 " through Orientalia25 " " Paragon40 sets ACB

SUNDAY 14 Meeting with Krishna K. DhandipNo. 152 West 13th StreetNew York N.Y. at 5 p.m.

SUNDAY 28 Meeting at New India House"God Consciousness"under the auspices of theTagore Society of New York.

1. The Absolute Truth(Srimad Bhagawatam 1st Canto)
2. Symptoms of Objectivity(Srimad Bhagwatam 2nd Canto)
3. Creation of Material World.(Srimad Bhagwatam 3rd Canto)
4. The Sub-Creators.(Srimad Bhagwatam 4th Canto)
5. The Planetary System.(Srimad Bhagwatam 5th Canto)
6. Lord the Protector(Srimad Bhagwatam 6th Canto)
7. Creative Impetus(Srimad Bhagwatam 7th Canto)
8. Change of Manpower(Srimad Bhagwatam 8th Canto)
9. The Science of God(Srimad Bhagwatam 9th Canto)
10. Krishna The Cause of All Causes.(Srimad Bhagwatam 10th Canto)
11. The Path of Liberation(Srimad Bhagwatam 11th Canto)
12. The Summum Bonum.(Srimad Bhagwatam 12th Canto)



Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bhaja Govindam by Shankaracharya

Bhaja Govindam
by Sri Shankaracharya

bhajagovindam bhajagovindamgovindam bhajamuudhamatesampraapte sannihite kaalenahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane

Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.


mudha jahiihi dhanaagamatrishhnaamkuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishhnaamyallabhase nijakarmopaattamvittam tena vinodaya chittam

Oh fool! Give up your thirst to amass wealth, devote your mind to thoughts to the Real. Be content with what comes through actions already performed in the past.

naariistanabhara naabhiideshamdrishhtvaa maagaamohaaveshametanmaamsaavasaadi vikaarammanasi vichintaya vaaram vaaram

Do not get drowned in delusion by going wild with passions and lust by seeing a woman's navel and chest. Bodies are flesh, fat and blood. Do not fail to remember this again and again in your mind.

naliniidalagata jalamatitaralamtadvajjiivitamatishayachapalamviddhi vyaadhyabhimaanagrastamlokam shokahatam cha samastam

Uncertain is the life of man as rain drops on a lotus leaf. Know that the whole world remains a prey to disease, ego and grief.

yaavadvittopaarjana saktahstaavannija parivaaro raktahpashchaajjiivati jarjara dehevaartaam koapi na prichchhati gehe

So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see the affection all those around him show. But no one at home cares to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old age.

yaavatpavano nivasati dehetaavatprichchhati kushalam gehegatavati vaayau dehaapaayebhaaryaa bibhyati tasminkaaye

When one is alive, his family members enquire kindly about his welfare. But when the soul departs from the body, even his wife runs away in fear of the corpse.

baalastaavatkriidaasaktahtarunastaavattaruniisaktahvriddhastaavachchintaasaktahpare brahmani koapi na saktah

Childhood is lost in play. Youth is lost by attachment to woman. Old age passes away by thinking over many past things. Alas! Hardly is there anyone who yearns to be lost in Parabrahman.

kaate kaantaa kaste putrahsamsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitrahkasya tvam kah kuta aayaatahtattvam chintaya tadiha bhraatah

Who is your wife? Who is your son? Strange is this samsara. Of whom are you? Where have you come from? Brother, ponder over these truths.

satsangatve nissngatvamnissangatve nirmohatvamnirmohatve nishchalatattvamnishcalatattve jiivanmuktih

From Satsanga comes non-attachment, from non-attachment comes freedom from delusion, which leads to self-settledness. From self-settledness comes Jivan Mukti (liberation).

vayasigate kah kaamavikaarahshushhke niire kah kaasaarahkshiinevitte kah parivaarahgyaate tattve kah samsaarah

What good is lust when youth has fled? What use is a lake which has no water? Where are the relatives when wealth is gone? Where is samsara (the continuaiton of birth and death) when the Truth is known?

maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvamharati nimeshhaatkaalah sarvammaayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaabrahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa

Do not boast of wealth, friends, and youth. Each one of these are destroyed within a minute. Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the timeless Truth.

dinayaaminyau saayam praatahshishiravasantau punaraayaatahkaalah kriidati gachchhatyaayuhtadapi na mujncatyaashaavaayuh

Daylight and darkness, dusk and dawn, winter and springtime come and go. Time plays and life ebbs away. But the storm of desire never leaves.

dvaadashamajnjarikaabhirasheshhahkathito vaiyaakaranasyaishhahupadesho bhuudvidyaanipunaihshriimachchhankarabhagavachchharanarih

This bouquet of twelve verses was imparted to a grammarian by the all-knowing Shankara, adored as the bhagavadpada.

kaate kaantaa dhana gatachintaavaatula kim tava naasti niyantaatrijagati sajjanasam gatiraikaabhavati bhavaarnavatarane naukaa

Oh mad man! Why this engrossment in thoughts of wealth? Is there no one to guide you? There is only one thing in three worlds that can save you from the ocean of samsara. Get into that boat of satsangha (knowledge of the Truth) quickly.

jatilo mundii lujnchhitakeshahkaashhaayaambarabahukritaveshhahpashyannapi cana pashyati muudhahudaranimittam bahukritaveshhah

There are many who go with matted locks, many who have clean shaven heads, many whose hairs have been plucked out; some are clothed in saffron, yet others in various colors --- all just for a livelihood. Seeing truth revealed before them, still the foolish ones see it not.

angam galitam palitam mundamdashanavihiinam jatam tundamvriddho yaati grihiitvaa dandamtadapi na mujncatyaashaapindam

Strength has left the old man's body; his head has become bald, his gums toothless and leaning on crutches. Even then the attachment is strong and he clings firmly to fruitless hope.

agre vahnih prishhthebhaanuhraatrau chubukasamarpitajaanuhkaratalabhikshastarutalavaasahtadapi na mujncatyaashaapaashah

Behold there lies the man who sits warming up his body with the fire in front and the sun at the back; at night he curls up the body to keep out of the cold; he eats his beggar's food from the bowl of his hand and sleeps beneath the tree. Still in his heart, he is a wretched puppet at the hands of passions.

kurute gangaasaagaragamanamvrataparipaalanamathavaa daanamgyaanavihinah sarvamatenamuktim na bhajati janmashatena

One may go to the Ganga, observe fasts, and give away riches in charity! Yet, devoid of jnana, nothing can give mukthi even at the end of a hundred births.

sura mandira taru muula nivaasahshayyaa bhuutala majinam vaasahsarva parigraha bhoga tyaagahkasya sukham na karoti viraagah

Take your residence in a temple or below a tree, wear the deerskin for the dress, and sleep with mother earth as your bed. Give up all attachments and renounce all comforts. Blessed with such vairagya, could any fail to be content?

yogarato vaabhogaratovaasangarato vaa sangaviihinahyasya brahmani ramate chittamnandati nandati nandatyeva

One may take delight in yoga or bhoga, may have attachment or detachment. But only he whose mind steadily delights in Brahman enjoys bliss, no one else.

bhagavad giitaa kijnchidadhiitaagangaa jalalava kanikaapiitaasakridapi yena muraari samarchaakriyate tasya yamena na charchaa

Let a man read but a little from the Bhagavad-Gita, drink just a drop of water from the Ganga, worship Murari (Krishna) just once. He then will have no altercation with Yama (the lord of death).

punarapi jananam punarapi maranampunarapi jananii jathare shayanamiha samsaare bahudustaarekripayaa apaare paahi muraare

Born again, death again, birth again to stay in the mother's womb! It is indeed hard to cross this boundless ocean of samsara. Oh Murari! Redeem me through Thy mercy.

rathyaa charpata virachita kanthahpunyaapunya vivarjita panthahyogii yoganiyojita chittoramate baalonmattavadeva

There is no shortage of clothing for a monk so long as there are rags cast off the road. Freed from vice and virtue, onward he wanders. One who lives in communion with God enjoys bliss, pure and uncontaminated, like a child and as someone intoxicated.

kastvam ko.aham kuta aayaatahkaa me jananii ko me taatahiti paribhaavaya sarvamasaaramvishvam tyaktvaa svapna vichaaram

Who are you? Who am I? From where do I come? Who is my mother, who is my father? Ponder thus, look at everything as essence-less and give up the world as an idle dream.

tvayi mayi chaanyatraiko vishhnuhvyartham kupyasi mayyasahishhnuhbhava samachittah sarvatra tvamvaajnchhasyachiraadyadi vishhnutvam

In me, in you and in everything, none but the same Vishnu dwells. Your anger and impatience is meaningless. If you wish to attain the quality of Vishnu soon, have Sama Bhaava always.

shatrau mitre putre bandhaumaa kuru yatnam vigrahasandhausarvasminnapi pashyaatmaanamsarvatrotsrija bhedaagyaanam

Do not waste your efforts to win the love of or to fight against friend and foe, children and relatives. See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely.

kaamam krodham lobham mohamtyaktvaa atmaanam bhaavaya ko ahamaatmagyaana vihiinaa muudhaahte pachyante narakaniguudhaah

Give up lust, anger, infatuation, and greed. Ponder over your real nature. Fools are they who are blind to the Self. Cast into hell they suffer there endlessly.

geyam giitaa naama sahasramdhyeyam shriipati ruupamajasramneyam sajjana sange chittamdeyam diinajanaaya cha vittam

Regularly recite from the Bhagavad-Gita, meditate on Vishnu in your heart, and chant His thousand glories. Take delight to be with the noble and the holy. Distribute your wealth in charity to the poor and the needy.

sukhatah kriyate raamaabhogahpashchaaddhanta shariire rogahyadyapi loke maranam sharanamtadapi na mujnchati paapaacharanam

He who yields to lust for pleasure leaves his body a prey to disease. Though death brings an end to everything, man does not give up the sinful path.

arthamanartham bhaavaya nityamnaastitatah sukhaleshah satyamputraadapi dhana bhaajaam bhiitihsarvatraishhaa vihiaa riitih

Wealth is not welfare, truly there is no joy in it. Reflect thus at all times. A rich man fears even his own son. This is the way of wealth everywhere.


praanaayaamam pratyaahaaramnityaanitya vivekavichaaramjaapyasameta samaadhividhaanamkurvavadhaanam mahadavadhaanam

Regulate the pranas (life airs within), remain unaffected by external influences and discriminate between the real and the fleeting. Chant the holy name of God and silence the turbulent mind. Perform these with care, with extreme care.


gurucharanaambuja nirbhara bhakatahsamsaaraadachiraadbhava muktahsendriyamaanasa niyamaadevamdrakshyasi nija hridayastham devam

Oh devotee of the lotus feet of the Guru! May thou be soon free from Samsara. Through disciplined senses and controlled mind, thou shalt come to experience the indwelling Lord of your heart!

muudhah kashchana vaiyaakaranodukrijnkaranaadhyayana dhurinahshriimachchhamkara bhagavachchhishhyaibodhita aasichchhodhitakaranah

Thus was a silly grammarian lost in rules cleansed of his narrow vision and shown the Light by Shankara's apostles.

bhajagovindam bhajagovindamgovindam bhajamuudhamatenaamasmaranaadanyamupaayamnahi pashyaamo bhavatarane

Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool! Other than chanting the Lord's names, there is no other way to cross the life's ocean.

Daivi Varnasrama Dharma

Daivi Varnasrama Dharma


Lord Ramacandra took a vow to accept only one wife and have no connection with any other women. He was a saintly king, and everything in His character was good, untinged by qualities like anger. He taught good behavior for everyone, especially for householders, in terms of varnashrama-dharma. Thus He taught the general public by His personal activities.


Eka-patni-vrata, accepting only one wife, was the glorious example set by Lord Ramacandra. One should not accept more than one wife. In those days, of course, people did marry more than one wife. Even Lord Ramacandra’s father accepted more wives than one. But Lord Ramacandra, as an ideal king, accepted only one wife, mother Sita. When mother Sita was kidnapped by Ravana and the Raksha's, Lord Ramacandra, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, could have married hundreds and thousands of Sitas, but to teach us how faithful He was to His wife, He fought with Ravana and finally killed him. The Lord punished Ravana and rescued His wife to instruct men to have only one wife. Lord Ramacandra accepted only one wife and manifested sublime character, thus setting an example for householders. A householder should live according to the ideal of Lord Ramacandra, who showed how to be a perfect person. Being a householder or living with a wife and children is never condemned, provided one lives according to the regulative principles of varnashrama-dharma. Those who live in accordance with these principles, whether as householders, brahmacaris or vanaprasthas, are all equally important." Srimad Bhagavatam, 9.10.55